Thursday, March 06, 2008

I Would Have Thought A Woman Would Be Next

Pink is already out trolling for new lovers and in a shocker her first pick up was a guy. I honestly thought that Pink would use all of this talk about her to really explore her sexuality and come to grips with that, but instead seems to be just fine with getting back to men. Just two weeks after her split, Pink was seen making out with and groping one of her former record producers Butch Walker. No doubt, Pink will put all of this down to being absolutely hammered.

At the Key Club here in LA to perform, she instead got so drunk that she had to sing her songs while laying on the floor. She was so drunk she could not even stand. After she finished singing, she then started doing tongue and grope thing with Butch. Ahh, yes, making out with and groping women who are too drunk to stand. Takes me back to the days of high school when it was about the only way a guy like me was ever going to get to touch a breast. Of course you had to be ready to dodge the puke which could come at any second, but it was all worth it. Much better than the Sears catalog. Although honestly, it really only made things worse so the Sears catalog definitely came into play at the end of the night. Was that too much information? Maybe, but you know what, I can't take it back now.

I am sure Pink was really proud of herself the next morning, and Butch was probably just as thrilled that he is now known as the rebound guy and the guy who can only get someone when they are drunk off their ass. You really don't want to be that guy.


Little Miss Smoke and Mirrors said...

Butch Walker sold his soul when he got involved in that Rock Star: Supernova disaster with Tommy Lee and Dilby, I mean, Gilby Clark.

Kait said...

Sold his soul or not, Pink's rebound guy or not, I love me some Butch Walker.

jax said...

long greasy hair, a girlish figure, skinny jeans and named Butch?

close enough EL.

Anonymous said...

lol Jax - I was going to guess that PINK was just confused and thought she hooked up with that girl from the L word.

Anonymous said...

OMFG I love Butch Walker. A brilliant songwriter. One of the best kept "secrets" in he never got super-famous I'll never understand. He is truly the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. But um....I thought he was married with a new baby?

Musing In The Light of Confusion said...

jeez you wasn't was Todd Morse of Juliette Lewis and the Licks...this story gets more and more intricate as it'll be a full blown book by tomorrow

Alli Morgan said...

Um, he IS married with a new baby. And I'm so glad to see that someone loves Butch as much as me. I f'n love that dude, a true talent and one of the best shows I've seen live...ever. I always feel like he's my dirty little musical secret when I get to see him at hot sweaty clubs!


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