Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Daily Mirror Blind Item

Which singer is freaking his girlfriend out with scary prank calls in the middle of the night?

When she busted him he begged for forgiveness telling her he was high...


Anonymous said...

someone young?

Mikael said...

Bobby Sherman

J said...

Daily mirror blind, probably uk artist, James Blunt had a single called high...

Anonymous said...

Pete Doherty

Tigercat said...

Chris Martin.

Ha ha ha ha ha.

littleoleme said...

Visman you are hysterical.

RagDoll said...

Carla--I'd *pay* for those tapes, that's TOO funny!

ElsieFire said...


Okay, Bobby Sherman. That totally sucked me back into a vortex trapped in a 5 day car trip with my parents, my little brother, and an eight-track that played Bobby Sherman, Nestor Pistor, and Englebert Humperdink.

Good times. Of course, they had to institutionalize me when we got home.

Anonymous said...


Is Bobby Sherman still alive? lol

lutefisk said...

Bobby Sherman is an EMT worker. Anyone remember "Here Comes the Brides"?

lutefisk said...
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lutefisk said...
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Unknown said...

do you think Gwyneth answers the phone late at night in an English accent?

rach-x- said...

Matt Willis who used to be in the band Busted.

Anonymous said...

This is Johnny Borrell calling up that little girl from the Harry Potter movies.

Sis said...

Last I heard, Bobby Sherman is a bailiff with the County of San Bernardino in Southern California. My sister, who is an Asst DA got him to autograph a Greatest Hits CD for my birthday several years ago! It was very exciting!

JM, As A Sim said...

john mayer/jennifer aniston.


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