Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Jessica Simpson Takes A Shower

First we had Lindsay Lohan trying to recreate Marilyn Monroe. Now, there is Jessica Simpson trying to recreate the famous Virna Lisi cover from Esquire. It is not that I don't like the cover shot, because I do, I just wish the photographer could have used his imagination instead of trying to just redo an iconic shot. As for the rest of the shoot, it doesn't seem to serve any purpose other than showing us presumably how Jessica showers, but wearing clothes. She tries to create controversy by showing some bare nipple which could have easily been airbrushed out. She knows it is there, and Pimpa knows it is there and Pimpa probably stared at it a good long time before approving it. It is kind of like someone said, "hey, you are not getting enough attention and your career is in the crapper, go out and show some nipple." "Your star has not fallen off the earth quite like Lindsay yet so you don't need to strip. But, if your next album sucks and Tony Romo dumps you, then Playboy it will be. Or porn."


  1. Jessica Simpson getting showered and no John Mayer to be found anywhere....

  2. Jax, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. she should do playboy. she's a beautiful girl that should never speak in public or act again.

  4. Looks like she has a goatee in that last photo.

  5. "is not that I don't like the cover shot, because I do, I just wish the photographer could have used his imagination instead of trying to just redo an iconic shot."

    I couldn't agree more.

  6. Don't shoot me and I hate to admit it, but part of me wishes she and Nick would get back together.

    I don't know what could save her career at this point.

    I do like her shoes though. ;)

  7. @califblondy--don't wish that hell back on poor Nick.

  8. wtf you're crazy if you think Vanessa is any better..if not 10x worse.

  9. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Bet Pimpa is enjoying these shots...nightly. He probably has a little scrapbook stashed away in his underwear drawer, composed of all the nasty shots he's pushed her into doing.

  10. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Ent - It's an anniversary year for Esquire, most of their cover shots this year are reshoots or reimaginings of past covers.

  11. Everytime I see her whoring herself out I just remember the argument she had with Nick on the Newlyweds where she was basically calling Hooter's girls sluts(yes, I admit it...I watched the show). At least Hooter's girls don't show their nipples for daddy.

  12. It's hot. Just hot. She's working what her momma gave her and it's just hot.

  13. The cover shot is rather tranny.

  14. Arms up in the air isn't a great look for her.

  15. i want the black bathing suit.
    it rawwwwcks!

  16. she looks kinda sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxy but i think she needs to calm down a lil bit

  17. she needs to calm down

  18. that's a MAN... baby, yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah.
