Friday, April 18, 2008

Four For Friday

#1 - This B+ film actor who has been the star of some of the biggest films of all time had to have his stomach pumped this past week after he was found in his overseas hotel room unconscious. Seems he took too many pills from his growing collection.

#2 - Where oh where has the A list film star been hiding? Well he needs to go to rehab but doesn't want to ruin his good guy image. So, he has been hiding out at a home he owns which he has turned into his own personal rehab facility complete with counselor and doctor.

#3 - The celebrity musician and the celebrity socialite. Who gave who, the herp? They both are accusing the other. Hell with as many people as they have both been through, this one will be tough to figure out.

#4 - This NBA MVP caliber player played much better this year. The reason? Well it could have something to do with the girlfriend of his wife who moved in with them? Her reason for moving in? To give our NBA player variety each night so he doesn't stray. Apparently late nights on the road last year looking for sex are a thing of the past.


  1. Well, #3 is pretty obvious...Benji and Paris..ha....

  2. #3 is definitely lydia hearst and cisco adler

    I need a bit more time for the others...


  3. #1 - orlando bloom?


  4. Anonymous1:15 PM

    #3 does sound like Parasite

  5. #1 What B plusses are out of the US promoting?

    #2 Mel Gibson?

    #3 I think Heart/Adler, too. Paris' um..."condition" has been public since her storage unit got raided.

    #4 Kobe?? How's his game lately?

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Leo for #1?

    I was thinking John Mayer and someone for #3, because we all knew Paris had the herp YEARS ago from her Valtrex Rx.

    No clue for #2. Will Smith?

    #4 - Kobe or Mr. Longoria?

  7. OOPS! Not "Heart" but "Hearst" as in, unicorn jones's guess

  8. I was thinking Tom Cruise for #2.

    Orlando Bloom for #1.

  9. 1. Where's Vince Vaughn these days?
    2. Where's Tom Cruise these days?
    3. Benji/Paris
    4. ????? I don't follow basketball that close, so I'll say Jason Kidd with nothing to back it up.

  10. No. 1 - Orlando Bloom, Elijah Wood, one of the LOTR guys.

  11. For #2, I checked and Tom Cruise and Will Smith have both been photographed in the past few weeks. I think it's a hard blind item because it doesn't say how long he has been "hiding out." Who else has a "good guy" image and is A-list?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. 1 - woah, too vague for me.

    2- also too vague, its usually the A listers that try to stay OUT of the spotlight anyway.

    3- sounds like paris & benji, but it was already well known that paris already HAD herpes.......

    4- hmmm..i want to say tony & eva, but it doesn't seem like they spend much time together....

    well, at least i proved to happydog that not all posters have insightful things to say! hahaha

  14. Good guess Janele. Tom Hanks last image on Getty is 10 March 2008.

  15. tomtyler, i actually really like your tom cruise guess.... he DID come out for that staged photo op in the park with suri a couple weeks ago...but that just makes him all the more suspicious. i'd love it to be tommygirl!!!

  16. Yeah, I got nothin on these. Except that I agree that Paris is an unlikely participant in #3 because there isn't anyone who doesn't know she has the herp. Can't believe she still finds penises willing to get anywhere near her business....

  17. rethinking.....tom hanks & cruise are both A+.

    aren't they?

  18. Clues: "Biggest films of all time", note the plural, and "of all time".

    Random comments, data according to IMDB:

    Leonardo DiCaprio was only in one "biggest film".

    Orlando Bloom or Elijah Wood don't seem to have anything coming out. Neither does Hayden Christensen.

    James Franco and Tobey Maguire are both promoting films that come out in August.

    Rupert Grint (B+?) doesn't seem to be promoting anything.

    Does this give anybody else any ideas?

  19. 1/ Elijah Wood. He was pictured last week in London, plus he seems to have lost weight lately.

    2/ Too vague

    3/ Paris/Benji Madden

    4/ ?

  20. Isn't Tom Cruise anti-medications?
    I mean, I know his stance on psychotropic medications but if he was against psych meds why would he have a 'growing collection' of pills?

