Thank You Star Magazine

In full disclosure, I do want everyone to know that I communicate with people at Star Magazine and we have helped each other out in the past. That being said, I love the fact that in this week's issue they take on Scientology. I'm glad because most people don't get their gossip from the internet. I know. It's a shocker. Most people still get their gossip from the tabloids. Now, if something happens like Britney going to the hospital or something like that, websites will get extra hits. It is the same phenomenon you see when there is some big news story. People tune into one of the 24 hour news channels for a few days.
I talk about Scientology, and many people on the internet talk about Scientology, but the average person in line at the grocery store probably just knows that Tom Cruise was mad at Brooke Shields and Matt Lauer and doesn't really know why. Without the average person out there creating a ground swell, change in the CO$ will happen at the pace of a snail. If you go up to someone they won't know about SP's or O levels or Xenu or that it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to get to the upper levels of the CO$. They won't know about the tearing apart of families or what life is like for kids in Sea Org.
In this week's article, Star talks about Scientology boot camp, but also goes into detail about the confessions and e-meters and auditing and it is this kind of attention that will end up hurting the church way more than even hundreds of bloggers doing it everyday. It is just a step, but if they keep putting on the pressure each week and can get the other tabloids to follow, then it won't be long before people start boycotting everything to do with the stars associated with the CO$. When that happens, and the paychecks start drying up, then and only then will you see the stars leaving. When they do, the whole thing will collapse.