Tuesday, May 13, 2008

It's My Blog So I Can Talk About Fraggle Rock

Variety is reporting today that Fraggle Rock is going to become a film. No actors, just live action like we like. The Jim Henson Company is going to do it all so that will be incredible.

The premise of the film? Core characters Gobo, Wembley, Mokey, Boober and Red all make it onto the big screen when they leave their home of Fraggle Rock and meet humans – who they think are aliens.

There has been talk of a movie since the show was on the air back in the 1980's. Wow, I'm getting old. Hell, I was old then. Nothing like getting your drink on and watching Fraggle Rock. Loved it because it was on HBO and so no commercials.

In case you have never seen the show, your life has been meaningless until now. The show was basically a socio-political diatribe which expounded on the mores of society in the latter part of the 20th century. Sounds important right? Do you think I would watch a show like that? Please.

The show featured Fraggles and Doozers living together in harmony at Fraggle Rock – trying to avoid the wrath of the Gorgs - with the help of Marjory, the all-knowing, all-seeing trash heap.

Good times.


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