Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Where Is The Royal We This Time?

I really hate spending more time on this than necessary because neither deserves this much attention, but what is up with Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz? The NY Daily News says that Pete's denial is full of crap and that Ashlee and Pete are getting married in May and the baby is due in October.

I'm a little confused because when the couple announced their engagement it was Ashlee or her rep that went on friendsorenemies and used the term we when describing how happy they were. When Pete made his denials yesterday he compared all the media attention to a witch hunt. Why the negativity Pete? If the entire blogging world is wrong, then so be it. What does it matter? Other boys and girls won't want to sleep with you because you knocked up Ashlee? Eyeliner company doesn't give a family discount?

Baby isn't yours? Hmmm? Not sure? Need Maury? Have both of you been exclusive to each other this entire time? No swapping or anything like that right? None of those crazy games you want the world to think you love? Of course Pete is also the one who told us that he would never date someone like Ashlee. He would have sex with her, but never date her. Now they are engaged. I think a denial from the royal We on friendsorenemies or some statement from anyone other than the Pete, would probably be best right around now. Otherwise, that May wedding out in Santa Barbara should be great. Reception at the Hitching Post? I know, I know. Gone to hell since Sideways came out, but it's a tourist attraction now. You are going to be married and have a kid. That means Disneyland and American Idol for you from now on. I'll expect that Tom Jones cover album from Fall Out Boy next year.
As for me, I am done with this story. Unless this baby turns out to belong to 50 Cent or to Nick Lachey, I don't really care. Oh, if it is Pimpa's that would be a cool story too.


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