It's Not Always Like The Movies
The movie Calendar Girls made it seem so easy. That movie, which was based on a group of British women raising money for leukemia research selling a calendar featuring discreet nude photos of themselves made a fortune.
So, a group of women in Spain who wanted to raise some money for a recreation center in their community thought a calendar would be a great idea. The problem is, they missed out on the Christmas rush last year, and since no one wants to buy calendars in January and February they are out almost $16,000, and the plans for the rec center down the tubes.
These women were not trying to make a fast buck. They were trying to give the few kids in a town of 75% retirees something to do and a place to do it at. Although I understand the printer wants to get paid, I think that he should, at this point only bill them for his costs and not try to make a profit which he apparently is still trying to do. Also, I think the people of Spain need to suck it up and buy the remaining calendars. They are like $8 each, so there are probably only a few thousand still sitting around.
The world has only learned of the problem because the printer is trying to sue them because they are behind on their payments. I know the printer has to make money. I do also know that trying to keep your profit and charging 20% interest to the women isn't exactly pat on the back behavior.
I don't know how to help the women, but if anyone does, then let me know. Oh, and don't ever think that life is like the movies.