Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Nicole Kidman Shows She Has No Imagination

In one last attempt to try and show the world that Nicole Kidman is actually pregnant and to get people to care about the fact she is pregnant Nicole Kidman has decided to pose nude for a magazine cover. Wow Nicole how the hell did you think that one up?

Nicole thinks the public will love it and that it will no doubt drive the prices up she can get for those baby photos. I on the other hand don't want to see another celebrity mom posing naked because they can get away with it without appearing to be trashy. Do when you are pregnant and it's art. Do it when you are not pregnant and you might as well call yourself Denise Richards and get that reality television career brewing. Come to think of it has Nicole been in anything worthwhile in years? I wouldn't mind seeing her in a reality show. It would probably set a record for the coldest, most sterile looking show ever. I actually think she is slowly sucking the warmth out of Keith Urban's body in an attempt to somehow make her own body warmer. Not working. Still looks colder than brain freeze from a Slurpee.


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