Friday, March 14, 2008

Four For Friday

So FFF will be forthcoming in a few hours. Thanks again to everyone who sent in submissions. I think you will all enjoy the eclectic bunch of celebrities lined up for this week.

#1 - This has to be the oddest gay couple in the entire world. They are both married men in very long term relationships. One made his name outside the film/tv world, but has made his fortune from television. Solid B lister but an easy name to remember. The other has been in the business for over 30 years, and is B list from both film and television although his face is much more well known than his name. Really funny.

#2 - This married with child/children B list film actress now, but always best known for one specific television role was seen holding hands and leaving a party with a guy most definitely not her devoted husband. Yes, he might be a beard, but do you really want to go off with this D list film actor once married to an A lister without using some discretion.

#3 - This once very popular lead singer of a rap/rock group, and now just kind of fading away made an ass of himself as usual at a party when he got incredibly drunk and decided he was going to see how many breasts he could fondle and get away with it. Right after he made his first clumsy attempt, security showed him the door.

#4 - This B list television actress more known for her looks than any real acting ability has been married for quite sometime. She always pretends to be the perfect southern wife, but in reality has a coke problem that she shared with her celebrity husband and almost got him fired from his current job when he had to take an unscheduled drug test. He put it off for a couple weeks claiming a family emergency until he could provide a clean urine sample.


  1. #1 Why does Tim Allen keep creeping into my mind?

    #2 Have no clue who the girl is, but Tom Arnold for the D-list maybe-beard once married to an A-lister (Roseanne was once A-list, right?)

    #3 Fred Durst/Limp Bizkit? So, so, so many sad little failed raprock hooligans, though. Hard to tell.

    #4 Jennie Garth/Peter Facinelli? Is she even southern? Does Southern California count?

  2. Jennie Garth isn't Southern. For #4 I'm going with Angie Harmon who is from Dallas and was talking all about how things are done in the south in a recent issue of SHAPE. She's also more known for being a model.

    She's married to NFL player Jason Sehorn (sp?) who is in an industry with random drug testing.

  3. Will Smith is solid A list and at the present I think has made more money (20 mil a film) than he did in TV. That being said I like Ryan Phillipe for #2

  4. Yeah, #3 is obviously (to me at least) Fred Durst.

  5. Like the Angie Harmon guess for #4. No idea about the others.

  6. #4 Courtney Cox? She was born into an affluent Southern family.

  7. Yellow: Yeah, but would David Arquette be getting drug tested?

  8. Seahorn doesn't play football anymore unless networks drug test their commentators. John Madden had better look out.


  9. Kid Rock, although is he considered lead singer of a band or is he a solo act?

    Don't get why it took weeks for the druggie husband to give a clean sample, most drugs are out of your system in 72 hours. So unless he was on bender I don't buy it.

  10. could number 2 be Katie Holmes?

  11. EL, stop with the teasing. I need some FFF. Please.

  12. "Yes, he might be a beard" - who is ent talking about? the devoted husband, the D lister or did he type it wrong and mean that SHE's the beard?

  13. For #1, I had a think, and our first guy is/was probably a musician, model or comedian. My money is on the last one, given the "really funny" comment at the end, but the only one that springs to mind is Bernie Mac. Which other comedians had major network TV shows? No idea on who his partner would be though.

  14. 3. Gotta be Durst

  15. David is in a movie expected to start shooting this spring wouldn't he have to be tested for insurance purposes?

  16. #4 Eva Longoria & Tony Parker

  17. oooo Marisa - like that katie Holmes gues for # 2 .. hmmm

    as for #1 I say Don Rickles and Bob Newhart...hee

  18. and oh yeah...NEED NAKED MEN NOW PLEASE! Take pity on my flu riddled feverish state EL

  19. i was thinking courtney cox for #2...

  20. Well, I was going to say Ted Turner for #1 who made his name outside of film/tv but his fortune in it....but he's not currently married according to Wiki....

