Friday, April 04, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

She isn’t eating. She hasn’t been eating for weeks, hellbent on losing what she calls some extra padding but what everyone else calls … nothing. There is nothing to lose. But still she needs to lose it.

Started dieting furiously a couple of months ago but wasn’t seeing results quickly enough so she’s cut back the food and as a result has turned into a total hag, chewing people out during production meetings, yelling at catering staff for daring to bring food near her, and getting into a little shoving match with her own publicist, who has the unfortunate position of having to attend to her as she ramps up promotion, over scheduling.

On the plus side, she is indeed growing ever slimmer. But the thinness is now accompanied by a telltale glassy look in her eyes which isn’t entirely unfamiliar. Being skinny can make you dependent and cranky and weak…

Which is why she hasn’t been able to finish a day’s work all week, always begging off early, complaining of the flu, or a migraine...and now the project is behind schedule, her agent has been called, and a talking-to is in the works. Career not in jeopardy… yet. But probably soon if she doesn’t start eating.



    Now someone solve this so I can actually do some work at work.

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  3. I used to work with a part-time soap actress, and she would have a fit if someone brought food within smelling distance.

    She was a total bitch and everyone was relieved when she finally quit to move to L.A. Never heard of her again :)

  4. Totally Kate Bosworth.

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I think it's Kate Bosworth and her problem is cocaine related. No surprise here.

  6. I thought of kate bosworth, too, she seems totally ano and has problems before, but for some reason it sounds like someone who is doing more than acting...someone like jlo who has their hand in different honey pots (but I don't think it is jlo).

    who has a mini-empire and is busy every day?


  7. or maybe "jeopardy" is a clue and it's ashley judd (double jeopardy)?? she's known to be fickle

  8. Hmmm...what about Mariah Carey?

  9. Marisa, I'm not sure our guesses are going to allow you to get any work done.

  10. Kristin, I would say yes to her, but in my opinion, she DID have padding to lose.

    Now watch me get reamed out for saying so.

  11. twisted- so you're saying i should just continue reading gossip blogs until it hits 5:30? FIIIINE

  12. YES! Forget the work! Your mind will be here with us anyway.

  13. Kate Bosworth came to mind immediately. She looked so great in Blue Crush but seems to prefer to concentration camp look.

  14. Yes I'M ADDICTED

    my first guesses were:
    Kate Bosworth
    Katie Holmes:
    "telltale glassy look in her eyes which isn't entirely unfamiliar"

    What about Jessica Simpson even? She's been sick lately, yes?

  15. Hi All: First time poster. Did anyone see Renee Z. on Letterman last night. Disturbing. She completely fits this description. I couldn't believe it this morning when I saw the blind.
    I've been enjoying this site for a while now and finally feel comfortable to post. Be Kind!

  16. i was thinking janet jackson ..

  17. KatE Holmes came to mind to me also...but no idea what she would currently be working on...

  18. Dancersmom, welcome! I'll be kind, since I guessed her,

  19. A Tom Cruise story:

    Unrelated, I found this off of from an article about the paps in Hwood. The comments are from the owners of TMZ and is accompanied by an unknown woman with a hand of Tom Cruises's shoulder while he talks on the phone:

    "Brandy: “We had a few frames here of Tom Cruise in a semi-intimate-looking moment with a woman who is not his wife. These are old-school paparazzi shots where they didn’t see the photographer and there isn’t a mob of paparazzi around them. We don’t know who the woman is. I don't think she is an executive of a studio. The bushes add to it looking like the scene is meant to be hidden She’s being too physical with him. At the same time, Tom is talking on the phone, so he wasn’t really too focused on her. The first story the viewer gets is that he might be cheating on Katie Holmes, and then people think about it for a second, and think, also, maybe he isn’t gay.”

    Regis: “His image now is that he is in a perfect relationship, a fairy tale, so is he flirting? Is his relationship with Katie as perfect as what they try to portray in the press? What is really going on? Right now, we know that they are living inside the Scientology Center. They sleep and eat there, and educate their child there. They have no more house. Which is strange, yes?”

  20. Tom Cruise photo can be found:

  21. Hey dancersmom-
    I saw Renee on Letterman and she was disturbing. She fits this blind.

  22. "ramps up promotion" would fit Renee - she's everywhere right now for Leatherheads.

  23. YAY! It looks like I got one right for a change.

    Grace, that's disturbing. So Tom and Katie and Suri live in the Scientology Center????? Not their home? Wow.

  24. Jen Anniston. Looks like she has slimmed way down.

  25. i saw renee on regis and kelly. her interviews have been weird for years. she is unfocused and can't keep those eyes open. the film clip showed her looking very normal. whenever asked about clooney she completely loses it. but, she didn't look thin to me. not like she hasn't been eating. i think it's a B-lister after rereading the BI. ("a talking-to is in the works") no one is givig an A-lister a talking-to and their career would never be in jeopardy over a 1 week delay.

