Monday, March 03, 2008

Today's Blind Items

So this married aging B list film actor who used to be A+ back in the day. I mean really A+. Not like borderline A, but seriously A+. Anyway, our married actor usually leaves his fun with other guys to the times he is safely outside the country. Recently though he just couldn't pass up the chance to hit on an openly gay man/model working for a movie studio. After basically not leaving his side the entire day while working on a project at the studio, our actor finally followed the studio worker to the bathroom and propositioned him there. The model turned down our actor because he just wasn't that attracted. He did say though that if it had been when our actor was A list he probably would have gone for it.


  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Travolta? Too obvious?

    I hate the "Alist", "A+ list" etc designations.

    Ent, could you try writing some blinds withought the "__ List" designation? Like as an experiment? It's so subjective.

  2. As it implies the formerly A+ actor works on a project, it leaves out Paul Newman, who's married but retired.

  3. I had an instinctive guess of Tom Hanks here.

  4. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Tom Hanks gay Hmmm. He has always given a vibe that he is gay, but I have not read rumors tha the is.

    Now John Travolta wouldn't doubt it might be him or even Tommy Girl hehehe.

  5. Russell Crowe? yeah, yeah... shot in the dark...I know...

  6. Travolta has propositioned just about every male he's ever worked with, so this wouldn't really be a blind, would it? But I have to say when I think of A+ I don't think of Travolta I think more of say...Warren Beatty.

  7. Both Cruise and Travolta were in Canada this weekend. John had Kelly with him. Tom was solo.

  8. michael douglas? i think he's bisexual. and he lives outside the country, bermuda.

  9. I don't think Travola usually leaves his fun with other guys until he's out of the country. I think he has his fun wherever and whenever he can.

  10. captivagrl-completely agree with your guess. MD was the first one to come to mind.

  11. I think Tom Hanks will always be A-list

  12. Revolta- there is a whole lotta gossip about him and his antics in TO on Lainey.

  13. I thought of Tom Hanks too, but... with two Oscars, he's basically A+ list for life, isn't he?

  14. Michael Douglas popped immediately to mind.

  15. Clint Eastwood is the first name I thought of. Ha! Top that one!

  16. i saw a photo recently of michael and kirk. they looked like brothers! michael has really aged the last 5 years.

  17. Michael was pretty convincing as the gay cop on Will & Grace. ;)

    Not that I think it's him because I don't. Doesn't CZJ get his balls in a jar if he cheats? Plus, what classifies Michael as less than A list?

    Travolta fits, IMO.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. For some reason, I thought of Jeremy Irons. Used to be really gorgeous back in the day. But was he ever A+?

    I've heard rumors about Paul Newman for years, but I don't think your 80s are the time you start doing things like that.

    How many people have been seriously A+? Serious implies serious films or theatre or both. A+ means well known and in respected, hugely successful projects.

  20. I really think that if CZJ found out that Michael Douglas were gays she'd hang him out to dry. I really think that they love each other. JMO. My first though was Richard Gere. Way hot when he was younger and more appealing to gay men, I'd like to say (Gay men online, any opinions?).

    Tom Hanks is permanently A list.

    Man, wouldn't Harrison Ford be a shocker?

  21. I really think that if CZJ found out that Michael Douglas were gays she'd hang him out to dry. I really think that they love each other. JMO. My first though was Richard Gere. Way hot when he was younger and more appealing to gay men, I'd like to say (Gay men online, any opinions?).

    Tom Hanks is permanently A list.

    Man, wouldn't Harrison Ford be a shocker?

  22. As others mentioned above, Travolta was in town Saturday night for a big Clinton (Bill) fundraiser. Guess who else was there? Tom Cruise, Elton John (hello, anyone?). Like Jax mentioned, Lainey has a bit of dirt, although not much, because there was a total media blackout. According to Lainey, Kelly didn't let John out of her sight; ergo, no antics.

  23. Hi, Pinky!! Miss ya!

    (A little shout-out there...)


  24. like anyone would ever turn down brad pitt!!

  25. i second the richard gere guess.

  26. LOL I would turn down Brad Pitt - unless he was in character from Snatch - only time I ever liked him.

    I'd guess Tommy - might have been at "his" studio so he wouldn't be so afraid of being outed.

  27. "back in the day" sounds to me that the actor was A-list a long time ago. Cruise and Pitt are still A-list. Gere is probably A- list. First person I thought of was Burt Reynolds. Or how about Kevin Costner?

  28. it's very naive to think kelly doesn't know that john is gay. or that CZJ married michael for love. she wanted money, fame, a family, a lifesyle and an oscar. bingo.

  29. I like Pinky's guess. My money's also on Beatty...

  30. I'll join the "top this unlikely A List shocker" game: Michael J. Fox.

    Unlikely, but I like to throw out other names other than usual suspects.

  31. sounds like Travolta to me...

  32. I was going to say beatty as well

  33. second third fourth fiith and whatever the Costner guess. It fits. Back in the day if he even looked in a movie's direction it did well.
    Now, not so much.

  34. The only reason why I don't think it's Warren Beatty is because Ent says "aging," not "aged."

    Ent has a tendency to refer to people in their 40s as aging, and Warren is now 71 (according to IMDB).

    So I tend to think it's someone younger.

