Tuesday, May 27, 2008

No Peaches No

I thought that perhaps Peaches Geldof had learned her lesson by getting busted on tape allegedly buying drugs. Nope. Seems she decided that Amy Winehouse is her hero or some other crack head and so spent the weekend hanging out with Pete Doherty. I know, I know. According to The Sun, Peaches and a couple of her friends spent the whole weekend locked up in Pete's apartment. This quality time also included Pete and Peaches locked alone in his bedroom for several hours.

Now, I for one would like to believe that Peaches and Pete had got involved in a game of Scrabble and that after two hours of Pete trying to spell the word cat, they finally gave up. What probably happened is that after two hours of Pete trying to spell the word cat, he said f**k it and tried to smoke it. Or the Scrabble board. Whatever it is, this really can't be a good thing.


Anonymous said...

Pete Doherty needs to be put down like a rabid dog. I bet he's responsible for five new mutations of herpes all by himself.

jax said...

well maybe her dad should have spent more time saving his own kids....

canadachick said...

What is the attraction for these people ......seriously how F***ed up are Brits- i wouldn't let Doherty into Canada if i could help it.......he's just so ewwwwwww

selenakyle said...

Gyahhh---I can't imagine ANY girl's or woman's fresh clean skin being soiled by such filth.

Hell, any fresh clean dude's, either, for that matter.

Sickening. Pete's breath alone has got to be rank.

Hasn't this chick got any other way to score drugs?

Julie said...

you would think she'd have learned from her mother.
this makes me pretty upset :\

Ayesha said...

When I was her age, it was fun hanging out with "bad boys" like Pete. I never slept with them, or did the kind of drugs they do nowadays, but it was fun to see them do all kinds of crazy, self-destructive stuff that I would never dare do.

jax said...

there's abig difference between a bad boy and a drug addict though.
one may get you pregnant while the other may get you addicted.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, she's already on it hard. Rehab, gal.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine how many drugs you would have to smoke before you let him touch you?


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