Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Alicia Douvall Is Nuts

I don't actually know Alicia Douvall but apparently she is some big deal in the UK. Alicia has made a career out of sleeping with celebrities, reality shows like Love Island and posing topless in magazines and is thrilled that her daughter is following in her footsteps.

In an interview with Closer magazine, Alicia says that for her 13th birthday her daughter Destiny wanted an iPhone, Kate Moss perfume and a boob job.

I know that Alicia is going to bear the brunt of my rant here, and we will get to the boob job thing in a minute, but when I was 12 years old I got like gifts and prizes valued at like $50 for my birthday. Forgetting that stupid, and highly addictive MTV show about birthdays, I want to know if parents as a matter of course are really dropping $1000 on gifts for a 13 year old on her birthday. Why does a 13 year old need an iPhone? If the kid tells me that every kid in her class has one, I want to know why. Why do 12 and 13 year old kids need an iPhone? I am okay with them having a cell phone for emergencies. I actually think a prepaid cell phone is a very good idea. That is like $50. Not $50 a month, or $500 for the phone and $100 a month, but just $50.

Now, before I go off on the boob job thing, Destiny used to be known as Georgia. Mom changed her name to Destiny so she would have a better chance at becoming an adult star. Isn't that sweet of mom. Now mom does have some standards and feels that no 13 year old girl should get a boob job. Nope. She is a firm believer that Destiny can't have one until her 16th birthday.

"I think a 16-year-old with a nice, sexy figure will do really well as a model as long as she's managed well. That's why I'm happy for Destiny to have a boob job because it will give her a career. She's been at a modelling agency since she was about six. She'll be more famous than Britney!”

That certainly is a career goal that all young women should aspire to. I seriously worry for this world. Maybe I am just old and my rants are no different from the rants of my elders when faced with youth and their demands, but to me at least it seems as if the parents are just as bad, if not worse. In my opinion, a kid would only ask for these things if mom was okay with them, and had encouraged her to put them on a list. Will today's kids talk about having to make do with just $1000 worth of birthday presents while their kids expect $10,000 a year.

I'm just so sick of me, me, me, and wanting to be famous like Britney and Paris and Lindsay, and The Whore. I just can't believe these are the women that all little girls want to grow up to be. And then to have the parents encouraging them to be just like these women just makes it worse. Lindsay made a couple of Disney movies that are appropriate for a kid, but name me anything else any of these four have done that you would want your kid to do. Anyone? Anyone? Now go ask your kid if they know who each of these four women are, and with the possible exception of The Whore, they will know who they all are.


  1. Wait who's the Whore.......am i the whore ? Now i'm sad :(

  2. No, Ent, I'm right there with you. It's gross. Little girls should be allowed to be little girls. They have the rest of their lives to contend with deciding whether or not to be sexually objectified. They should at least have a nice, calm, not highly sexually charged time in their lives they can look back to. Jesus, give them time to form into human beings!

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I think The Whore is Kardashian.. or Denise Richards.

    Ent I'm with you. That's why this is news. Boob jobs at 16? Sheeeeit! Body's not done developing til 18 at the earliest. Wanting your child to be an adult star... f'ed up.

    Time to license people before they procreate.

  4. The Whore is Spitzer's hooker is it not?

    this 'mother' is a disgrace..she'd be better off raised by Coutney Love and Pete Doherty.

  5. They market *lingerie* for 9 year olds, tweeners are encouraged to wear clothes that most strippers would shun and take "sexy" pictures for their myspace page, middle schoolers are practicing their oral sex skills on the school bus, and it seems that the "role models" available these days are all getting knocked up because they don't know what a freakin' condom is.

    We constantly treat pre-teen girls like sexual objects in this country, and yet we are shocked and appalled when older men try to have sex with them. Maybe if we didn't send such mixed messages, there wouldn't be such a huge problem with pedophilia and child pornography in this country.

  6. yeah...that's teaching your child self respect and morals....what a role model. I would think I had done some sort of horrible emotional damage to any of my daughters if they asked for things like that.

