Due to the woeful program known as Blogger, the photos are out of order today and I am not even sure that all of them somehow ended up here, so forgive me if the snarkiness doesn't have the usual flow. OK, well it never really has flow, but in my mind it is like butter.
Ashton Kutcher returns to his modeling roots. All he needs now is to replace that bomber jacket with something from Members Only and he is set. This is from a premiere in London tonight and I didn't see any photos of Demi Moore. Of course they might not all be uploaded yet, but it would be interesting if she let him off his leash alone to a foreign country.

Adrian Grenier is in Hawaii filming the new season of Entourage. Can't come soon enough.

Why am I guessing that Bette Midler didn't have anything to do with that tree getting put in the ground? They didn't even give her a shovel with dirt on it.

There is supposed to be a photo of Bette Midler below this writing where she is wearing a dress, and out at the opera. It was going to play off the contrast between day and night and probably have some reference to Charlie perfume. However, on Blogger all I see is a big X. Should the photo pop up later, I didn't want you to be confused if there was no writing.

OK. New reality game for you. You can save one of the following two people from dying in a horrific accident of your choosing. "Who You Gonna Save?" Its the game that really shows celebrities who cares and how far they have fallen.

I like when Colin Firth doesn't always come across as the nice guy he is. Gives him a bit of Eddie Izzard without the lace.

Honestly, who would have been a better Trixie? On a side note, I'm already tired of the Speed Racer publicity machine and it is only going to get much worse.

Christopher Meloni for you ladies, and gentleman of a certain persuasion. And by persuasion I mean someone who doesn't care that his two front teeth don't match the rest of his teeth.

Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson at the opera. Love that Tom Cruise, Napoleon pose Joshua is sporting there.

Do you think David Gest actually ever had sex with Liza Minelli. I mean just for kicks.

Hilary Duff is playing the game that two little lattes are much better than one huge giant latte.

Eva Mendes at the opera. Looks a little shell shocked. It's ok. Let me tell you what happens. People fall in love in the first 5 minutes. They then suffer through joy and sorrow for an hour and then at the end someone dies.

Jimmy Choo just in case no one has ever seen him.

OK. Here's the deal. Everyone knows I think Heather and Caroline are a great couple. However, lesbians must follow the same rule as everyone else on the red carpet. Keep your distance. No sex, or excessive showboating of your relationship. Go to the bathroom and have sex like normal people. Or Russell Brand.

I honestly don't even remember what I was going to say about Lake Bell. She looks good though. Pained, but good.

Kate McGarrigle and Rufus Wainwright.

If Matthew Broderick had been alone I would have put him on top tonight. Yes, he's wearing the same shoes he has worn for the past month, but he took off the tie and looks 15 years younger. Ties are good, just not the ones he was wearing. Mr. Roper should not be your fashion role model.

Matthew Fox. Again with the Speed Racer. Get used to seeing him over and over and over again.

How can Matthew Modine look so damn good? Seriously.

Now, let me give Stefano Pilati a few words of advice. Try and sleep in a separate bedroom. If not, do not make Naomi angry before falling asleep.

I'm sure Natalie Imbruglia is trying to demonstrate something, but I can't quite figure it out. Airplane announcements? Intricate version of wax on wax off?

The only thing I am looking forward to more than Harold and Kumar Part 2 is ex-wife #3 finally getting married. No more alimony. I'm hoping this will allow me to move to sunlight within the next year.

By far the best photo of Robert Downey Jr during his 3 week press run.

Rebecca Gayheart looks sad. But at least she's eating again. You think there is any correlation?

Rebecca Loos does kind of look like the cheerleader Becks kept staring at.

