Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will Katie Holmes Die Mysteriously?

In this week's edition of Star, they talk about how sick Katie Holmes has looked recently, and how she has constant headaches and dizzy spells, and rarely eats in order to stay rail thin. Star also said that Tom disappears from the house for days on end and has frequent boys nights out. Have you noticed none of those trip or boys nights out are photographed? Just his nights out doing very safe, heterosexual things with his family.

While reading it, I just got this feeling that Tom Cruise can't go through another divorce. This would be the third one, and presumably he is young enough where he will want to have another arrangement with someone which would mean a fourth marriage at some point. Also, even though it wasn't a marriage, he did have the long relationship with Penelope Cruz that also failed. Does Tom Cruise want to be seen as a three time loser at marriage while at the same time his career is in the toilet?

He thought a wedding to someone much younger who had lots of young fans would give him that extra boost of fandom. Instead it has made him look like a 50 year old trying to control everything in the world including his wife and kid. (Speaking of which, it has been at least 45 days since Suri was seen in public. Is she already being indoctrinated?)

So, how does Tom make himself look good, get great publicity and get the entire world on his side? Katie dies. If Katie were to die, people would feel sorry for him. There would be an outpouring of love. People would listen to how Scientology helped him through it. He could drag out Suri and have her stand in some kind of JFK Jr. like pose which would make everyone cry.

Tom would get in every magazine and on every talk show as people sympathized with him. Instead of a three time loser at marriage, he would be a widower, and a single parent.

I love the people at Star. They are always nice to me, and I think they do great work. What I worry about though is if the source that is giving them these Katie is really sick stories, is someone with a pro-Tom agenda and is setting up Katie for something more tragic.


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