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM

    I'm with Sarah!! I feel bad for some of these girls. When you're that age, you're still in the mode where you imitate everything around you in order to learn and survive. They dont know any better-all they see is that skanks get attention, and thats what they want. We oversexualize them, then we freak out at pedophiles. Maybe they wouldnt want to fuck our underage daughters, if they all didnt have "Hottie" written on their asses in glitter from the age of eight.

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM

    You know, this really pisses me off. So much so, that the next time I see some skank ass bottle blonde soccer mom trying to be twenty again, with her 9 year old daughter looking like a Victoria's Secret window mannequin, I'm just gonna call her on it. Even if I'm in public. Its dumb whores like Alicia Duvall and Shauna Sands that create the Jon Benets of tomorrow.

  9. It's very sad. My daughter is in kindergarten and one of her classmates has acrylic nails, wears a bra, platform heels, and a thong (I've seen the whale tail). Oh and her mom also colors her (5-yo's) hair. All this is very confusing to my daughter...she's asked me more than once, "why does 'classmate' try to be a big girl all the time?" I really have no answer to that that would be appropriate for my daughter.

  10. Let's see here, boob job at sixteen? What's next, vaginal rejuvination at 18?!

  11. Said it before and will say it again...people ought to be required to prove they understand what it takes to be a good parent and that they're truly up for the task before they can be allowed to have children...

    That poor little girl is gonna be so fucked up.

  12. This woman is supposed to be a big deal in the UK - really? I've never bloody heard of her...

    Whoever she is, she's a disgraceful mother.

  13. I hate that women, especially young girls, think it's all that to be like Paris or the other little creeps who make sex tapes, or flash their boobs. This is not what the women's movement was all about.

    There are so many young women who are going to be very unhappy STD'd, bitter, middle-aged drunks and/or drug addicts with no other life skills other than flashing a vadg that nobody cares about anymore.

    Remember what Chris Rock said... "You gotta keep your daughters off the pole!"

  14. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Thats really sad, rakemama. I don't know what I'd say to my daughter, either. She likes pretty things, and I let her wear them, but not even so much as a skirt or dress, much less high heels or a thong. *shudder* Whoever made thongs for girls that age, should be burned at the stake.

    I'm almost a Nazi about those things. I had quite the showdown with my four year old's daddy, because he was still letting her wear nailpolish. I threw out all the slightly tinted lipglosses he bought her and replaced them with Lipsmackers. Of all the clothes I've bought her, while they're undeniably cute and sparkly and pink and purple, its all long pants and tshirts and sensible shoes. Dora the Explorer, not Pussycat Dolls. Hello Kitty, not Barbie. Babydolls, and not Bratz.

    Sometimes I think I'm going overboard, but if her mom doesnt protect her, then who will? I dont own a single skirt or dress, and I'd be thrilled if my daughter was the same way. She has a good dad who pays so much attention to her, that her self esteem will never be in question, and so I'm hoping that means she'll never become one of "those" girls who need a male's attention for validation. When she's old enough to understand, it will be explained to her that positive attention is earned through personality and intellect, and that anything else is cheap and unsatisfying. She's a bright, happy little gal, and I hope to never see that destroyed by our soceity's emphasis on skanky behavior. I do everything currently in my power to see that not happen.

    In my opinion, I think a lot of this behavior would disappear if women did not feel so insecure about capturing and keeping a man's attention, and if women stopped making a habit of going on a power trip at the expense of the women around them (ie based on looks, finances, career, stealing their man, etc). Maybe if women were taught to THINK and be more self reliant, they wouldnt be so concerned with ensnaring a man, and the skank culture could start to fade away, left for the real brainless trash who are too stupid to do anything else.

  15. I'm totally with you on this Ent. When I was 12, I (and my group of friends) got a toy or game from the toy store - that was it. And I was very happy.

    I remember when I was about 10 (and flat as a board, I might add!), my mother caught me trying to leave the house (to go swimming) in my sister's bathing suit (2-piece with a built-in cup, as she was extremely developed). I thought I looked terrific, not ridiculous, with those empty cups fluttering on my chest. I can laugh about it now, but let me tell you how disappointed I was then. All I can say is, thank god my mother stopped me.

