Lauren Conrad Isn't A Very Good Friend
Lets say you go out to a bar with someone who is struggling with sobriety. Do you say to that person, "hey, lets drink some tequila shots?" I would hope not, but apparently Lauren Conrad had no problems doing just that with Lindsay Lohan. According to the NY Daily News, both Lindsay and Lauren were seen together knocking back shots of tequila at the Crown Lounge. Lindsay being sneaky, turned her back each time so no one could see. Of course, being the idiot she is, she failed to notice the big plate glass window reflecting her image to the rest of the bar. Even if it was Lindsay's idea and it probably was, what kind of person are you that you are encouraging it by knocking back shots with her. If you don't want to, you can just say you are about to leave. Don't give the person a drinking partner or an excuse to drink.
Now word comes that Lindsay has been dropped from her supporting role in Manson Girls. Maybe she should quit the drinking and partying so she could actually get and keep some work. Either that or she and her dad could start doing one night father daughter shows in casinos around the country. That would actually be kind of fun to see. Would be a train wreck, but fun. Watching Michael strutting around some Indian casino in the middle of Nebraska at the end of the show would even be better. Bet he would make people kiss his ring.