Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Another Guy Who Didn't Notice Anything

The inquest for Natasha Collins was released today in the UK, and to the surprise of no one, she died of an overdose of coke and sleeping pills. Natasha Collins was a former tv host in the UK who lived with her boyfriend who is also a television host in the UK. Her boyfriend was Mark Speight and he most recently hosted the show SMart which was for children so of course he is a real role model for the kids.

Mark was originally arrested and questioned for suspicion of murder and supplying the coke to Natasha, but all charges were later dropped. I don't know if they have wrongful death suits in the UK, but if I am her parents I want to know how Mark could be at home with her and not know what was going on. Are people that into their own lives that like with Howard K, that we don't notice a damn thing unless it directly involves us. Do we only notice others when they walk in front of our television or speak too loudly when we are on the phone?

Natasha had 3.42 milligrams of coke in her blood when she died. Wonder how much it takes to cause death? .70 milligrams. So, Natasha had enough coke in her blood to kill her five times, and sleeping pills, but Mark never noticed anything huh? He just said sure honey, go take a bath while you are jacked to the gills on drugs. Maybe later we can go out for some food and get you some more coke.

If I were her parents I would want to know everything and Mark would probably not be my best friend. He must have done something to make them happy though because they jointly released a statement today which said, "Natasha was a loving daughter, fiancée, sister and friend, with a very positive attitude towards life. She was always thinking of others. We are devastated that her life was cut short and we miss her deeply. She will always remain in our hearts."

I just want to know what happened and what Mark knew.


  1. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Wasn't he doing loads of coke as well? Drug addicts don't make for good caretakers, generally.

  2. ya but what cokeheads DO notice? when you snort 3.42 milligrams of their shit.

    no way he didn't 'notice'

  3. I am bad at math, just how much is3.42 milligrams?

  4. This reminds me of that conspiracy theory about Kurt Cobain's death and the amount of heroin in his body. They say that with the amount of heroin he "shot up" would've killed him instantly... never mind being alive to pull the trigger.

  5. rebecca- nevermind being able to come back form the dead and wipe his finger prints from the gun.

    don't even get me started....

  6. Jax! I couldn't believe it when I read all that stuff on that page. Who would've thought Courtney Love had so much pull in Seattle to make something like this go away (or be ignored)?

  7. Jax, do you know if Ent has written his take on that whole conspiracy theory? Isn't the anniversary of his death coming up soon? It would be intersting to read his analysis on Kurt's death. Also MLK's, whose anniversary is on the 4th.

  8. 3.42 mgms is nothing! It is a speck. Are you sure it isnt 3.42 grams in her system? Although I have heard that any amt of coke can kill a person if it causes arrhythmia.



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