    It's beyond sad that little girls aspire to be like the people you mentioned. Kids should be kids and enjoy that time, whether it's riding bikes, going to amusement parks or just playing with their friends.

  16. I gotta ask, doesn't the UK have a "Child Protective Services" or DFACS or something?

    Talk about a real life "Gypsy" wannabe.
    (For those who don't get the reference, rent/buy the original movie version (1962) with Natalie Wood, Karl Malden and Roz Russell as Mama... it'll all make sense.)

  17. I have that movie. Love Natalie Wood in Gypsy.

  18. I'm with you Merlin. My first thought was that someone needs to call CPS on this woman...

  19. ewwww, she and her daughter are HIDEOUS.

  20. I'm with you, Trix, although as a long-time dress wearer (hardly wore anything else for 15+ years), it's not a matter of dresses & skirts being bad--you just need to find ones that are age-appropriate and let a little girl look like and be a little girl, not a teenage tart. Granted, I've been a major girly-girl my whole life, but still...as long as she's wearing proper panties that cover up everything they should and don't have anything slutty printed on them, and the dress itself is modest enough, she'll be fine. (Also, leggings & shorts under dresses are very popular, and also help in keeping things decent. Then again, you are talking to the woman whose mother made her 24 different dresses when she was 3 years old... :-)

  21. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Oh I feel ya Robin. I dont necessarily equate skirts and dresses with Lolitas, I just prefer to not even "go there"...while I've always been a girly girl, my strict religious upbringing never let it shine through...I've got the good taste to be cute, but still hold back because of my parent's drilling it into my head that anything that made you look attractive, was skanky and immoral. I just naturally never took to skirts, as a result. She has her Easter dresses, so I shouldnt have said she doesnt have any, I'm just not the one to buy them, or dress her in them. Thats on Dad's Time LOL. 'Sides, skirts are impractical unless its Sunday School time anyway, she's such a ruffeon!

    In fact for Sunday School this week (not my idea, but her grandmothers, as I consider myself agnostic) she was wearing a very cute long dress, with thick white leggings and get this....Crocs. I didnt buy that shit I swear!! I swear my grandmother must have sent them to her because neither her Dad nor I have such god awful taste!!!!

  22. Go Enty! I'm so glad there are people in LA that aren't totally nuts. I was beginning to wonder.

    The sad thing is the birthday thing starts early! I have a 5 year old boy and you'd be stunned at the parties 4 and 5 year olds have. They are catered affairs with close to 100 people, all of them bringing presents. I can't imagine some of the cash parents are dropping on this. It's just a matter of time before these kids are wanting and getting the iPhone or whatever new gadget that's popular. I don't get it. My poor kid is having 4-5 of his buddies over for cake. That's it. They'll be just as happy.

    I also have a younger daughter and I'm scared. If she ever asks me for a boob job or dresses like a hooker I'm going to flip out. I'm thinking convent but I'm thinking she's not going to be down with that. :) -- I'm kidding but the thought has crossed my mind the way some of these kids dress and act.

  23. Well the bitch mother might as well be in the polygamist FDLS, puppy farming her little angel to a bunch of sick old fucker rapists.

    Sorry, but poor little Destiny ain't looking like it's necessarily her LOOKS that are gonna get her very far anyway...

  24. ... pathetic parents addicted to prescription meds/promiscuous sex (and who shouldn't have even bred in the first place) are now living vicariously through their low IQ-afflicted *spawn*... er... their "kids".

    ... *that* said, looks like the little girl's 'Destiny' is to be a WH0RE like her IGNORANT SHEEP of a "mum".

    ... BAAAAAAAA.

  25. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I love how she didnt want to name her kid Destiny, because her mom said it was a strippers name....and as it turns out, "Destiny's" mom had much more in store for her: porn! Might as well have named her Stormy at birth!

  26. Trix: completely feel what you said about women/ young girls should not need validation from men, nor compete with each other for men.

    I don't know why they just don't get it? I think "feminism" needs better marketing strategies?

    I think when evaluating my youth, athletics definitely helps self-esteem and works to prevent turning into one of those.
