Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One More Hooker Story

I am already getting tired of Ashley Dupre, also known on this blog as the hooker, and I think this is going to be it for her for awhile. So, I'm sure you have heard by now that the hooker was a guest on the GGW bus for an entire week. So, there obviously was no point in Joe Francis keeping his $1M offer on the table, and why would Larry Flynt or Penthouse or any of the others throw money on the table now? GGW has seven full length tapes of the hooker doing everything imaginable with guys, girls, hard core, soft core, and so there is really nothing left for her to sell. Within the next month or so most of those videos will have worked their way across the internet and everyone will have seen what they wanted to see. What will Ashley Dupre get for all of her sex tapes? See that hat she is wearing in the photos? That and the Greyhound bus ticket the child abuser bought her are all that she is going to get.

I think it says a lot about a person that within days after turning 18 she goes on the GGW bus to spend a week f**king and sucking guys and girls and probably even Joe Francis himself. Not hard to see how she became a hooker. After that week of basically giving it away for free, she probably realized that someone somewhere would pay for her services.

So, now her only possible sources of income are going to be a film and a book. My guess is she will burn through that money by the time she is 30 or so, and then she will need to find some rich guy and pull a Heather Mills.

Now, honestly the question that has been bugging me all night and this morning about the week on the GGW bus is this. How old is Ashley Dupre? Was she really 18 when she was first filmed? If she was not 18, then I would love to see the look on Joe Francis' face when he found out. I just think that the day she turned 18 she was getting naked. If she was in that much of a hurry, what did she do the night before she turned 18, or two nights before?


  1. i'm shocked!! here i thought she was such a nice young woman.....

  2. You nailed it! Go check TMZ. They just reported that this was WEEKS BEFORE her 18th birthday. Nice...

  3. Where were her parents? They had NO idea what she was doing?? Hard to believe.

  4. The LA Times has a video clip on its website of someone from AP interviewing her 5th grade teacher (she was a brat) and someone she went to high school with (she was "the easy girl"; "..."not at all surprised" to hear that she was a prostitute); it sounds as though Ashely's behavioral pattern started at a very early age.

    I have absolutely no sympathy for this girl whatsoever. She is as hard as nails and the sooner she's out of the mainstream media the better.

  5. nicely done EL.

  6. Considering Tracy Lord's only "legit" porno was filmed on her 18th birthday, one can only suppose...

  7. The story is that she got kicked out of a hotel room in Miami Beach during spring break, and so hitched a ride on Joe's Rolling Ho'house.

    What I can't fathom is this:

    WHAT the hell does a person have to do to get thrown out of a hotel room IN MIAMI BEACH, for godsakes? We're talking about a city, where, if you bring your own saran-wrap and hydrochloric acid, it's probably OK to dismember a body in your hotel room.

    OK, not really, but you get the idea. In fact---THOSE very images that Ent. has posted? That's the DiLido Hotel. Or, rather, what used to be the DiLido. You guessed it. In Miami Beach. So, Joe F. and friends can film an orgy in his room, but Little Miss Kristen Emperors Club got tossed out on her ear?????

    WTF was she DOING, kids, 2 days before the big 1-8?

    How in the WORLD do you get kicked out of a hotel here? THAT'S the dirty story we want to hear, trust me.

  8. I'm trying to defend the chick, but...

    ragdoll- she was kicked out of the hotel room she was staying in with a friend by the friend...they got into a fight, according to all reports.

    Secondly, many women who act out sexually -especially at such a young age- tend to have been sexually assaulted. I am willing to bet that allegations/an admission of abuse will be released in the next few months. It doesn't excuse the behavior, but I think it's wrong to villify her.

  9. * i'm NOT trying to defend the chick (what I meant to write)

  10. I don't get it. If she was underage, he can't sell the tapes, he'd want to destroy them instead. So mightn't her big payday be still on the table? Plus, she still has her story people might want to hear: the story of what unsafe stuff Eliot was expected to request. It's hard to believe he just wanted straight sex without a condom.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    marisa, you're right. she probably was assaulted. But given her pattern, she'll wait until she's given a payout for her story.

