Wednesday, March 12, 2008

NY Daily News Blind Item

Which middle-age Lothario famous for playing a small-screen love interest has been using his renewed fame to land very young women? One recent hookup was all of 16 years old.


  1. Patrick Dempsey

  2. "Renewed fame".... hmmm, I dunno, John Stamos?

    Isn't he the usual guess?

  3. andrew mccartney, lipstick jungle

  4. Scott Baio? Or are the reality TV show cameras following him around too much for that to happen?

  5. I ditto Chris Noth... Big

  6. Eeeeeeeeeeeew!!!

    God will the social fallout of SatC ever end?

  7. Didn't Ent break this first?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Did Chris ever go away. He went from Sex in the City back to Law and Order. And he's always been whoring around -he likes women of color. Besides, didn't he have his first kid last month?

  10. McDreamy was the first thing to pop into my head too.

  11. The renewed fame comment doesn't fit McDreamy to me. Chris Noth isn't doing it for me either.

    Now, Andrew McCarthy is interesting, but what small screen love interest role did he have? Rob Lowe popped into my mind too, but I thought he was mostly known for movies.

  12. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Renewed fame...Chris Noth has the SatC movie coming up.

  13. Ooh, I like the Chris Noth guess, he'll supposedly hit on anything that moves. I think if it was Dempsey, the BI would have mentioned that he was married.

  14. I thought Chris Noth too... but some good points have been brought up. He has been on Law and Order Criminal Intent this whole time. I like the Andrew McCarthy guess...

  15. Chris Noth is an ass.

  16. i think andrew mc carthy is more big screen.

    besides, i've always had a thing for him.

    question is, does he also PLAY the lothario? or did he usually? whoever he is, he should be drawn and quartered, at least.

  17. Is this the same guy who got the hookup drunk and she spewed all over the hotel room?

    All I can say is yuck, yuck and yuck. It is kind of like doing daddy's friend. No way, when I was 16-I wanted a guy version of me...young, toned, athletic, decent grades and just as stupid and naive as I was.

  18. Anonymous12:06 AM

    Ew gross! 16! Whoever it is, I hope his p*nis falls off. What a loser!
