Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Randy Jones Is At It Again

My favorite Village Person is at it again. The man who gave us Paris Hilton's parents on their knees sucking up coke from the floor of a club is writing a book. Notice that no one has been sued since that story came from his lips several months ago. According to Gatecrasher, Randy Jones has lots of tales to tell, and is definitely not afraid to name names. I'm just glad Randy got them all down in print before he gave them all away. He is a natural story teller and if you sit down with him for five minutes, or five hours you leave enthralled. The Village People were huge. Combine that with being popular in the late 1970's and early 1980's when Studio 54 was at its heydey and you can see why Randy Jones has lots and lots of good stories.

Unfortunately one story won't be making it into print, at least with the name of Tom Cruise attached. It seems that Tom's lawyers got wind of an alleged 1982 encounter with Tom that Randy was going to put into his book. I'm sure they were afraid that the very openly gay Randy Jones would somehow ruin the pristine heterosexual reputation of Mr. Cruise and thus, any mention of Tom Cruise meeting Randy was removed from the final print of the book. It is amazing how fast a team of lawyers can scare a publishing firm.

But thanks to traditions going back before the written word or lawyers, I know the story. Randy tells it really well. Apparently Ben Widdicombe of the NY Daily News knows the story now. I know about 20 people personally who have heard the story. What to do with such a wonderful story?

Oh, and the book is called Macho Man. Definitely going to be worth a read.


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