Amy Winehouse Is Losing It Fast
So when it is 3am and you don't have cab fare home, what is a girl to do? Call dad who happens to own a taxi right? Nope, instead head butt the guy who offers to pay for the cab and while you are at it, take your crack ass and assault two other people. Amy Winehouse faces charges in an incident eerily similar to the one outlined above. Amy Winehouse is being investigated, and if found to have committed the alleged deeds and convicted could face up to six months in jail. That is a bunch of ifs so it probably won't happen. What has happened though is that the guy who wanted to help has got a pretty serious injury, while Amy who was allegedly stoned out of her mind, was just laughing.
Her act is getting really tiresome. In five years we are ll going to wonder what happened to Amy. Either she will be dead or will be trying to make a comeback on drug shattered vocal cords.