Holy Schneikes Ashley Olsen looks normal, and, dare I say it. Pretty. For just looking normal she deserves the top spot. I will say that the Great Van Susteren hair really needs to go, but other than that. Great.
I can't believe that Anne Hathaway even has any cash with her boyfriend around. Figured he would check her purse first thing each night when she fell asleep.
The joy of a mother and daughter on the daughter's second birthday.
Birthday cake - $100
New Clothes - $200
Knowing that a magazine is paying for it all and much more - Priceless

Emmy Rossum almost got the top spot. Then I forgot, and so she is down here under the photo of new ways to exploit your kids.

Eva Longoria gets some on the job training for when Desperate Housewives ends and Tony Parker finally dumps her.

Cynthia Nixon just because.

Would you rather have Jason Lewis?

Or Giles Marani?

Well, I have a funny feeling you could have them both if you really set your mind to it.

Gem and Mickey Rourke.

Fergie trying to relive her middle school prom.

Lindsay Lohan at her night job.

Katie Couric and the daughters. The daughter on the left kind of looks like Ally Sheedy.

Jessica Seinfeld spent the entire film trying to capture every piece of dialogue. Yep, she has an original idea for a film called Sex In The Country.

Jennifer Hudson was also a top spot consideration, but I got lazy and had already put her here. She really does look good.

Also looking like a little slice of heaven is Idina Menzel.

I really need one of these for the basement. No, not Maggie, although that could be fun.

Meanwhile, at the Mexico City premiere for Sex And The City.

First it was Denise Richards and now Mario Cantone. Those celebrities sure do love the military.

What every well dressed baseball player in Japan is wearing these days.

Matthew Broderick had a Ted Koppel look-a-like contest to get to after the premiere. Matthew Broderick has aged about 50 years in the last two months.

Put a quarter in the machine and they all start to move. What the hell is Jay Leno doing there?

A new look for Natalie Imbruglia and I like it.

Mena Suvari needs to go back to the short hair. Right now she kind of looks like David Spade in Joe Dirt. Business in the front and a party in the back.

The always lovely Molly Sims.

Mary J. Blige is just about perfect.

It's the Farrells.

Saul Williams - London

Shia gets a bunch of points because unlike most celebrities, I actually think he listens to the groups on the shirts he wears.

Snoop Dogg- Los Angeles

And last, but not least, our reader photo of the day. The reader is the one on the left.

