Monday, May 19, 2008

Will Smith Morphs Into Tom Cruise

If the headline said that Will Smith had saved the lives of people in a car accident, I wouldn't have been surprised. As it is though, since Will is probably new to the whole Scientology thing and if he has joined the church is presumably at a lower level than Tom, you kind of have to start out smaller. In Will's case there was no car accident or pulling people from a burning vehicle before it exploded.

Nope, Will instead gets the whole saving the life of a dog thing. According to reports, Will Smith was out jogging when he heard three young boys screaming for help. Unbuttoning his shirt and furling his cape, Will searched for the boys until he found them. What he found was a cocker spaniel trapped in the weeds after jumping into a canal to chase a stick one of the boys had thrown. The actor using all of his super powers waded into the canal and pulled the dog free.

After the boys stopped crying and thanking Will, he had this lesson to offer. "Next time you play fetch, play it on the grass."

I'll be back in a second. I have to go throw up now.


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