Thursday, May 29, 2008

Did He Throw It Across The Room?

In a miracle of science that would make even Tom Cruise proud, Clay Aiken has impregnated someone. No, he isn't the father of the man having a baby, but rather the woman he lives with when he in LA. Jaymes Foster is 50 years old and has no kids, so she decided she wanted to have little Clay Aiken's running around and he knocked her up.

No, not by actually having sex. That would be so dirty. No, instead he picked up some gay porn and donated some sperm manually. And when I say manually, well I was going to make a joke about more men, but I think everyone has pretty much got the point. And when I say point, I think, ahh, never mind.

I'm happy for the woman who just happens to be David Foster's sister, but I'm thinking she could have picked almost anyone on the planet who would have been a better choice than Clay. Clay wants to be a hands on parent. See, that's why she could have picked almost anyone else in the world and done better.


lutefisk said...

Does she realize the baby may get his old face? Does anyone else think he looks "special"here?

Unknown said...

Lainey has the best headline for this: Gaybe Claybe Makes a Baby

Anonymous said...

a) Ent that headline cracked me up,
b) why on earth would you want to mix genetic material with him? Pre or post plastic surgery, boy isn't anything special.

jax said...

jesus christ was Harvey Feirstein busy?

Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

I hope it's a girl, or that "hands on parenting" statement is going to be creepy.

Well, creepy either way, actually, but he won't be interested if the baby's a girl.

Kathy K said...

OK, I know this is off-topic, but TMZ has the Bill Murray divorce details and I'm thinking: A/B list actor, spouse abuse, wife and kids left him, drug addiction ... that was a blind, wasn't it?

ZsaZsaDarling said...

Wasn't he a blind item? Something about a singer who is actually in a relationship with a much older woman but he acts like its his friend? Or no?

Kathy K said...

D'oh! Sorry, my bad on the Bill Murray thing .. I hadn't made it to page 2 where Ent hints that this was one of his blinds.

califblondy said...

Jax, that's funny shit.

jax said...

BTW people being a gay man does not equate to molesting boys.
not funny.

Dick Insideu said...


Unknown said...

Now that's what I call Beardism - above and beyond the call of duty.

captivagrl said...

icky in every way.

Maja With a J said...

Something about this story just makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe it's the thought of the Gayken and the whole "manual" aspect...*shudder*.

califblondy said...

Not really knowing who he is, the Queen Mum showed me a particularly girly girl picture of Clay and she said "What's wrong with this guy?" LOL, hmmm, where to begin?

blankprincess said...

A little OT because this story made me curious: Remember a few years ago when Clay was telling everyone that he was a virgin and had just "never met the right person?" Is he still trying to convince us of that?

Dick Insideu said...

He used a turkey baster.

Amber said...

lol I was going to type 'turkey baster', but a few people beat me to it hahahaha

Ayesha said...

@ Jax: HA HA HA HA! Seriously...

CT-Hilltopper said...

jax said...
jesus christ was Harvey Feirstein busy?



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