  12. Wouldn't surprise me if Joe knew this from the get go, but made the million dollar offer first for the publicity, then did the "oh, look what we found" card.

  13. That ass has been out of jail for less than a week and he's already up to his old tricks. He belongs in jail.
    Thankfully, legally, it doesn't matter if Joe thought she was 18 when she wasn't. He would still be charged. I hope she was underage so he can go back to his little cell.

  14. And that's what Spitzer wanted to bareback with? Disease central.

  15. She's utterly ghettofabulous. Love the hat, honey. And what's with the shirt...underneath her bikini top? Oh, you cuhrazy kids.

  16. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I'm confused about the whole bareback anal rumor. It sounded like he WANTED that, but that she knew how to put him off and still make her money without having to do unsafe things. Kinda like a "C'mon man, do you want the sex or not?" kind of thing. Whatever, she probably would anyway, "It'll be ok, I cant get pregnant this way!" while failing to realize its also the easiest way to transmit sexual disease.

  17. its all a clever ruse..we've been had by Joe n the Whore. this was prob plotted the whole time he was in jail.

  18. I agree Dave--he makes a public offer, & then oops!--"found" 7 tapes that he had. I am sure the 1st thing is staff does is check archives every time a name gets in the news. He didn't make all of that cash by being stupid, He may be an ass, but he is certainly savvy in the sense he knows how to makes money.
    I don't think she was abused--she may have a father complex or no self-esteem. I have seen plenty of girls like her both in High School & college, & they are just promiscuous just for the sake of being promiscuous. My daughter has a 14 year old friend who met a 19 year old, told him she was 16, spent all summer sleeping with him, & he dumped her because she was "too immature" for a 16 year old. She has been slutty since the age of 9. Comes from a good family, but has been "dating" since the age of 10.

  19. Anonymous1:34 PM

    If you really look at her face, she looks kind of "special"

  20. i hear ya adrian, i knew a a girl who got caught getting a muff dive at 12 by her parents! TWELVE!

    wait let me clarify, she was with her bf and caught by parents.
    no abuse just your garden variety of whore.

    god look at the last pic of her..shes is surrounded with guys with cameeras..thsi ain't about finding love she never got this is about $$$$ oh and being a whore.

  21. Jax, when I was in college a girl down the hall came in to my room carrying a yellow legal pad--she had 4 full pages of guys she slept with, & got bored of writing down the rest of the names.
    She also had a boyfriend at home that came up every couple of weeks to visit. She was a freshman, & a bright girl from an affluent family, but every weekend you would see her & a different guy a night doing the walk of shame to the bathroom. (the bathrooms were co-ed) I think there are just girls who are programmed for this type of behavior, no matter what their upbringing was.

  22. well she certainly got an edumacation. lol.

  23. I can't believe our former governor paid retail for a severely average Bridge-and-Tunnel Joisey Shawr goil.He could have picked up a couple at any club in Manhattan. Gad, Elliot, get a *grip*!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. i don't know...

    I don't believe women are "programmed" to be promiscuous. There's something missing there- some kind of mental/social trigger.

    I also think some of you are being extremely judgemental. It's all fun & games on here, don't get me wrong, and I love reading all your comments & speculations, but I guess we're going to have to agree to disagree. It's like saying some people are just inherently drug addicts or abusive- most of the time there is a catalyst for the behavior.

  26. spitzer is a fool, his whole life was worth one or two nights with this ugly ho? his wife needs to divorce him ASAP. ent, send her to link to this blog.

  27. I think my "programmed" may have been misunderstood. I meant that no matter what someone's upbringing was, what may or may not have happened to them, & how the rest of their family turned out doesn't really mean anything. If people are headed in a certain direction for whatever the reasons are, they will continue that way. The Hooker made up a B.S. story about being homeless & living on the streets. She crashed her step-father's porsche, & ran away to her real father. She had 2 families that didn't notice anything amiss. Even if they did, it doesn't look like they could have done anything to turn her life around. She chose a certain life-style at a very early age.

