I feel like I'm on an 80's red carpet. Steve Guttenberg and Ally Sheedy. Ally Sheedy looks better than she has in a really long time. She might just be glad that someone invited her to something and that there was someone there she knew. The other day when I posted that photo of Holland Taylor, I was wondering to myself what she and other actors her age think of people from The Hills and other reality programs making more in a year than she probably has her entire career, and being more famous. It must suck, and if I were her, I would be vindictive and vengeful and slash all their tires on the way out at night.
I think everyone knows I am a Smashing Pumpkins fan, but Billy Corgan going for the whole Pepe Le Pew look just doesn't really work. I guess it could be a mime. Maybe he was working for tips earlier. If it was a red sweater I would go for gondola worker in Venice.
This is why Random Photos exists. For combinations such as Christine Taylor, Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr.
Looks like Emmanuelle Chriqui listened to me and went back to what makes her spectacular. OK, we all know she didn't listen to me, but I need those small inner victories.
See, when Jack Black gets his wife pregnant, she stops nagging him about his weight for 9 months. The problem is she will lose her after birth, and Jack will probably just get larger and Hawaiian shirts will be the only thing that fits.

I'm not too proud to say it. Jessica Alba looks really good here. Here. Not everywhere or everytime. In fact most of the time she doesn't look that great. But this time, under these circumstances, and in this specific photo she looks good.

Another 80's flashback. No, not Heidi's ass. Was she even popular in the 80's? She would have been 12. Perfect for Roger Clemens but not for most adults. I'm talking about Jordache jeans. I still don't know how anyone even managed to take a full breath in the 80's with the jeans being so tight. We needed the grunge of the 90's just to let our body parts shift back to normal.

Gwyneth Paltrow looks like she is wearing a dyed blue Elvis jumpsuit.

Faran Tahir's suit is making me really dizzy. Look at it long enough and you can see the picture.

Madonna - New York City

After this photo Justin Timberlake and Madonna went out and got drunk. Nothing like getting drunk with a 50 year old mother of 3 who has left her husband and the three kids back at home.

Looks like the hair club for men just found their new spokesperson. Does Jude Law need the work? That is his sister I believe. Maybe he could borrow some of her hair and just glue it on his head in the patchy spots.

Do you think Jennifer Grey still can't sleep at night thinking about that nose job? I would have turned to porn and drink. Oh, wait. I did that and I haven't even had a nose job. Would like one though. I think that a nose job would make people overlook the fact I am 200 pounds overweight and bald.

Jewel - Boston

I just figured that since Sean Combs was at the premiere and he is a celebrity I should throw him up here. I really can't think of anything to say about him other than the fact that maybe the wardrobe department from Saturday Night Fever called and they want their clothes back. Lame, but really I had nothing else to work with there.

Ummm. Black Power?

Pigeon Detectives - London

Yes, it is just for a television show, but does anyone think it is wise to give Naomi Campbell a bat?

Besides Nazanin Boniadi being a great actress and absolutely stunning she also is into more causes than a group of vegans at Berkeley. I'm actually surprised she has time for anything else.

Like I wouldn't include a guy with the name Wass. If you have a crazy name it is one of the best ways to get in Random Photos. That and be someone hot of either sex or making a funny expression or wearing something awful or someone who is easy to pick on, or someone I have a crush on or someone who bought me a drink, or someone who I want to have buy me a drink, or really just about anyone really has a chance. Hell, I'll put all of you in here. That would be a great Random Photos.

Not such a great photo. Of course it could be the fact that 20 years of drinking and partying contributed to that bad photo.

Tracey Ullman everyone. You know she must be kicking herself every night for not getting a piece of that crazy little cartoon she put on her original Fox show. What was the name of that cartoon? Hmmm. Oh yeah, The Simpsons.

The Futureheads - London

I couldn't resist. From L to R. Erin Wasson (who incidentally in 40 photos didn't smile in any of them) Marisa Miller, Heidi Klum, and Mini Anden.