Jolie Admits Killing Pets In Drug Den Clip
That headline was screaming out at me this morning, and I was saying to myself, "wow, she really was a crazy freak when she was growing up." Then of course I read the actual article. You know, where they actually put down what terrible deeds Angelina Jolie did to her pets. I was expecting that she sacrificed them, or dissected them while living. What else would you expect from a woman talking about death in a drug den. Don't you just love that term drug den? Evokes images of 30 or 40 people all sitting around a condemned building smoking crack or injecting heroin with filthy needles. Kind of like Amy Winehouse's house.
Anyway, lets go over the destruction Angelina inflicted on her pets.
A mouse died when she dyed its hair blue. Umm. Where are my chants to Satan and the cruel and unusual part? Yes, it was horrible of her to dye the hair of her mouse blue, but I'm guessing she didn't probably think it would kill the mouse.
A hamster died after catching pneumonia because she had taken the hamster in the shower with her. Well if he was a guy hamster he probably went out the way he wanted to go out, but still not seeing drug den worthy images. There is one more though. I know this one will be good. I mean look at the headline. It screams crazy pet killer and I want crazy pet killer.
A pet lizard died after it was left out in the sun too long. Seriously? That's it? Where are the guns and the matches and the knives? Where is the crazy part of the killings? I guess the good news is that she appears to have learned her lesson. It has been a few years since she dyed any of the hair on the kids.