Monday, April 21, 2008

Today's Blind Items - Jackass

So, what do you do when you are hosting a show and you have a member of a rock and roll super group come in? Well you try and get him to sign something for charity. I mean this group has been famous for 30 years and has licensed everything from condoms to coffins to eyeliner in order to make a buck. This singer and guitarist for the band was asked to autograph a guitar for a charity and he declined. Turns out he only signs things when he knows he will get a piece of the action. Since the show declined to give him a piece of the action, he declined to help the charity.


  1. like i needed another reason to hate on kiss

  2. gene the cheating whore.

  3. Doesn't Gene Simmons play the bass? Might by the guitarist Ace?

  4. Gotta be Gene. But I still love his show. Mostly because Nick is so freaking hot...

    He's over 18 now so I can say that.

  5. Sounds like Kiss to me...

  6. Gene plays bass.

    Ace plays guitar but isn't their singer.

    Has to be Paul if the group is Kiss.

  7. Wikipedia claims that Tommy Thayer is the currant lead guitarist, (2002-pres.) His site states that just released a 'signature' amp.

    That might be the reason he was being a tool.

  8. ....but it's Wikipedia.

  9. crappola....missed the singer bit. oops. Will keep thinking.

  10. ...and KISS has been around longer than 30 years, so we have to assume that ENT isn't being completely accurate here, just enough so that you get the idea...

  11. last time i checked a bass was still a GUITAR.

  12. Anonymous2:12 PM

    A bass is still a guitar. It has to be Gene. Coffins confirm it's Kiss. No one else has that lack of class to market caskets. If it's not Gene, it has to be Paul. No one else fits the bill. Gene would sell his mother for a buck.

  13. gene simmons without a doubt

  14. Gene Simons was on zleno on the 11th or 12th of this month. Leno is known for doing stuff for charity al
    l the time.

  15. Robert Plant @ CMT Awards Show last Monday

  16. Kiss and Sell - the makings of a rock and roll supergroup

    found that book online.

  17. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Quite a few years back my sister was at a charity auction at the private school Bruce Spingsteen's kids attended. Bruce walked in with two guitars, signed them and mumbled "Maybe this will make some money." and left. Anyway, this is jackass so Gene that it isn't really a blind item.

  18. Gene Simmons was my first thought reading this, I hope theres a reveal on this one

  19. Both Robert Plant & Ozzy have more class than to be Gene Simmons.

    (My personal favorite Ozzy story: Back during the first Osbournes season, they were making the talk show rounds at the same time as Russell Yates (I'm assuming you all remember his wife Andrea...this was right after her 1st trial, IIRC). There was a piece in Blender magazine describing Russell sitting in the green room at some show or another, waiting to make his appearance, and getting all psyched on hearing that Ozzy was on the premises, because, you see, he was such a big Black Sabbath fan (oh, the irony...). When Ozzy was asked if he was willing to meet him, he snapped out of his ever-present fog to firmly declare that this man was exploiting the deaths of his own children for a moment as a celebrity, and he wanted no part of it whatsoever. Gotta say my opinion of Ozzy went WAY up after that incident...and yes, Yates came off as a major tool, big surprise there.)

  20. It reeks of Gene. Of course, that makes me think it's somebodye else because it's so obvious.

    Has Paul Stanley come out of the closet yet?

  21. Gene Simmons. Definitely. Ass.

  22. I had hoped that Gene Simmons' show would have been taken off by now due to his disgusting video. He is so repulsive! I really feel bad for his kids.

  23. I found this...

    "Kiss Kasket
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    The Kiss Kasket is an item of merchandise licensed by the rock band Kiss. It is an actual coffin, decorated with a Kiss logo and pictures of the band members. The Kiss Kasket went on sale in 2001; as of 2006, it is no longer available from Kiss' website.[1]

    One of the Kiss Kasket's selling points was that it was waterproof and could serve as a "Giant Kiss Cooler."[2]"

  24. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Gene $immon$

    I loathe that bitch.

  25. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Gene Simmons was on the Tonight Show and Jay Leno always has his guests sign things for charity. Wow, that is too bad.

  26. .."now (Kiss) is pushing condoms and coffins"..:

    So, yeah. Simmons is a huge egotistical ass.

  27. Sounds like that fool, Gene. He really lives the "dream" doesn't he.

    Paul Stanley on the other hand, I can stomach. Probably because I can believe he's closeted and there's something about him sort of more quiet, lowkey and less attention seeking as Gene. Plus, he has a nice ass.

  28. ^ Having said that it could still be Paul Stanley. He is a singer and guitarist. But on evidence it seems more like Gene with his recent "charity" antics.

  29. I believe it was on Cribs when the house being filmed was Gene's way before he got the A&E show. And there in the center of his "trophy" room was that casket. And he was very pleased with it.

    So I also believe the group is KISS and mostly likely it is Mr. Simmons who is the jack*ss.

    I always have assumed the reason he would not marry Shannon was because he has no intentions of her ever getting a dime of "his" money. Nor would he ever let anyone know exactly where all the cash is at... haha!

  30. It's Gene Simmons. Paul is gay and has been for 30 years. He used to go to new towns and get the taxi drivers to take him to all the gay haunts.

  31. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Paul, you totally disappoint me. Come out already. Our team _needs_ you.