  35. Hey Mistik, Hey Cyn!! Miss youse...

    For those of you saying Travolta - whether abroad or in the U.S. - he's mackin' on the boys. Ask anyone who's ever worked on a movie with him. He's even trying to turn the straight ones!!

  36. Cruise.

    Over ten years ago his agents insisted he stop bringing home guys here in LA and that he should only do it while he was outside the US or they couldn't protect him anymore.

  37. Other people have already said it, but I'll say it too, Warren Beatty seems to fit this to a "T".

  38. Anonymous5:16 PM

    wouldn't it be awesome if it was Mel Gibson? ha! that would be a-m-a-z-i-n-g!!!!!!

  39. tom - gay, yes but B-list,no.

  40. But...but...Suzy, didn't Scientology 'fix' Tom? Not in the gelding sense, but in the 'he's no longer hankerin' for boy booty?' ;)

    And Sailor Mel Gibson is a homophobic, Catholic, racist - oh wait, could be him ;)

  41. The first person that popped to my mind was Sylvester Stallone. He's married, aging and used to be A+

  42. THANK YOU buns, Twisted. & Captiva. I couldn't do this without your help!
    I can't take much more of this!

  43. Hmmm, Harrison did look a little too comfortable in the F'in Ben Afflack video...

  44. Adrian, no problem. When does this end? I know I asked you once before, but I can't recall what you said.

  45. March 14th! if I live to that day-- I can't sleep because I wake-up thinking oh-no--who did I forget to vote for that won't vote back???

  46. "back in the day" goes back waaaaay farther than not having a movie out for a few years.

    And I think his emphasis on how big this actor was suggests that some might not remember how big he was ... "back in the day".

    Burt Reynolds was my first guess, because no matter how bad you think his movies were, when they came out, they broke huge. That man could open a movie no matter how dumb it was. Repeatedly.

    The only thing that makes me hesitate is that I agree Ent says "aging", and that's not the same as "aged".

    ... unless he's just messing with us.

    But I think you have to go back at least 20 years or so to find someone for which Ent would say "back in the day"

  47. I'm going to follow the "aging" clue versus aged.

    I like the Richard Gere guess or maybe even Kevin Costner. Sylvester Stallone and Mel Gibson were seriously A list as well. Of these, I think all are still do-able and probably wouldn't be refused - except for Sly. He's looking way too plastic these days.

    Never will I believe that it's Harrison Ford!

    Except for their being more in the aged category, I also like the guesses of Burt Reynolds, Warren Beatty, and Michael Douglas but I hsve to wonder - can these guys still, um, perform?!

  48. Are we thinking 70s or 80s actors? Burt Reynolds might fit the timeline, but who else were the A list stars then? Beatty, clearly -- what about De Niro and Pacino?

  49. I think pacino is definitely still doable.

    and isn't he permanently having won an oscar?

    same goes to de niro with 2 oscars.

  50. I mean permanently A list.

  51. Oh my God, this is totally Tom Cruise! He was totally A+ back in the day but his star has fallen significantly. He may have lots of money and access to PR (paid for, by the way), but please, he is way off the A-List at this point in terms of being a box office draw (Clooney is much more A-List now than TC). Lions for Lambs anyone?

  52. Paul Newman is straight. I have that on excellent authority from a rather permanent fixture in his life.

  53. I can't believe Sean Connery was suggested! No way!

  54. what about robert redford? He was definitely A+ back in the day ..

  55. PLEASE be TC, totally trolling now in bathrooms and being turned down next to the toilet paper!!!
    Kudos to the dude who walked....

  56. Tommy Lee Jones.
    No, seriously this has Richard Gere written all over it.
    He was seriously hot "back in the day" and could do no wrong.
    He's not as old as Beatty or the others.
    I don't think Kevin Costner was as white hot as Richard Gere was (Waterworld, anyone?). Harrison Ford would be my next guess, or Tom Cruise.

  57. I really like the Al Pacino guess, probably because of the Dog Day Afternoon role, but is he married? I guess I also like the Richard Gere role. Isn't he still pretty A list though?

    By the way, there something wrong with being Catholic?

  58. Richard Gere, totally.

  59. @ice angel - Catholics don't believe in same sex lovin' - but thanks for the brief guilt trip. ;)

  60. Harrison Ford? Harrison Ford??? Tommy Lee Jones? Tommy Lee Jones???? Paul Newman? Kevin Costner? Michael Douglas? Brad Pitt? Tom Hanks?

    Get real, people.

    I don't have a clue who it could be; the BI could fit any number of "back in the day" red hot box office players with homosexual tendencies. Really, I don't care who it is. But many of these guesses are way off base, IMHO, so I'll interpret them as attempts at humor. :(

  61. I love it when you guys have inside information on these people; makes for so much more interesting reading!

    Thirty years ago Travolta was rumored to be gay. So was Whitney Houston and Jodie Foster (well, that one turned out to be true).

  62. Gere. Back in the day, he was HOT and everyone wanted him. Cruise - eh. Not so much.
    Beatty's a horn dog but not gay.

  63. Sure everyone wanted Tom Cruise back in the day. He was pop-culture's go-to boy for whenever someone needed to reference a "desirable male", much like Brad Pitt has been for the last 1o years.

  64. sarah, i hope it's joanne you're talking about, or if not, that she approves. can you give some reassurance?

  65. Matthew Broderick?



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