OMG!!!!! Jennifer Aniston & John Mayer
I saw this picture and I just can't stop staring. Oh, you think it is because they are kissing. Honestly, I could give a rats ass. John's a slut and he is just doing what he's doing. No, the reason I posted the photo is look at the cigarettes Jennifer Aniston is smoking. Merit. Jennifer Aniston smokes Merit? That cigarette was designed for surly old men in their 50's who have no hair, a beer belly and like to practice boxing on their wives.
Merit doesn't even bother to use women in their ads because there is no way any woman would ever buy a pack unless their abusive husband made them go buy some. Merit is the brand you see guys smoking when they are hauling in the crabs on Deadliest Catch. Merit is not the cigarette of choice for anyone in Hollywood. Merit is so male oriented that you almost have to be a magician to not get burned when you light it. The paper is so flammable that Philip Morris is being sued by the Dept of Justice because Merit didn't bother telling anyone that your face might catch on fire when lighting it.
Only someone who is a true smoker, would smoke Merit. Although they have lights, a person who smokes Merit is going for the full on nicotine experience. As a result of this, the Merit smoker tends to be the one who reeks of smoke and stinks up your entire house, so when I see John Mayer leaning in for that kiss, I just know that he is inhaling about 20 years of smoking all in the kiss. Can you imagine how her tongue tastes? Ewwwwww.
Actually he might have discovered this for himself as Jennifer appears to have an unlit one in her hand. No doubt John wants to go in now before the smoke just becomes too over powering and just not worth whatever publicity he is trying to get out of this whole thing.