    #3 is def. Benji and Paris. Paris being the giver. Remember when her storage garage was bought by some guy who put everything online? I think there was an Rx for Valtrex or a bottle of it or something (though it was in someone else's name) in the collection.

  21. whimsicalrationale:

    The Valtrex Rx had Paris's real name on it. The "aftercare instructions for dilation and curettage [aka abortion]" had someone else's name (but Paris H.'s correct birthdate) on it....

  22. 1- Sylvester Stallone
    2 - Ben Affleck (has a good guy image since he married Jennifer and had the kid)
    3 - Adler / Hearst
    4 - Not a b-ball fan - no clue

  23. 1. Joaquin Phoenix
    2. Russell Crowe? idk
    3. Lydia Hearst
    4. i'ma say Tim Duncan or LeBron James.
    Maybe! Chris Paul.
    I haven't paid attention to NBA since I had kids

  24. btw a d&c isn't necessarily an abortion.
    could be from a miscarriage or fibroids.

  25. the new in-home Sober-Living-Assistant is all the rage these days in H'wood.
    Paula Abdul has had one in her home for a month or so now, and it seems to be working a little.

    I also thought of Orlando for #1

    #3 cannot be Parasite - she's been rockin' the herp cooch for many years.

    #4 - Kobe

  26. Anonymous2:06 PM

    What "biggest films of all time" has Joaquin Phoenix been in, fuckwit at 2.01?

  27. whimsical, we're guessing cruise for #2..the rehab could be for alcohol, for all we know, not just pills....
    plus, cruise is just not b list. despite that the whole world thinks he's an insane brain raper.

  28. #3--Joel Maden/Nicole Richie?
    John Mayer & anyone?

    I am surprised with all the hooking up with everyone's cast off's that it isn't assumed that there are all kinds of STD's being passed around.

  29. john...what makes nothingsacred a fuckwit, exactly?

  30. on Imdb. i entered biggest movies of all time... and Orlando bloom is in like 5 or 6 of those movies....
    So for #1 I chose Orlando Bloom

  31. The actor in #1 could be FILMING overseas, not necessarily promoting.
    I thought of Hayden, but I like the Elijah Wood guess more.

  32. I'm with adrian -
    everyone's saying Benji and Paris for #3, but we all know that the herp is nothing new for Joel and Nicole seem like a better guess to me.

  33. nothingsacred....ooooh, did NOT know that!! I apologize...and for the first time I actually feel something that **might** bear a passing resemblance to actual pity for ms. Hilton....because when they threw the scans of the D&C aftercare instructions on the paris hilton exposed thingie, they flat-out said "abortion." Sorry again...eek

  34. #2. denzel washington

  35. skittlekitty: You're right, I don't know where I got promoting when it could have just as easily been filming.

  36. ooo ouch.
    fuckwit. i've been and will be called worse.

    but instead of gladiator or hotel rwanda, i'll say parenthood and to die for.

  37. One more reason to rule out Orlando Bloom: he was never *the* star of any of the movies he was in. He was always part of an ensemble cast.

    Elijah Wood or Hayden Christensen (or Tobey Maguire) were definitely stars of their films.

  38. #3.JACK. i haven't seen him since the oscars. he's not working. he thinks he has a good guy image. his health is so bad, he probably had no choice......

  39. "promoting" might be my fault. I ASSumed that promotions = hotel rooms, and filming = rented digs, or a motor-home.

    What IS Tobey Maguire doing these days?

  40. nothingsacred-
    LOL @ parenthood & to die for!! i want to throw in inventing the abbotts & the village!

    another *nonsarcastic* "big" movie could be walk the line, also.

    i like the joaquin guess....

  41. gossip, to die for is one of my guilty pleasures. its always on demand lol

    i guess Signs could have been considered somewhat big. wasn't it a big deal at the time? I've never seen it.

  42. i actually really liked signs! now, the village...not so much....
    do you remember awhile ago joaquin was on the red carpet asking a reporter if he had a frog on his head?

    what a shame, i actually hope this is not him. i'd hate for him to end up like river.

