This month Elisabeth Hasselback is on the cover of Fitness magazine in a bikini. She did this despite having a baby just six months ago. This was her second child. When you look at the photo there does not appear to be any difference between her and an 18 year old girl with no kids. This is incredibly misleading to the public. Oh, I have no doubts that Elisabeth looks something close to this. She does after all sell herself for a living basically and so needs to look good. Further she makes well over a million bucks a year and has access to trainers 24/7. For this shoot she worked out at least twice a day every day for six weeks.
What? You can't find the time in your schedule to work out twice a day for several hours each time. Well why don't you hire some people to look after your kids, feed your significant other and run all your errands while you just work out and get ready for your cover shoot. Oh, and according to Elisabeth she didn't diet at all, so you don't need to worry about that at all.
In the article, the editors and Elisabeth make it seem like it is all manageable for everyone to do and that you to will have the perfect body after just six weeks of hard work. That is all crap of course and it can rarely be done. They want you to believe it can be done so that way you will but the magazine and buy the products that are advertised in the magazine. If they have to stretch the truth to get it done so be it. In fact, it really might even be lying if you take into account the fact they airbrushed and photoshopped the hell out of this photo. No imperfections anywhere on her body? Wow, how did she manage to do that? Does she have a product to sell for that?
You would think Elisabeth would be the type of person who would be sensitive to this and try and be more real, but the closest she comes in the article is this quote. "I finally told myself ... 'I've got some curves, I've got a bubble butt, but I don't mind, because it's what powers me forward when I run.'
Oh, gee, that's great. I guess she preferred the flat ass she had before and that everyone who has a bubble butt or any curves should be ashamed unless of course you are a runner and then it is fine. Elisabeth and every person they throw up on Shape or Fitness always makes it seem as if you can be just like them if you would only do what the article says and if you buy the products in the magazine. What they are selling is false and misleading and just wrong. It is designed to make you feel inadequate and miserable and that is what work is for. It shouldn't also have to bombard you from the checkout stands.
What? You can't find the time in your schedule to work out twice a day for several hours each time. Well why don't you hire some people to look after your kids, feed your significant other and run all your errands while you just work out and get ready for your cover shoot. Oh, and according to Elisabeth she didn't diet at all, so you don't need to worry about that at all.
In the article, the editors and Elisabeth make it seem like it is all manageable for everyone to do and that you to will have the perfect body after just six weeks of hard work. That is all crap of course and it can rarely be done. They want you to believe it can be done so that way you will but the magazine and buy the products that are advertised in the magazine. If they have to stretch the truth to get it done so be it. In fact, it really might even be lying if you take into account the fact they airbrushed and photoshopped the hell out of this photo. No imperfections anywhere on her body? Wow, how did she manage to do that? Does she have a product to sell for that?
You would think Elisabeth would be the type of person who would be sensitive to this and try and be more real, but the closest she comes in the article is this quote. "I finally told myself ... 'I've got some curves, I've got a bubble butt, but I don't mind, because it's what powers me forward when I run.'
Oh, gee, that's great. I guess she preferred the flat ass she had before and that everyone who has a bubble butt or any curves should be ashamed unless of course you are a runner and then it is fine. Elisabeth and every person they throw up on Shape or Fitness always makes it seem as if you can be just like them if you would only do what the article says and if you buy the products in the magazine. What they are selling is false and misleading and just wrong. It is designed to make you feel inadequate and miserable and that is what work is for. It shouldn't also have to bombard you from the checkout stands.
Just as long as that bubble butt powers her straight into the East River I'm fine with it too.
ReplyDeleteJust curious: Why would you expect her to be sensitive or to try to be more real? I know nothing about this woman other than the handful of times I've watched The View so maybe there's more to her that I'm not aware of. But from what I've seen she's a spoiled, ignorant twat.
ReplyDeletehahahaha shiny_special_one said TWAT! theres a fun word i haven't heard for a while! Love it!
ReplyDeleteEL - BRAVO!!!! -->applauding EL<--
Well Said... Thank you!
Ha ha, her boobs look saggy!
ReplyDeletei had a year subscrip to Fitness a few years ago. it was the most depressed i have ever been about myself and cancelled it asap.
ReplyDelete"I lost my baby weight without dieting."
ReplyDeleteStar lost her weight by portions and pilates. Oh and a gastric bypass.
All that weight loss and they are still full of crap.
Honestly, magazines just need to be filled with ads and say "Come read our articles on line for free." And all these fitness magazines are completely pointless. No one can keep up with them.
ReplyDeleteElisabeth Heapocrap..
ReplyDeleteIt's a fat, load of crap. She had a baby six months ago and looks like this? Please. I cannot imagine the amount of spakle and paint that went into this horse and pony show, ahem, I mean cover.
ReplyDeleteShe starved herself and worked out. There are 3500 calories that you have to burn before you lose a single pound. So lets pretend she gained 30 lbs for her pregnacy. The baby weighs 7lbs. That means she needed to burn 80,500 calories.
If she did nothing else other than workout for the last 5 months, then there you go. Husband, child, a new baby? No time for that.
Yes water blah, blah but that amount is pretty small, trust.
I agree with Ent. Here is the math. I call bullsh*t.
I keep staring at the picture and I do not see these "curves" and this "bubble butt" she claims to have. Seriously. It's one thing to call America Ferrera "curvy" because she actually is. Scarlett Johanson...borderline. She has boobs. She doesn't look like she is dying from intestinal cancer, which in Hollywood means "CURVY!!!". But Elizabeth Hasselbeck curvy? F*CK YOU.
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Harriet. I HATE IT when skinny ass bitches talk about how they love their curves now, and embrace them. Makes them sound like an anorexic in extreme denial. Its an insult, it really is.
ReplyDeleteLove how EL says "and every person they throw up on Shape"...yes, throw up. Thats exactly what it reminds me of. They basically lean over and vomit all over the cover and there you go.
and dont even get us started on the loads and loads of photoshop used for ALL pictures these days...
ReplyDeleteI love how more and more it's obvious this blog is written by a WOMAN!
ReplyDeleteTo be fair, Elisabeth is just one in a long line of celebrity moms who are featured in one magazine or another showing off their post-baby bodies. On the other hand, what do we really want to see? When Jennifer Love Hewitt was photographed on the beach looking extremely "curvy", everyone I knew made fun of her for being "fat."
ReplyDeleteShe has celiac disease so there's a lot of stuff she can't eat! That's her diet...
ReplyDeletemust be all the shit she eats as a rebublican. zing!
ReplyDeleteI think I agree with everyone else here about these practically unattainable (I say practically, 'cause I've got a few friends who's rapid postpartum weight loss was freakish.).
ReplyDeleteThrow a curvy girl whom we've always known as curvy, and she's just fine. Throw a previously skinny girl( J. Love) up who's now on the plump side, and now she's a wale...
Pop a few curves on a girl, and suddenly she needs to embrace it. Fuck that, we're women, not prepubescent boys... We're SUPPOSED to have curves... Sucks when being 5 pounds above organ failure has become the goal of so many young girls and women, in the name of 'conceptual' beauty - seeing as none of these women on the covers are even remotely close to looking the way they do. Miss Hasselcrack here looks more like an artist's colored rendering than a photograph.
Jax: I stopped reading ALL "women's" magazines and now have excellent self-esteem. They are really dangerous. I'm not kidding. They masquerade as "help" and all they do is harm women.
ReplyDeleteI don't even give a damn. Hollywood and their "standards" for women should be nothing but fodder for jokes -n snark. Anyone who is starving themselves to meet that standard is in dire need of counseling.