Monday, May 12, 2008

This Way She'll Get Paid To Get Naked

Audrina Patridge is strutting around town because she landed the lead in the film Into The Blue 2. Umm. The first one only made $20M in the US and that was with Jessica Alba in a bikini and Paul Walker half naked. Audrina will have none of that though and thinks she is going to be the next best thing. "The role is giving me the chance to show people [what I can do]."

So far what I have seen her do is be on a reality show and strip naked a few times. Somehow I don't think the producers of the film are hiring her for her acting ability. I think they hired her because she is decent looking, much cheaper than Jessica Alba, and perfectly willing to strip naked. Hey, at least this time she'll get paid to get naked.

She says this role is why she moved to LA. Ummm. She was born in LA. Did I miss something? Seriously, those were the exact words that came out of her mouth when she did Ryan Seacrest's radio show last week.

Also, if this is the role she has been dreaming about her whole life, well, then congratulations, and I'm sure you will be better than Denise Richards even if the film is going to go directly to DVD. Oh yes it will.


  1. Is she crosseyed or just kinda dumb looking?

  2. The reason I Netflixed "Into the Blue" was because it was winter in Minnesota, and I wanted to have some beach porn. Seriously, hot beaches make me more orgasmic than hot men when it's 20 degrees below zero outside. I just hope this makes it to dvd by next January.

  3. Harriet: hahaha, she's both.

  4. mooshki, go rent "captain ron". its inane and the tropical locations are fabulous.
    some jimmy buffett on the ol' ipod is always a big help for me, too.

  5. mooshki- i do that too and sometimes ill crank up the fireplace,shut the windows and watch in shirts and a tank while sipping ice tea. my favs are The Beach, Blue LAgoon and Six days 7 nights for this.

    ya so what???!

  6. Who gives a shit about any of these no-talents from The Hills? Mandy, do a porn tape already, before My Little Pony Montag beats you to it. But if MLP does, you can betcha she won't be doing it with that gaydar-trippin' beau, the one who looks like Liberace spawn. What's that dickwhistle's name?
