Wasn't Kelly Osbourne Supposed To Be Sober?
Wasn't Kelly Osbourne supposed to be Amy Winehouse's babysitter because Kelly was sober and could keep her on the straight and narrow? I thought she made a big deal about being sober and that after rehab she was this completely changed person. Now, the tabloids in the UK haven't come out and said that Kelly was drinking last night, but there is obviously something going on. The tabloids have been using words like emotionally drained and exhausted to describe her appearance. My question is that if she was so exhausted and so emotionally drained, then what the hell was she doing partying until the middle of the night in a nightclub? I guess she could have just danced and danced and got so exhausted that she needed a wall to help her walk to her car.
She could have been overwhelmed by all the photographers and was blinded by the flashes going off everywhere, but that seems a stretch to me. If you have a slip in your sobriety that is one thing, but I really hate when celebrities or anyone for that matter give us that holier than thou attitude about sobriety and that they are the experts now that they are sober when in fact they really aren't.