Thursday, March 20, 2008

Is The Child Abuser Lying? - Another Damn Hooker Story

I thought I was done with The Hooker. Ashley Dupre has made me say the word hooker more than all my trips to Amsterdam combined. And to make matters worse I have had to talk about Joe Francis again and again, but on the bright side, maybe he is looking at some more jail time.

So yesterday I just threw out the whole thing about The Hooker being 17 when this happened, simply because Joe and the GGW people obviously have had a problem in the past with checking i.d's and such. That is why Joe is now a convicted child abuser and I refer to him as such. I still don't understand why the FBI has not raided his offices to verify identifications with the tapes of girls. I would call them women, but I think when you are 16 and 17, you can still be called a girl. This is not to be confused with the kind of girl, the rest of his fellow inmates though Joe was with his long hair as they spent quality time with him each evening. Or at least I hope they did and that he is afraid to fall asleep ever again.

So after spending way too much time looking at Florida law last night, I have to agree with the child abuser that as long as The Hooker was filmed in a public location, she was above the age of 16, and no one touched her, she could be filmed stripping. That is Florida law. However, when Joe was running off at the mouth about the 7 full length tapes he has of her, he said this:

"We have some really great footage of Ashley," "Girls Gone Wild" CEO Joe Francis said. "There's a very good shower scene that alone is worth the money." Francis told the Daily News that Ashley was "a total 'GGW' groupie. She was really into girl-on-girl action and she was all over the guys, too."

Yesterday when all the crap hit the fan, he had this to say:

"We are getting pressure from her lawyer," Francis said at his Santa Monica, Calif., office Wednesday. "As soon as we withdrew the million dollar offer—he is just mad because her price has dropped. Even if she was only 17, we could still release it. There was no sexual contact. There's only nudity."

So which is it? Girl on girl and all over the guys, or no sexual contact? The ones they end up selling will follow the law, but if I were the cops, I might want to take a look at all of the 7 full length tapes before they suddenly disappear.

In case you are absolutely bored out of your mind today and want to know why a 17 year old can be filmed topless in Florida, read the case Lane v. MRA Holdings. Just do a Google search and you can find it.


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