  43. Elijah was in London last week, but no signs of drug taking. My friend was at the afterparty all evening with him and all he was taking was strong lager. Also, no downtime for hospital visits.

    Orlando fits, but was he overseas?

  44. According to another source, Paris and Benji, also in London, don't seem to know each other very well. In other words, it's a showmance.

  45. #3....How about Jared Leto and The Parisite"??????????????

  46. As much as I hate to give Paris the benefit of the doubt, you're right--D&C's are not necessarily for an abortion, and are actually pretty rare now as an abortion method. In fact, I'm surprised at how often gynos are eager to scrape out your lady parts, considering it isn't riskless. It could be for heavy periods, polyps, PCOS, or endo. Mine tried to get me to agree to one for a teeny tiny asymptomatic polyp and I wasn't trying to get pregnant. He seemed geniunely flabbergasted that I wouldn't just go under because he said so. Meanwhile it resolved on its own a month later, as they typically do.

    If you were rich, irresponsible, and stupid with incredible insurance, like she is, God only knows what your doctors might get away with.

    Valtrex, on the other hand, isn't nearly so mysterious :)

  47. As SkittleKitty pointed out earlier, I'm not sure why everyone is assuming that #1 is promoting--it could def be someone who is filming. I know I'm probably way off base with this one, but the first person who came to mind was Liev Schrieber, as he's filming in Australia. Note that Ent didn't say Europe - he said overseas, which could really mean anywhere, and just widens the choices.

    Tom Hanks was a great guess for #2; I don't think anyone really believes Ben's current situation (good-guy image) will be a permanent thing. Personally, I think he's chomping at the bit. And Mel hardly has a good-guy image, not after his crazy tirade(s).

    I also like John Mayer for #3, as it would fit. He's been with tons of famous females, but what "socialite" has he been with? Paris on the DL? Doubt it.

    No clue for #4.

  48. When's the next reveal?????

  49. Maybe Matt Damon for #2???

  50. nothingsacred, to die for is also one of my faves. I don't know what it is but I just can't get enough. I also loved him in signs with the tin foil hat.... hah!

  51. My docs wanted me to get a d&c because they thought i had fibroids.

    Things just...haven't been normal since I had my daughter.

    I hate doctors. i have a few specialists, and can't STAND their condescending manner. I somewhat refused to get one, and I ended up at a different doctor who actually hasn't done anything. *shrug*

  52. Mel Gibson for #2? I don't think he's a good guy (hardly!), but I'll bet he thinks he is.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. shegundala-
    c'mon ent! when is the next one!?!?

    make it a good one too! i want to know who that tweaker is!!

  55. 1)ray liotta? or al pacino?

    2)matt damon or ben affleck?

    i think 3 is kimberly steward and cisco adler

    4)kobe seems obvious

  56. *stewart not steward sorry

    anyone remember he dated her after mischa?

  57. I agree with Get a Life

    Sylvester Stallone for #1

  58. Anonymous5:37 PM

    1. Robert Downey Jr.?
    2. Ben Afflek?
    3. Paris gave to Benji.
    4. Shaq is reportedly getting back together with his not-so feminine looking wife?

    Just guessing?

  59. 1. Just saw a pic of Keanu in Korea. Hope it's not him.

  60. Anonymous6:41 PM

    1 Elijah Wood
    2 Ben Affleck
    3 Paris and that other Madden bro/Hearst & Cisco (They all run in similar circles)
    4 Tony & Eva

  61. #1-Tobey's "the" star that's the key, agree with pvs poster on the semantics, so it rules out Bloom and Wood

    #2-Will Smith, Matt Damon, or Tom Hanks...definitely not Nicholson, as you can see him on TV in his courtside seat at every Laker home game

    #3-Paris and whatever musician she gave the herp a few years ago who waited until now to publicize it

    #4-I'm guessing Kevin's not Tony Parker, as he didn't play much better this year. Although Kobe will probably win MVP for the first time, it's because his teammates are better.He had much better individual seasons the previous two years. It's probably not LeBron, who has a longtime gf and baby mama, but he's not married and rumor has it that he still hooks up with the ladies.

