Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jeremy Geffen Is An Ass

Jeremy Geffen is the manager of D12. In case you are not familiar with them, they are the group that launched the career of Eminem as well as some other big names in the hip hop industry. Now Jeremy shares the same last name as David Geffen but they are not related. If they were related, this would have never happened because David would have kicked the ever living crap out of Jeremy before any of this happened.

Jeremy was arrested last Thursday and was arraigned yesterday here in LA. Geffen is charged with sexual assault on two teenage girls. He stands accused of 14 felony counts including rape using drugs, possession of cocaine and providing cocaine to a minor - as well as two counts of unlawful sexual intercourse. The crimes are alleged to have taken place at a number of Hollywood nightclubs and Geffen's home between 2006 and 2007. He is currently being held on bail of $2 million. If convicted, the 35-year-old faces 20 years in prison and he won't get to spend anymore time with his BFF Lindsay Lohan.

Yes, they are buddy buddy, but I am sure she had no idea any of this was going on. I mean if you are the BFF of someone would you know they used cocaine or had sex with girls as young as your little sister and that to make sure they wanted to have sex with him because he is 35, he plied with them coke? Would you know that if they were in your intimate circle of friends? If you were a heavy user of coke and someone in your inner circle had access to coke, would you get it from him, or from some stranger?

Look, Jeremy Geffen is an asshole, and whether he is convicted of the crimes he has been alleged to commit, the fact doesn't change that he is an ass and that something was going on. What kind of 35 year old guy likes hanging out with 16 year old girls? Does it give you some kind of freakish power because they don't know how to say no and haven't heard your crappy ass lines? Can you not get someone who is your own damn age or at least legal? Can't find someone even in their 20's? Now, I like to think that 95% of the people are good people inside, and so I am going to give Lindsay Lohan the benefit of the doubt that she didn't know any of this ever happened, and that she will not be drawn into this case in anyway other than as a name for the reporters. If she does get drawn in though, or is used as a witness at trial, I think then I would like to ask her some of my own questions, and maybe I would put her in the other 5% right next to some others like Diddy.


  1. 95%? no way, more like 70%.

  2. I agree it is less too captiva but I love this post anyway.

  3. Anonymous10:41 AM

    If she does get drawn in though, or is used as a witness at trial, I think then I would like to ask her some of my own questions, and maybe I would put her in the other 5% right next to some others like Diddy.

    OK, I'm confused - can someone explain that part above to me? (I'm not being snarky, I seriously can't make heads nor tails of it...AND I DID read the Diddy post below ;)

    PS - I loathe Whorehan so more bad press for her = a happy me. LOL ;)

  4. Anonymous10:43 AM

    OK, after reading captivagrl's post, you mean 5% bad person? OK Iget that, but I STILL don't get why Whorehan's been drawn into this to this extent...?

    Again though, I like the whole "bad press" thing...lol

  5. love the post too. "the other 5%", i came up with 2 dozen names immediately.

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Wow, having her name connected to a scandal could not have come at a worse time.

    Oh, and I think the percentage is more like 50/50....

  7. now the percentages are making more sense (captiva and trix)..haha..or maybe i am just around too many of the bad percentages :-)

  8. Anonymous10:48 AM

    HA! Rebecca - you & me both LOL

  9. I don't give a rat's ass about LL. She's an adult, has $ and the power to make people listen when she says "no." She hangs with this guy because she chooses to.

    Enty write: "Can you not get someone who is your own damn age or at least legal?"
    Exactly, although it's not about 'getting.' Contrary to what these guys think, hanging with adolescents doesn't make a guy look good. That he's apparently incapable of attracting anyone his own age makes him look pathetic. But some nasty crimes were committed here, so this is WAY beyond perception.

  10. awww man, I'd ike to think that it's only 5% of all people that are inherently bad, but I'm just to cynical to go there.

    In any case, I hope this guy gets the book thrown at him. Fucking sick!

  11. Anonymous11:09 AM

    There is one kind of scummy guy who's 35 and tries to have sex with 16 year-olds.

    Then there are the 35 year-old guys who drug and rape women of any age. Scummy is too nice a word. Sociopath? Piece of shit?

  12. I agree with the 5% number, but that's just the way I roll.

    Jenner, I think LL is being drawn into this because EL says they're best friends and it does say something about her character that she would hang out with someone who does this type of thing.

  13. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Ah, I see - thanks TS

    I'm usually the first one to try & smear LL, but I couldn't quite get this one LOL

    BUT now that I do you KNOW I'm all over it LOL ;)

  14. Nicely done, Jenner...lol.

  15. Do NOT worry about Linds. She's the one who sold the dude, probably cut herself a deal for that drunk driving charge when she was mowing down her assistant and innocent bystanders, carrying the drugs that she got from "the black guy" or whatever the Hell excuse she made up.

    Or will she find out what happens to rats? If I were her, I would stay the Hell out of LA.

  16. first of all maybe if girls 18 or older put out more often and din't make it impossible to get laid then maybe we wouldn't need to resort to 16 yr olds



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