Thursday, May 01, 2008

Crazy Parents Leads To Crazy Kids

The National Enquirer is reporting that a few days prior to her 15th birthday, Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown attempted to kill herself with a razor. She did so though only after trying to use the same razor on Whitney Houston.

Thankfully nothing serious happened to Bobbi Kristina and she has been placed in an Atlanta psychiatric hospital for further treatment. The source of this article was actually named which is probably a first. The woman is family friend Ann Davis. No, not Alice from the Brady Bunch.

Bobbi Kristina doesn't want to live with Whitney, and after seeing that television show I don't really blame her. Honestly I think she would be better off living almost anywhere other than with her mother or father. Unless she has talent. If she has talent, her father will treat her well and then exploit the crap out of her like he is doing with his son.

Whitney seems to be really broken up about the whole thing as since the incident she has been down in the Caribbean playing shows and having a good time on the beach and also spending time with sex tape king Ray J.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    I feel so bad for this child. Imagine growing up like that. She is beautiful and I hope she pulls through.

    She'll probably be another train wreck though.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Attention all parents of teenage girls! Teach your daughters to quit posing with a peace sign and blow job lips!! Every teen girl you see in every dang picture poses the same GD way! I can't stand it. Whatever happened to just frickin' smiling?!

  4. This poor girl is crying out for help and there isn't anyone functional in her life to hear her and take action. What a shame.

  5. trying to cut yourself is crying for help,trying to kill your mother is pyschotic.

    keep her in the ward until they are sure she wont try to hurt herself or anyone else.

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Ann Davis really screwed this up, too. Instead of calling the National Enquirer she should have been dialing Child Services.

  7. Holy shit! What a crazy story. I'm not that surprised that Bobbi Krsitina has started acting out, I can't imagine her childhood was very normal or even remotely stable.

    This could have been so much worse. I don't approve of Whitney's behavior the past few years, but I do hope she gets her shit together soon.

  8. Anonymous11:29 AM


    That family is so screwed up now the daughter is also heading into that direction. Hope she opens her eyes and does something good for her life.

  9. When Whitney was a druggie all those years, I always wondered who was taking care of the child. Whitney's family was playing hush-hush with her addiction but I naively assumed they had taken control of Bobbi Kristina.

    I would call that child endangerment.

  10. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Bobbi K. looks exactly like Bobby Brown eewwww.

  11. I don't think she was actually trying to kill Whitney. When I was a troubled youth, I lunged at my mother with a knife but would not actually kill her.

    I think that Bobbi Kristina will turn out ok in the end.

    I feel for her, and I really hope she proves people wrong when they assume that she will turn out like the other fuck ups. Maybe she won't even pursue a career in entertainment.

    Some children of drug users actually end up choosing the complete opposite of their parents. What a stupid gossiping bitch that sold the story to a magazine.
