Thursday, May 15, 2008

Blaaaaaaaaaake Not Going To Ever Divorce Amy. Shocker Huh?

Blaaaaaaake's mom came out last week and said Blake should get divorced. This week she told a different magazine for an additional sum of money that she knows he will never divorce her. Next week she will tell a different tabloid for an additional amount of money that Blaaaaake is an alien and she is actually a bride. Well at some point you start running out of the tabloid, tabloids and you end up with the sightings of Elvis and the honeymoon killer. (went a long way for that one)

Does anyone actually believe that Blaaaaake would voluntarily divorce Amy? Would you? Hell no you wouldn't. Yes, she's a drug dealing, disease infested, Pete Doherty kissing, too thin, no teeth having, bra in public wearing, rats nest for a hairdo having, barefoot in public bathroom walking, chain smoking, drug injecting, crack smoking, heroin smoking, meth taking, hooker using, self cutting, promiscuous, whining, assaulting guys for no reason, arrested weekly, barely breathing kind of woman, but she does have one very important thing going for her.

She's rich. Yep. Despite her drug habit which she probably doesn't pay all on her own, what else does she spend money on? Seriously. Think about it. Junk food and newspapers. She is the most literate crack addict I have ever seen. I also wonder why she doesn't subscribe or why the newspapers just don't give them to her for free. She sells a bunch of their papers you think they would give her a comp or something.

So, if you are Blaaaaake and you are sitting in jail watching your wife slowly kill herself with drugs and whatever else while she sleeps with the male population of the UK, do you really mind? Oh, you would mind if you were there to see it or if she made $10,000 a year, but you can suck it up knowing that at some point she is probably going to do something stupid and then you will be a very rich man.

So, if you ever read a Blaaaaake is going to divorce Amy story, you know it is just so full of crap.


MontanaMarriott said...

"disease infested"- Hmmmm so ENT is that your subtle way of saying SHE IS the HIV-infected pop star????

Unknown said...

I do like her hair in that pic instead of the usual beehive. Gah, that makes me feel so dirty.

Anonymous said...

If she IS the HIV pop star, it wouldnt be any surprise at this point...happens when you share dirty needles or have unprotected sex with the equivalent of a walking talking dirty needle. Not to be insensitive, but, sometimes we do bring these things on ourselves.

Amber said...

hooker using? She's definitely looking more HIV infected at this point than Britney.

jax said...

so is her manager,agent,record company and family waiting for her to die to release the new Posthumous album?

i'm so disgusted with all of them enablers. yes it's up to the individual but come on if i worked like that my boss would send me to rehab or fire me.

lutefisk said...

I love the description of her!

Anonymous said...

Can't you sue for a divorce if the spouse won't agree to one?

Yellow Rose said...

Ent, don't you mean "Mrs. X, the Honeymoon Murderer"? Don't forget about the "Weekly World News Garth Brooks Juice Diet". Bonus points for those of you who know what movie the quotes came from-it's one of my favorites. :D

Carte Blanche said...

Start listening to Duffy, she's Welsh, not English, but she should be the new Amy Winehouse. Well, the one making losts of money and getting offered Bond themes.

Judi said...

I have no words... except that I just can't look at her anymore.


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