    #2 I like the Katie Holmes guess, too

    #3 Fred Durst immediately came to mind

    #4 Don't know....

    I'm a long time lurker and finally came out of hiding to start posting, so Hi everyone!

  21. Does Ent mean "she" might be a beard for 2? I thought women were beards.

    4 can't be Eva. The actress is someone who has been married for a while...Eva and Toni just got married.

  22. for some reason I though of Eddie VanHalen for #3...

  23. "welcome" (hands a martini)

  24. Thanks, jax! I could use a martini right now....yum!

  25. #2.D-lister once married to A-lister, Tom Green?(ex Drew Barrymore)

  26. #1- Don't know, but I was trying to think of an athlete who has made most of his money from TV... Charles Barkley? I'm going to go Barkley and Tim Allen, because the visual of that makes me laugh.

    #2- Dude, you guys are great at coming up with D-listers who were once married to A-listers... I love the Tom Green guess. I would like to think of Katie Holmes ditching Cruise for Green, that's hilarity!

    #3- Durst it is. Stay classy Fred!

    #4-I loved the Angie Harmon guess, but didn't realize her husband doesn't still play football. Also, is she known more for looks than acting? I honestly don't know. So I kinda got nothin'.

    Welcome aboard indigoblue! I'll join you for that martini!

  27. #2 - Lisa Kudrow?

    Hey indigoblue!

  28. Francesca - some of the football commentators were rumored to be gay for a long time and they're married. My mind is drawing a blank on names, but I think you're on the right track with that.

  29. Hey, Francesca and Twisted Sister! Saddle up for the martini, Francesca, this way no one thinks I have a problem because I drink alone in the afternoons. ;)

  30. Indigo, blame St. Patrick's,

  31. Great idea, Twisted! I actually am half Irish, so I get the green pass, right?

  32. I was just wondering about Tom Green this morning, matter-of-fact.
    What's he up to these days?

    Why am I wondering George Foreman for #1? ...was thinking about people who've made a name outside of TV but a fortune from it (I think his grill started with an infomercial).

    No idea about the rest, but hubby and I are off alcohol for a few weeks so y'all drink one for me, too!

  33. #2. SJP (beard, b-list movies, well known tv role,has child with "devoted" husband)

  34. I'm half Irish (and half Italian), so it works for me. And everybody's Irish on St. Paddy's Day anyway.

  35. Cap, good guess, but I'm confused about this one. It says the guy she left with might be a beard. Does that mean she's gay?

    How about Helen Hunt?

  36. Oh, H.H. isn't married - so scratch that.

  37. #1 Jay Leno and ???

  38. Anonymous2:58 PM

    #3 Eddie Van Halen

    Sorry to ask this stupid question but what is a beard?

  39. Didn't Helen marry her babydaddy?

    EL, where in the hell is FFF? It's nearly happy hour here in SoCal. You don't want to be late for the potato skins and draft beer at TGI's.

  40. Sylvia: Beard = someone to cover-up another person's homosexuality.

    Like that secretary who married Rock Hudson for a New York minute.

  41. Brenda, Eva and Tony had been married since July last year. I really think that's quite "a while" by Hollywood standards. :-)

  42. Oooh, I like the SJP guess for #2! I think it's a typo and is suppposed to read "she might be a beard" all though her husband might not care that she has other "friends" because she's HIS beard, but the rest of the world might think it's odd that she's holding some other dude's hand...thus the discretion part...hmmmm...

    And Twisted,I'm half German half Irish. Got the red hair and butt white skin to prove it! But it sure does make the "Hey, I'm just celebrating my heritage" thing a little easier to pass off when sipping a pint in the afternoon! ha!

  43. I can see David Lee Roth grabbing the boobage.

    Califblondy, she was married to Hank Azaria but they're divorced. If she's married again, imdb doesn't note it.

    Indigo, alcoholics on both sides! You lucky duck! (kidding!)

