Monday, May 12, 2008

This Will Not Work Out Well For Anyone

So, a year ago Owen Wilson tries to kill himself because Kate Hudson dumped him, and now she has agreed to marry him. How can that be a healthy relationship? The guy had to almost kill himself before she even took notice. What changed for her since then? The fact that a guy tried to die for her? In my opinion I think she just feels remorse or shock or a sense of if I don't marry him he might kill himself the next time.

The problem with that line of thinking is that she can't have those thoughts and be happy forever. What she should have done is to stay the hell out of his life. He was doing fine without her, and now that she is back in his life, what happens when she decides she has had enough? Has she thought about that? I don't think so. I don't think she's thought clearly at all.

When you think of this, you have to separate the celebrity from the person. Just imagine a woman cheating on her husband or leaving her husband for a guy. The guy is happy and in love and wants to show her off to the world. She doesn't want that because all her friends are whispering how she hurt her husband. Our new guy persists and whines and whines and she finally gives in and lets everyone know, and then dumps our guy.

He tries to kill himself over his anguish. Meanwhile she blissfully ignores him despite his entreaties to get back together. One day, for whatever reason she does talk to him and wham, they are back together again. Nothing has been fixed from before. So, this time when she dumps him as is her pattern with guys, what is going to happen to our new guy?


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Why do people have to get married in this day and age? Why get the State involved? Especially celebrities.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I've got to give the girl a little benefit of the doubt. We don't know why she "dumped" him. We know he's been a drug user, maybe she told him to clean up or that's it and he's managed to get to his act together.

    Although IMO the whole Dax Shepherd thing was poor judgement.

  3. Owen has had mental problems long before he ever met Kate. Living with someone who suffers from severe bouts of depression is very difficult. Usually the other person does leave because it's so unhealthy and doesn't ever get any better.

    Add a small child into the mix and this is doomed for everyone involved. It's a sad story, she has to know his history by now, so why drag your kid into this mess?

  4. This story was discounted by Kate's rep yesterday. The ring she was "spied" wearing was a prop for her movie.

    If you read the accounts in the Miami Herald blog of Owen's carousing while down in Miami, you would not be so quick to make this Kate's fault. I see her as trying to help Owen, and he's repaid her by publicly humiliating her. She probably went back with him against her better instincts, but lust over logic prevailed and she went for it. I used to be a huge Owen fan, but no more. He's a dog, in the bad sense.

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    You know, I don't blame her for dumping him. Sure, we don't know everything that went down between them, but there was never a doubt in my mind that he'd cheat on her left and right if given the chance. The Butterscotch Stallion is the right amount of naughty for Kate (her dalliance with Dax is evidence of that. Ted told us long ago that Dax is packing heat, loves toys, and insists on anal)but I doubt his lifestyle was kid-friendly at all.

    The fact that Kristin Bell dated/dates Dax makes me wonder what she's like in bed...

  6. i am so sick of the pr spin that owens people did after his suicide attempt. he was a drug user. his mind was not clear at all. he did coke and heroin. why should she stick with him when they have only been dating a few months and she has her son's safety to be concerned about. i cannot believe that she even got back together with his after his people pretty much threw her under the bus so he just sounded lovesick instead of a drug addict.

  7. kate Hudson has always seemed like a toxic person to me.

  8. i don't know why but she strikes me as an uber biotch. the type that would go off on you at the drop of a hat and then be sweet 2 sec later.

  9. So Kate is attracted to the wrong kind of men. This is a problem among a lot of women.

    She's still young and wild -- common sense has not caught up with her yet.

    We have to remember she isn't like us -- she lives by different rules of the game and has always been a spoiled princess. She was just named Most Beautiful.

  10. Kate Hudson may well be a toxic woman, but I hope not because she is beyond good looking. She really is the shit.

    Speaking of toxic women, I read "Tweaked" by Nic Sheff the other day, a journal of a young man overcoming a meth and heroin addiction. In that book, there is a toxic woman code named "Zelda" who is responsible for Nic's final relapse. Zelda is an actress named Lala Sloatman, who has previously been linked with smack users Corey Haim, Baltazar Getty, and Chris Robinson. Talk about toxic woman!

  11. If these two are the answer to todays Blind #1, it sounds like she'll be dumping him cuz he's playing around on her.

    Is he a serial womanizer?

    Anyone else see a connection between this post and today's Blind?

  12. Maybe the relationship is a bit more complicated and different from what we see...

    Did he also have a major drug problem when he tried to kill himself? Is he clean now?

  13. What about the rumors that were circling about Owen & Vince Vaughn having 3somes very recently when they were both in Miami?

    Gotta run flight to Miami leaves soon.

  14. Amber...I don't have any idea if he's clean now but by the sound of it probably not. I think only drugs and alcohol would cause someone to act the way he was acting down in Miami. When he tried to off himself his attorney said his system only had anti-depressants. The attorney Mark Geragos (very famous) was called in just in case the tox screen came back positive, but it didn't, so his job was done. Also, as I recall Ent himself said at the time that the drug allegations weren't true, or something to that effect.

    I agree that it's a very complicated relationship indeed, and people who act like they know what's going on inside other people's relationships have never been in one of their own.

    I think it may have been true about the threesome--Lesley at the Miami Herald swears by it--, but definitely NOT true that the third wheel was Vince.

  15. I guess your finally over kate huh ENT?

    Don't worry, i'm sure she could be still your seventh wife before xmas...

  16. Ho boy, I hope this isn't true. Having been someone who has struggled with depression in the past and gone through an eerily similar situation, I just want to yell at him to run. Run fast. She should too. Obviously they are toxic together, and although things may be good and clean for the moment, it'll eventually end up falling right back into the pattern they had before. Oh Owen, she's not worth the obsession. Stay away and focus on cleaning yourself up. Same for her.

  17. Kate cheated on her husband? I don't believe it but if true, good. He's a whore. Owen's an addict so I agree that they should have never again been in contact.



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