Velile Tshabalala and David Tennant filming the Dr. Who Christmas special. Yes, it is April.
Ironic that Bette Midler is faux-planting a tree; I remember the post about her illegally yanking out a small forest of trees on her property in Hawaii so she could widen the road to her house. I can't remember if she knew ahead of time what she wanted to do wasn't kosher (think she knew but did it anyway), but I do recall she was angry rather than repentant when the eco police caught up to her.
ReplyDeleteOh, El, you made my day with the Matthew Modine pic! I might have to break out some "Vision Quest" and revisit one of my old high school crushes - plus you get a twofer in that one since Michael Schoefling is in it, too!
ReplyDeleteRDJ does look good, comparatively. He's been looking like death lately.
Bring on Harold and Kumar 2!! Gotta love NPH, too :)
Love Colin Firth!
ReplyDeleteLove Christopher Meloni!
I'd save Clay because when gay men get excited and start screaming it's far more entertaining than diva's who are just being bitchy and trying to boss you to save them.
I'll bet Bette DID plant that tree. She's been active in cleaning up parks in NYC for years, and I don't mean the publicists version, I mean going out and getting her hands dirty.
If Gest and Liza with a *z* did get it on, I don't want to picture it or know anything about it.
Jimmy Choo - the answer to a recent blind?
Huh, I hadn't ever seen Mr. Choo himself.
ReplyDeleteHmm, Clay or Tyra in the event of a fiery car accident? Screw that, I'd pull up a folding chair and roast me some marshmallows. Maybe light a few sparklers off the flames.
Christopher Meloni: how can someone I've only ever seen be completely hostile, be so hot...?
OMG forgot to mention, that SJP's dress and ensemble looks amazing...she doesn't look like a big ole SATC mess on the red carpet, for once. Yay! Love the print on that dress.
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the amount of Tennant in posts!
ReplyDeleteThink I'd save Tyra.
i'd use Tyra's body to cushion the blow of CLay's body mysteriously being tossed off the empire state building. hopefully it would kill them both.
ReplyDeleteaaaah hilary has the prada purse i want theres no way i'm spending 2thousand dollars on that purse. sucks being poor. :-(
ReplyDeleteRufus Wainwright creeps me right out. He's the kind of guy that would hit on a chick like me in the bar. By saying deep things I don't want to hear. Using difficult words. Having deep and somewhat off-kilter opinions about things I don't give a shit about. Then get hurt and be overwhelmingly apologetic for bothering me and in the end calling me a bitch.
ReplyDeleteHappens all the time.
With guys who look like Rufus Wainwright.
Her name is really Tshabalala? Cool!
ReplyDeleteI think Broderick's shoes are Lobbs of London, hand-made and like $2K or more. Is he trying to show us he can throw down in the shoe department as well as his wife and Patricia Field? Sad.
Harriet..trust me he ain't hitting on NO ladies. ever.
ReplyDeletei dont care is Brodericks shoes are spun gold, theys ugly AND who wears brown shoes with a cilver alme suit?
shit who wears a lame suit??
it's just lame with an accent.
excuse my feeble fingers they know not what they type.
ReplyDeletefor the record, Adrian Grenier is a very nice guy ...
ReplyDeleteRDJ is hot!
Thank you Jax. I feel a little bit better now. *L*
ReplyDeleteUgh, if I had to pick... As in "Oh, so there's a gun to my head while I decide this... That explains how you plan to make me actually save one of them." I'd save Tyra because I've loathed Clay with a deep hatred ever since I read (over and over again) the story about how he killed a kitten on purpose and found "cats to be evil."
ReplyDeleteBette Midler is all about planting trees and garden urban spaces...the real problem is what she is wearing in both of those pictures. What is she doing to her big ol rack? Air out those puppies lady!
ReplyDeleteDavid Tennant is swello! More pics please!
I wouldn't choose to save either of them. I throw gasoline on the crash though....and Jennifer Lopez.
ReplyDeleteashton is luscious. I am probably old enough to be his grandmother, but hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteSoooo.... The blind about the actress who just stopped eating was about Rebecca Gayheart. Nice. I'm sorry, by no chance I can feel any sympathy for Rebecca Gayheart, her face is so butchered to death that I have difficulties looking at her.
ReplyDeleteYour straight-dar is broken dude.
ReplyDeleteAlthough Rufus Wainwright coming out as hetero would be the gossip scoop of the century.
ReplyDeleteYou honestly get the straight vibe from a picture of a man who's done a Judy Garland tribute concert with his Mom?
ReplyDeleteI don't want to spend too much effort on negatvity, but I have to say seeing David Gest makes me want to vomit. He's such a lizard.
ReplyDeleteNow what's this about a divorce??? I must be misunderstanding who the subject is. Why do we have all male Full Frontal Friday is Ent is a 3x married guy?