I'm shocked that Mario isn't grinning from ear-to-ear!! WTF is WRONG with him?
ReplyDeleteOh man, I hope it's true that Shia listens to Emerson Lake and Palmer. I would love to picture him jogging around to "What a Lucky Man" and "Fanfare for the Common Man", that would make the world suitably hilarious for me.
ReplyDeleteWho's the mom with the two-year-old? I'm losing track of the celebrities whoring out precious pictures of their baby's early days for cash. Is that one of the spice girls?
Anne Hathaway & Matthew Broderick both look old. I think she got too thin. Probably doesn't have enough money left for groceries. I guess Matthew Broderick didn't want to be known as the pretty one in that marriage.
ReplyDeleteFrancesca, it's Geri Hollowel - Ginger Spice.
ReplyDeleteShia is getting more and more time running through my head these days...
Normally LOVE him, but what's with Jason Lewis' wonk eye in all the premiere photos? He was fighting the hot, and apparently the sober, at that thing.
Jennifer Hudson looks awesom.
Reader -- um -- I'm sincerely hoping you were hammered! lol! That picture cracked me up!
Another site sez cutie Jason was jacked up on something last night. I guess that explains him hanging around the Olson twin?
ReplyDeleteMariah looks like one of those cheap, sleazy, BRATZ dolls! She's a total twit.
ReplyDeleteI really think that Shia is the one of the new crop of youngsters who is going to be around for a long time. He's very talented and makes good career choices.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Broderick is starting to look like his father -- and why is he wearing all that pancake and blush?
ReplyDeleteWhat's with the crazy eyes on Jason Lewis?
ReplyDeleteI got cut out of the Shia picture. What you can't see is that he was running to me.
I don't know why, but I always get the feeling that Mena Suvari is a kinky freak...
...and Lindsay Lohan as Elmo! Bahaha! That made me laugh out loud. Kind of off topic is that a woman in my office laughs just like Elmo. Except that she's not red and fuzzy, hence it is just really annoying.
I have a friend whose name is Ellen & her last name starts with Mo. We call her ElMo, but she doesn't know!
ReplyDeleteAshley Olsen! my! whatever you taking give some to the troll you shared a womb with. HUMAN! SMILING!
ReplyDeleteAnne Hathaway pays for her bfs crap and legal probs becasue she is a LESBIAN. sorry but i believe the rumour.
i really don'thave a prob with Ginger doing that. the brits and Hello mag is a lot different than Britney on the cover of USweekly.
everyone sits for that mag from royal babies to pop stars.
uh oh Eva looks knocked up.
mariah you look like a whore.
Natalie looks like KatE from the hair to the outfit to the shoes. no sorry those are like toms.
Joe Dirt..you nailed it!
Molly Sims lookalikaman there.
Snoop! see you at the Commodore next month!
reader photo- cute of course. fess up.
What Harriet Hellfire failed to mention is that Shia ran toward her, took a sharp right and ran right to ME.
LOVE that reader picture, that is TOOOOOOOO CUTE LOL
I think the Geri/Bluebell picture is GORGEOUS, but I do agree that it's a tad exploitative... :(
califblondy - I read that re: Jason Lewis, too - on Lainey I think.
Isn't Jessica Seinfeld supposed to be some sort of fashion plate or something? Black & white dress with the turquoise necklace OR the fuschia purse would have been GREAT, but the turquoise necklace and fuschia purse TOGETHER looks ridiculous. And I'm all for mixing & matching. Blech.
Love that Saul Williams shot!!!
If that double posted my apologies, my internets are being a bitch...lol
ReplyDeletetrue dat. Appearing in Hello is not considered naff. If it's good enough for the Windsors, it's good enough for Geri I guess.
Jason Lewis's eyes scare me. As do the couple at the 'Mexico City premiere'. Yikes!
Ent, your "royals" comments tickle me to death.
ReplyDeleteI'm also tickled by the thought of Shia and Harrison Ford taking bong hits together on the Indy set. I just saw it and little Shia is cute as a bug's ear.
Does anyone know what's going on with Matthew Broderick? He's been letting himself go for decades, a very big letdown from his buff Ferris Bueller days. Yes, he old, but this is Hollywood, where the old are supposed to be surgically enhanced. A few months with Jenny Craig, a fitness trainer and a bottle of hair dye; would give him a whole new outlook on life and more roles.
ReplyDeleteJenner...I guess I will have to challenge you to a duel! *L*
ReplyDeleteAshley looks very normal, I'm happy for her. Mary Kate needs to get her shit together because she can look good too. Fergie cleans up nice, she was frightening on the Today show when she sang Barracuda. Natalie Imbruglia is beautiful, I want a girlfriend that looks that hot.
ReplyDeleteI will never, ever, ever be able to look at another picture of Snoop in quite the same way again. Ever. Damn.
ReplyDeleteMatthew Broderick would look a lot younger with a more modern haircut. He needs a hair stylist.
ReplyDeleteThis is the reader!
ReplyDeleteEnty, thanks for posting. You rock.
Yes, indigoblue, I was, in fact, hammered. I had never met this guy before the night this picture was taken. I met a bachelor party at a bar and ended up joining them (on my own!) for the rest of the night. I had a particularly good time with this guy. Totally didn't know his name until I read his college diploma. Heh.
You can go to katesadventures.com for more (appropriate) pictures.
I hope nobody who knows this guy reads this blog....