  26. I read that article about Cruise in slideshow dated from March 13th, but the picture and comments were not dated. However recent it may have been, at least we know that this occurred sometime after their marriage and before the article was published.

    Perhaps a 360 indoctrination of Scientology is what is needed for KatE!

  27. Hi dancersmom, welcome!

    IDK...recent pix of RZ have looked like she's put on a few pounds. Maybe that's the point...

    She usually looks stoned as balls to me. I can't pay much attention anything but those squinty eyes.

  28. Dancersmom - we saw her on Letterman last night and thought her face looked like a butcher had done plastic surgery on it. She looked like she had come from outer space to us. We kept rewinding certain views of her and on Hi-Def it really looked bad.

  29. I really think it's Janet Jackson, b/c it was an answered blind from another blog. And the latest photos of her ever diminishing waistline are creepy.

  30. captivagirl, if you saw RZ walk out on Regis and Kelly...she was really, really thin standing up. Although no one is thinner than Kelly who looks like an 8 year old boy.

  31. katie-tom
    kate bosworth-coke
    renee- coke
    jen aniston- coke/starvation

    this BI could be half of H-wood.

  32. I thought Katie Holmes.

  33. We had to re-wind and watch the letterman show also. There were some side view shots and she was frightfully thin. Yet her face is so full. I don't get it. Oh maybe I do!

  34. Oh, something just came to me after dancersmom's RZ full face comment. Aren't true bulimics known to get chipmunk cheeks with some sort of glands thing from all the puking?

  35. oh great..

    Bridget Jones and the Edge of Bulimia.

  36. This blind, by not mentioning the "list" she's on-suggests a list to me, and Renee Zellweger. Like if he included "a list actress" too it'd be way too obvious so he left that part out and for someone to be that unprofessional and not be risking her career suggests someone pretty secure, again, a list.

    RZ is also doing a lot of promotion right now as someone already mentioned.

  37. Cool Grace, I love Tom Cruise dirt hehe

    That lady just may be one of his handlers though..

  38. sorry, realized its a Lainey item, not an Enty. However, she mentions lists as well sometimes?

  39. I'm all late leaving a comment, but didn't Janet flip out on someone recently? I thought I read that somewhere. However, I can't remember where.

    As far as RZ, she always struck me as odd and she did win a Supporting Actress Oscar (Black Mountain). I thought I read somewhere on here that once someone wins an Oscar, they are pretty much A List forever.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Sorry... just keep thinking about Janet for some reason. I haven't seen it but supposedly the music video for her new single was awful and they had it pulled from MTV and BET. Her mgmt. held meetings all last weekend and worked out an agreement with the director (I guess) to reshoot it. Maybe that's what the two hour shooting is all about Janet isn't the Janet she used to be. She can kiss her ass goodbye if this album isn't successful.

  42. Jax:
    Bridget Jones and the Edge of Bulimia.
    I feel sooo high school, but I do have it on pretty good authority that RZ likes the powder. Certainly all the signs are there. Skinny skinny skinny and that druggy, boozey-alcoholic flush.
    Can't comment on the chipmunk look - interesting, never heard that before.

  43. I don't think it's RZ, she's been promoting the hell out of Leatherheads, I would guess Kate Bosworth before RZ, she's sort of looked half assed put together and did blow off a couple of 21 promos due to "illness".

    RZ looks red because she over facials thinking it makes her lines less noticable, sadly she's correct because she is beet red most of the time.

  44. Bulimics always get that wide jaw. Renee was a freak on letterman. She never looked at him, was always looking off into the corner with that bizarre eye contact just insanity in the eyes. I definitely think it is her.

  45. Okay I have a random thought... Renee Z. always looks normal in her movies. She doesn't have the twisted up faces or the odd looking eyes on film.

    Just look back at her in Jerry McGuire. She was a cute normal girl.

    But I have to wonder what goes on with her when she is not filming. Cause those crazy faces she give really does make me wonder if she is sniffing something she shouldn't.

  46. Kate Bosworth...absolutely!

  47. Oh, but Renee has always acted loopy, even when her weight was healthy. I think she's just a weird girl. She also doesn't strike me as being a BITCH even if she's starving. But Kate Bosworth...I can totally see that. Plus, the blind item said "just finished the project" and I know she just wrapped a movie in New Zealand just before starting up her 21 promotional stuff. I can see Kate as both a cranky, hungry bitch AND bulimic/anorexic. So, yeah...

  48. Lainey just posted that Kate Bosworth and Renee Zellweger are not the cranky blind

  49. I have heard that Rachael Ray lost a lot of weight recently and she definitely has a reputation for being on the mean side...

  50. Mariah Carey all the way.

  51. Lainey revealed this one as selma blair
