Monday, March 17, 2008

Today's Blind Items

#1 - The B list bisexual film actress who has probably never turned down a guy was turned down over the weekend by a woman. Not the woman she usually is seen out and about with mind you. No, that celebrity was nowhere to be seen. Instead, our actress spent much of the evening trying one approach after the other with this other female. Our actress would not take no for an answer until the female dialed a number on her own cell, and then handed it to our actress. On the other end was the regular female companion for our actress who made nice on the phone and hung up. She then spent 30 minutes making sure that the hit on female would not report the bad behavior. Too late.

#2 - This C list actor with the A list crazy reputation and a certain eye for realism is certainly living up to the crazy part of his reputation. He recently moved out of his home and lived in his car, because his home was too hot. Not hot as in he couldn't get the heat to work properly, but hot as he could not touch any surface of the home without thinking he was burning himself. Walking around with oven mitts on grew tiresome, so he moved into his car until the house could be sold.


  1. Anonymous1:19 PM

    #1Lindsay Lohan hitting on somebody who then called Samantha Ronson?

    #2 Vincent Gallo or Crispin Glover?

  2. Anonymous1:19 PM

    #1 lesbian couple, both actresses, one is b list, the other isn't identified by list.

    Well the only lesbian couple I know of is Portia/Ellen, someone else will have to get this.

    #2 Billy Bob Thorton?

  3. #2) Vincent Gallo?

  4. Anonymous1:20 PM

    #1 Slapping head on Lohan. (Thx khemenu)

  5. #1 Lohan with the girl on the other end of the phone being samantha ronson

    #2 no idea

  6. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Hmm #2 sounds kinda like Matthew McConaweird to me. But I dont know if you could say he's actually C list, and the blind makes no mention of his current relationship/family status, which I imagine EL might do if there were something to mention.

  7. #2 - Steve O from Jackass?

  8. #1 - lindsey lohan, mostly b/c he calls the other woman seen out and about w/ the b list bi girl a "celebrity"

    #2 - definitely vincent gallo. the "certain eye for realism" I think is the chloe sauvignon/bj in brown bunny reference


  9. Steve O makes perfect sense for #2 because wasn't he recently hospitalized for some psychiatric condition? Sounds like some kind of psychosis to me...or schizophrenia or something.

  10. #1 - Portia de Rossi
    #2 - Gotta be Busey! Who's crazier than that loon?

  11. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Unicorn Jones, I like the way you think. You have me convinced this is Vincent Gallo.

  12. I definitely see Ms. Lohan for #1.

    #2 All of the above sounds good except for Busey. He never would have moved to his car. He would have just popped a tent in the yard.

  13. 1. Lindsey Lohan, Courtney Semel, and Samantha Ronson.

    2. Mickey Rourke

  14. #2 Could possibly be Tom Sizemore

  15. For some reason Andy Dick popped into my head for #2, but the "eye for realism"...?

  16. Andy Dick was on the Surreal Life at one point...could that be what "eye for realism" means? Like the Dick for #2.

    Do we even have to discuss #1? Really?

  17. #2: Gary Busey. He is crazy and is a known painter (hint...realism).

  18. First one is Lindsay and Miss Ronson. It's Lindsay because she's never known to turn a guy down at least in all her press and publicity.

    Looks like Sam will have to keep her on a short leash. ;)

  19. agree that LiLo has prob never turned down a guy, but are Samantha Ronson and Courtney Semel really celebs or just known because they are Lohan hangers on?

  20. #2: Adrian Grenier- i dont know if it fits, but that was the first person that popped into my head

  21. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Unless LL is a escort I don't think she sleeps with those guys I think it's all for press. I think she's a lesbian and this BI is about her. Her relationship with her father and what her parent went threw probably drove her over to lez side.

  22. Linday and Samantha, and Keanu for #2.

  23. can someone explain what "eye for realism" means? Reality tv, or an artist? or both?

  24. 1. Pamela Anderson

    2. Owen Wilson

  25. Busey is a great guess. He is known for being crazy AND he had a reality show "I'm with Busey".

  26. 1. Lindsay Lohan and the woman ENT put in the photos, Katharine Keating, who is a socialite...probably would be at some of the same spots as Lohan and Ronson.

  27. 1. Lindsay, Sam, and some chick, I concur

    2. Nick Nolte? But only because I don't think Keanu is C-list, though. Otherwise I could totally get on board with the whole Reeves/oven mitts thing. Reeves totally looks nutso when he's not working!

  28. 1. Oh Lilo, your sexual escapades never fail to entertain! I'm sure SamRon in involved but hasn't she also been hanging out with Courtney Semel?

    2. Vincent Gallo seems like a good guess.

  29. Has Joaquin Phoenix slipped to C list? He does come across as slightly crazy in interviews, but not sure he would actually live in his car. Can't you just picture him with that tortured look on his face walking around with oven mitts?

  30. 1) Def: Lindsay Lohan
    2) Def: Steve-O.... the "realism" talk is related to his stunts on Jackass...

  31. randy quaid is pretty f*cking crazy. like clinically.
    and he plays crazy eddie in the "vacation" movies.

    movies imitating real life??

  32. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Dijea - still laughing on the mental image of that tent =)

  33. "Brandy said...

    Unless LL is a escort I don't think she sleeps with those guys I think it's all for press. I think she's a lesbian and this BI is about her. Her relationship with her father and what her parent went threw probably drove her over to lez side."

    I'm sorry hon, but these kind of statements really suck. Her parents fucked up, yeah, but regardless of anyone's parents's shenanigans, they won't 'drive' or 'turn' you gay... You're gay, you're bi, or you're straight, and preference makes is so, not [lack 0f] parental guidance...

  34. la lohan for number 1...but what about jared leto for 2? anytime he gets press anymore it's because he did something nutty.

  35. #2 has to be Vincent Gallo. The "realism" clue is about the very real bj he got in that Brown Bunny movie.

    If this Steve O person lived in his car, paps would notice and shoot it. Busey is mostly confined to his house, drooling and painting.



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