  28. adrian don't apologize, it's your opinion.

    sorry to offend Marisa but this is what we do here.

  29. Thanks Jax-- I come from a long line of opinionated people!!!!!

  30. Marisa

    When the story first came out, I felt the same way too. I thought we were being too harsh on her, that she was probably abused and had reason for this bahavior. But everything that I've learned about her since then says this girl was just born to be a hoe. She wanted to get a million for playboy, is showing off her body for Girls Gone Wild at age 17, not something a typical girl would do unless there's an inherent need to be a slut.

  31. No-one could possibly know whether someone has been abused, except for the person being abused. Do you honestly think that all victims of abuse are willing to share that information with people? Sometimes NO-ONE ever finds out, so think carefully before just assuming that someone is a "slut" or "promiscuous" just for the sake of it.

  32. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Judgemental is our specialty here. Not many people know this but CDAN commenters won a Golden Globe for snark this year. It was a humble moment.

    The governor was the addict and she was the dealer. There just wasn't any illegal substances involved. Except for unwrapped penis.

  33. I suppose it's pointless to hope that she will use whatever money she gets to further her education and make something out of herself.

  34. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Regarding that comment on the woman from your dorm room:

    I don't believe women are "programmed" to be promiscuous. There's something missing there- some kind of mental/social trigger.

    Or, how about some women like sex. Shocking idea, huh? And think that the time before they are married is the time to have it with lots of people. Or is it only OK to do that sort of thing if you're a boy? It's not that everyone is judgmental here. Many of you also seem to be prudes and misogynists too.

  35. I guess I was slightly shocked that at the age of 18 someone could have 4 full pages of names, & get bored from continuing on with the rest, all the time having a boyfriend since high school. Call me a prude & judgemental, but when you are in your teens & the numbers are in the hundreds, that is a bit much--wouldn't YOU say?

  36. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Even people from "good families" can suffer abuse. Sometimes the ugliest things happen in the prettiest houses on the block.

  37. Anonymous8:02 PM

    well said, khemenu

  38. jax, adrian-

    not offended, no worries. i hear what you guys are saying, i'm just not jumping to conclusions in this particular case. when it comes to blind items about singers with AIDS, or an actress who used to be an actor i'm all for it...i've got sympathy for this one tho. i feel bad for the girl.

  39. 'After that week of basically giving it away for free, she probably realized that someone somewhere would pay for her services'

    Misogyny anyone?

  40. This is only the third thing on this scandal that I've seen and I'm already bored of it. I mean, is it really a big deal? She's selling herself and he's buying. Who cares.

  41. My best friend started doing this type of thing. I am really mad/ disappointed/ disgusted. She is really stunning. She charges $160 /hr.

    Trying to find a correlation between past sexual abuse and promiscuity doesn't really affect facts.

    I know my friend. I am very picky about friends.

    No matter what factors may have influenced a person (a "victim") the fact that does not change is that this person chose this choice as the best possible one. For material gratification really. Nobody is forced to be a prostitute, with no other choice available. Similarly, there is no human that has been immaculately conceived.

  42. "Misogyny" ?? I honestly, really, truly don't think so. I think if this was a male prostitute and not a female one, all the same things would be said. If it were all the same history, the same stories, pics of him with his wang out at the White Party in Miami Beach instead of GGW Spring break in Miami Beach, the SAME things would be said, if he ran around with lots of men from a young age, crashed a Porsche, had a sexualized song/video out there, etc., etc we would all be saying the SAME things about the he-ho.

  43. Ashley is a sex worker, not a gospel singer. Let her have her 2 minutes of fame and get back to what she does best.

    Apropos of sexuality:

    What's the problem people? I've done my fair share of naughtiness in the past, was neither abused nor 'programmed' to act that way. Just a sexually enlightened & happy person.

    Relax, puritan cousins!



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