Friday, May 09, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

I love how often the self righteous, artistic ones are always end up being the douchiest and the perviest.

The backstory:

Several years ago, while dating a high profile, fiery actress, he was on location shooting a movie and found himself one night at a local bar. A young hot thing approached, they flirted, they made the call, and pretty soon she was telling her friends she was heading home with the star, protected by both his bodyguards and a personal driver.

So they get back to his place, start making out, she services him with her mouth, and tries to get him to return the favour, at which point he balks and then, no longer blinded by arousal, finally gets around to asking her:

"Are you really 19?"

Well of course she wasn’t 19. She was actually only 16. And when her guilty face confirmed it for him, he quickly called her a cab and sent her home, not offering to pay for her cab. He did however offer to pay for the silence.

His security detail and the chauffeur, all of whom were witnesses to his tryst with the teen, were compensated handsomely for their discretion. They were so trustworthy that he wanted to use their services again when he returned to town for a new project recently. Unfortunately the same team wasn’t entirely intact.

So instead, now single, he went to great lengths to secure a very capable staff to make sure he didn’t find himself in the kind of icky underage situation as last time. Was like having a personal assistant for the express purpose of getting him head and occasionally laid. Only he was strict about wanting it from “real” girls and not from professionals. Every few days or so, his people had to scour the city looking a girl he could spend a short time with. They’d all start off at a group dinner, and by the end of the night, he’d end up sated at place. A few girls were lucky enough for repeats but effort on his part was never forthcoming.

Still… at the very least… he kept it legal.


  1. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Ed Norton who dated Salma Hayek for a while.

  2. Josh Hartnett, Hes been associated with many actress and hes single right now if Im not mistaken

  3. This is totally Ed Norton!

  4. Nice.
    A few of us were already playing this guessing game over on Jax's blog last week! LOL!
    Most thought Ed Norton as well. I thought Mathew Maccauhnahay (whatever, I give up trying to spell that dude's name!) when he was with Penelope Cruz.

  5. ed norton for sure

    why do latina actresses always get called "fiery" or "fiesty" even if they've never shown that kind of attitude? white actresses never get called bland or boring (I'm talking to you, gywenth and jen aniston)


  6. Anonymous10:49 AM

    lol i bet to differ, uj, I hear Gwenyth and Jen Aniston being ragged on for being boring and pale and gross all the time!!

  7. I concur with everyone else who said Ed Norton; he immediately came to mind. And why is it that even if a man has a stunning, sexy girlfriend, he has to stray? Why? If Salma can't keep a man tethered, what hope is there for the rest of us average girls?

  8. Unicorn Jones: I agree! (And I'm about as white bread as you can get). It seems like a slightly demeaning stereotype.

    And honestly, I can't understand why it's so "pervy" of the actor to troll around for sex. Don't ALL men do that? And if they had more resources at their disposal to make it easier to find sex, wouldn't they use them? It's like getting me mad at rich women for shopping at Bergdorf's. If I could afford to, I would.

    And any woman who will sleep with a man just because he's famous, the night she meets him, deserves what she gets. Or doesn't get. Sorry, but I learned the hard way not to give it up until a man has proven his love and I know I'm going to be satisfied!

  9. Well, whoever he is, at least he had the decency to send her home when she admitted she was only 16.

  10. I agree andrewfine - this is standard rich/famous behaviour. Bodyguards and drivers often 'help' the boss get a companion for the night.

    'Firey' to me means red-headed, with a temper to match. But then I'm British.

  11. yup i guessed it om my blog last week (with picrues) lol.

    lay off the tequila with Lilo and keep up kiss!

  12. Edward Norton hands down

  13. I thought that the actress was a redhead as well - b/c I hear that describing redheads all the time. But perhaps I have a biased perspective. . .

  14. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "And any woman who will sleep with a man just because he's famous, the night she meets him, deserves what she gets. Or doesn't get." Damn straight!

    As someone else said, at least he had the decency to get rid of the underage girl. I don't think the issue here is whether or not he's acting pervy, which I don't think he really is considering he's a rich actor, I think the issue here is the hypocrisy. He doesn't come off like someone who'd just arrange trysts callously like that. Aaaand it does mention he was cheating on that Siren. I'll count that as the naughty blind item worthy bit.

  15. I'm going to go out on a limb and throw a new name into the mix (as much as it hurts)

    Jared Leto?

  16. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I don't like Ed Norton. He looks stuck up I might be wrong but that's how he looks to me.

  17. If I knew that before, I would have gone to some bars in Rio when he was here in Brazil =D

  18. My first thought was Ethan Hawke...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I thought Norton was in a long-term relationship with producer Shauna Robertson.

  21. the BI says this guy tried to procure from the same staff in the same city, once several years ago and once recently. it's not ed norton because he has never been on location in the same place twice.

    yes, it is lame to equate "fiery" with "latina", but i don't think Ent is the one doing it.

  22. Anonymous7:56 PM

    "why do latina actresses always get called "fiery" or "fiesty" even if they've never shown that kind of attitude?"

    Its the same thing with historical romance novels, anytime the story features a Native American, it always ALWAYS has "Savage" in the title.
    Savage Love, Savage Fury, etc.

  23. Totally off topic, but good for some Smut Talk:

    Is JAX Lainey's Evil Twin?


  24. totally Norton! dont think hes with the producer anymore...



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