Friday, May 09, 2008

Four For Friday - Mother's Day Edition

This week, all the answers are mothers. Some are from AP, and there is also a jackass. I know all of you miss AP, but she's been working a bunch so it's a good thing. Still have that Martha Stewart photo in my head I guess.

#1 - This B+ film actress is married and as the first sentence suggests, is also a mother. Movies. Been in a bunch. Everyone knows her. Just not quite A list. She is also a jackass, or just has no manners. Picture this. It's a party and our actress is talking to someone and they are in the middle of a very important conversation when she spots someone who is more important. She grabs that person and starts talking to them leaving the other person standing there in mid sentence. But wait, it gets better. As our actress is involved in the second conversation, a third person even more important walks by and she grabs his arm and starts talking to her, leaving both the first and second person standing there. She turns her back to them and takes the other guy by the arm and walks away from the first two.

#2 - When it's AP, it can only mean the bathroom. Guys bathrooms aren't like this unless Russell Brand is in there. Oh sure, I mean there is usually a coke party, but that is kind of normal. Anyway, this former teen actress who has not worked as much the past few years is in the bathroom and is crying with a friend of hers. Seems she is crying because her husband and father to her child(ren) invited the woman he had been having an affair with to the event in which is he also brought his wife. She had not wanted to get divorced and so had agreed to an open marriage, but didn't agree to it being thrown into her face.

#3 - Do stepmoms count? I hope so because this wife of an A list film star has been sleeping with her stepson.

#4 - Also from AP, but not in a bathroom. Nope, this one actually took place in a kitchen at a dinner party. This wife and mother who is also happens to be a C list aging actress with B+ name recognition was having an argument with her A-/B+ list husband. They started out alone in the kitchen but as the yelling and screaming got out of control, several guests went inside the kitchen to see if they could help. Our actress had a knife in her hands. No, not a great big cutting knife, just a little paring knife, but she had managed to cut her husband in the hand enough where there was blood doing a nice job of staining the floors. When she saw everyone standing there, she dropped the knife, went upstairs, and composed herself. Her husband followed a short time later and they came back down and acted as if nothing had happened.


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