Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Sarah Jessica Parker Doesn't Like Wealthy People

In an interview with the National Enquirer, Sarah Jessica Parker states that she really dislikes New York now because there are too many people who are affluent and that it isn't real anymore. She thinks that it is too expensive too haughty and just doesn't like all the wealth on display.

Ummm. Is she really going there? Her? The woman who has made her fortune by being one big piece of gaudy wealth and fashion? The woman who made her money off a show which had as its basic premise a certain superficial shallowness that anything worth having cost a ton of money and those who didn't were less than human.

I don't seem to recall SJP's character in the show wearing clothes from Old Navy. Come to think of it, I don't think in real life she owns anything from Old Navy or if she does, that she wears in public. Yes, she did the Gap ads, but do you really think she used their clothes for anything more than to give to one of her nannies or maids or other servants she has. How much is that purse she's carrying in the photo? More than most people pay for rent for six months? SJP prefers the New York of 1976 when it was broken and poor and destitute and wishes for a return to those glory days. She suggests it still may be possible to find such a thing in Queens.

I'm sure the people of Queens will welcome you with open arms Sarah for comparing their borough to New York in the 1970's which was one of the most uninviting places in the world to be.

This is why celebrities should just go to work, get paid, and go home. When you start relying on celebrities for something intelligent or thought provoking, or even interesting you are going to end up disappointed. What makes SJP's opinion matter more than the guy who bags her groceries or the woman who is her doctor, or her neighbor who laughs at Matthew Broderick's clothes everyday? Just because she was on television she is better than the rest of us? I don't think so.


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