  62. Now, now, Turkish Taffy.... We already gave Keanu-baby a secret foreign marriage this week. LOL!!! Oh, what the hell? Let's give him a pill problem too. I think he'd care less about that than the fact that we just let him slide from "A-List" to "B+" :D

  63. Hanks for #2 fo sure

  64. 1. John Travolta?

    2. Brad Pitt

    3. Joel Madden and Nicole Richie

    4. Ben wallace?

  65. ed, Ben Wallace plays bball like a wax figure these days.

  66. nothingsacred --
    I'm totally with you on your opinion of doctors/specialists. I'm having some "female" issues of my own and this specialist I'm seeing is driving me up a wall!!! Clearly, he's super-intelligent, but he's majorly lacking in inter-personal skills.
    Just wanted to let you know I'm feeling your pain...and to thank you for comment b/c it made me feel a bit better about my own situation. :o)

    Sorry about the off-topic post everyone!

  67. #1. What about Keanu Reeves? Isn't he out of the country right now promoting his newest film? (I know, it may not be someone promoting a film, but he popped into my mind for some reason.) There is a picture of Orlando on set in NYC during the last week in one of the current gossip rags, he's not overseas.

    2. I like the Tom Hanks guess, he certainly has the "good guy" image, and he's not been seen much lately, has he?

    3. Paris and Benji

    4. No clue, don't follow the sports much.

  68. Is Adrien Brody A list ? I was thinking he was good for #2

  69. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Definitely NOT Tom Cruise for #2. He wouldn't be with a doctor or counselor, he'd be depending on the COS to magically save him.

  70. Ragdoll, you are right. my beloved Keanu is a solid A, and more likely the secret foreign marriage. But the wording of the BI, (obviously a franchise) and the Korea picture sent off alarm bells.

  71. Stephanie,
    I ended up leaving a couple doctors because of bedside manner. My one doctor said to me "don't have more kids, why would you want more anyway?", and that just made me want to be defiant. lol but yeah, I quit her for other reasons, also. The technique (100mg doses every other day of prednisone for a year) of "treating" my disease had almost 0% chance of working and made things worse. I accused her of throwing spaghetti against a wall to see what would stick.
    My ob, I just left that group because my dads neighbor works for them and "leaked" (mostly fake but some true)information about me.

    Doctors are supposed to work for you, not the other way around. If someone rubs you the wrong way, go with your gut feeling.

    Good Luck!

  72. Totally NOT defending Parasite here...but Valtrex is also prescribed for Shingles, which is herpes Zoster, a very painful condition related to chicken pox.

  73. Anybody else second the Robert Downey Jr. guess for 1? I know he hardly qualifies as B plus, but with Iron Man coming out, he would be overseas promoting.

    2. I like the Ben Affleck guess, but is he still A?

    3. Paris and Benji

    4. Could be any of them, but Kobe's a jerk, so I vote Kobe

  74. #3 Paris and Nick Carter, if he could be called a celebrity musician. They weren't exactly the best of friends when they parted, to put it mildly.

  75. 1. Keanu Reeves - he's been prmoting in Australia and is usually seen out and about having a good time when here

  76. B+ Film actor = someone who could be A, but lacks the 'it' factor. I think it's bloom.

    A List Drunk = Tom Hanks and is about the only actor in Hollywood that has anything to lose.

    Musician/socialite are not Paris and anybody. We all know Paris has herpes. It has to be someone like that whore Lydia Hearst.

    NBA Caliber player is not Tony Parker. Everyone goes to him first because of his wife. I'm thinking more like Kobe, who is someone who has strayed before.

  77. 2. Where they in O Brother Where Art thou? John Goodman?

  78. 2. Where they in O Brother Where Art thou? John Goodman?

  79. 2. Where they in O Brother Where Art thou? John Goodman?



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