Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Well At Least She Can Get A Tell All Book Out Of It

At the Playmate Of The Year lunch last week, Holly Madison appeared crushed. No, one of her boobs didn't deflate, but instead she learned a valuable life lesson. When you date a guy, if he hasn't married you after 7 years, he probably is never going to. Holly Madison is the main girlfriend of Hugh Hefner's three, and after dating Hef for seven years she realizes she is no closer to getting married than she was at the time they first started dating.

She was practically in tears when a reporter asked Hef how come he didn't marry Holly and he said, “I love Holly very much and I think we’re going to be together the rest of my life. But marriage isn’t part of my puzzle. It’s not a personal thing; I just haven’t had much luck with marriages.”

At this point though Holly is kind of stuck. She just has to hope that Hef takes care of her in his will, or trust, but it is going to be much less than it would be if they got married. She knows this. She has worked on this project for seven years and now she has been told publicly that there isn't going to be a payoff. Does she love him? Oh, I'm sure she does, but I also know that in the back of her mind she is saying what every woman would say, and that is that she wasted her entire twenties on a guy who she thought was marriage material and instead just wanted to f**k her, and her two friends.

OK, well most of you wouldn't have the last problem. I don't think Holly really does either. There is no way that Kendra has ever f**ked Hef. No way and no how. Bridget? What do you think? Maybe one day she gave him a little something for his birthday? Maybe I could see that, but mostly it has been Holly.

I have said it before and I will say it again. A guy is not going to marry you if you date longer than five years. If you do get married it will be because you beat him into it and so he will resent it. Now, I'm not including college years in this equation, but just because a guy is 75 when you start dating doesn't make him any different than any other guy except he could die on you. Literally.

The problem is if Hef holds on for another 10-15 years which is likely because I think he really wants to make it to 100 and have the birthday party to end birthday parties, Holly will be maybe in her 40's and still no marriage. Well, what are going to be her chances of true love at that point? None. Oh, she'll find a guy and marry the first one who asks, but it won't be love and she won't have kids and she will just be someone who used to be someone and join the long list of people who have got suckered into 20 years of dating with no payoff.


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