  44. st. paddy's day is the anniversary of our first date. we were in a local(non- irish) dive bar. he was at one end of the bar getting drunk with his friends and i was at the other end getting smashed with my girlfriend. i looked down the bar, saw my future husband, and yelled "HEY! WANNA GO MAKE OUT IN ONE OF THE BOOTHS?" i had to repeat myself because he couldn't believe what i said and i'm sure i was slurring. so we headed for the booth and we've been together ever since. even though it wasn't exactly a "date" we celebrate more on march 17th than on our actual wedding anniversary.

  45. twis - i think it should read "SHE might be a beard"

  46. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Van Halen does not qualify as a "rap/rock" group no matter how you slice the loaf.

  47. Dudes, I'm Irish PLUS St. Patrick's Day is my birthday, so I officially give everyone permission to be drunk all weekend if you want! I'll get started now.

    captivagrl, that's a very cute story! I love that he made you repeat it. And then you ended up married, awww!

    Oh also, I like the SJP guess... have we come up with any other ideas for the Dlist film actor?

  48. What about Debra Messing for #2? She's the first one that came to mind, because will she ever be known for anything other than Grace? But I do like the SJP guess...

  49. francesca - have a very happy birthday!! tom green is still ok. if drew married him, maybe he's got more going on than one would think?

  50. Cap, that makes sense.

    And what a heartwarming first meeting. I wept. Yeah, I'm a real sucker for (actually, I lmao!)

    Francesca, happy bday!

  51. I like the Tim Allen guess for #1 just because it's funny to think about. But, one of my friends met him in a bar (he's not sober, whatever he might say) and he was all flirtsy and grabsy. She also said his teeth look really really fake up close.

    St. Patrick's always kicks off a week-long celebration, culminating in my birthday on the 24th. Half French (there's where the wine love comes from) and half Cherokee (and there's the whatever-has-alcohol-in-it) means it's a fun week for me. Huh? What religious holiday in the middle?

  52. Matthew Broderick has been rumored to be gay for a long time, so he could the last half of #1 -- been in the business for over 30 years. He was in plays nearly 30 years ago.

    #3 definitely Durst

    #4 no idea, but thought Angie Harmon sounded possible. Don't keep up with football, though. Would have said Ashley Judd, except she isn't TV.

  53. Ya, I know Helen was married Hank very briefly. I thought her babydaddy was an older guy?

    Irish Grandfather here with a Mc___ name and everything. I don't discriminate with my drinking. Any holiday pretty much works.

  54. #1 Def Matthew Broderick. He's gay for days.

  55. OK, my first time posting...

    I'm gonna say Mark McGrath for #3. I guess if you would consider Sugar Ray rap/rock, wasn't he revealed as the drunk jerk who went into the wrong hotel room and scared some poor old lady. And, the lyrics to one of their songs ends with him saying "And fade away" over and over.

  56. Irish all the way with dual US/Ireland citizenship. Angie Harmon fits to a T but I'm not sure it's her. She seems so wholesome. But I guess that's the point of the blind.

  57. 1. No idea.

    2. No way is this Katie Holmes. She has handlers that prevent her from escaping.
    I going with Messing.
    3. Fred Durst.

    4.Still working on this one

  58. #1 Donald Trump and Harry Dean Stanton

    #2 Sarah Jessica Parker and Tom Green

    #3 Durst

    #4 Ashley Judd

  59. The problem I have with Trump is the line:

    "They are both married men in very long term relationships."

    Trump hasn't been married to Melania that long.

    Motor - welcome. Mark McGrath is a good guess. So is Fred Durst, Gamma.

  60. For #1 - going with comedian because of the Really funny sentence, plus name easy to remember - how about Sinbad?

  61. Anonymous4:41 PM

    I was convinced #4 was Ashley Judd, who's married to that racecar driver...but is she a TV actress?

  62. khemenu - just film i think

  63. #1.(a)Lou Ferrigno ?

  64. Brendalove, I agree, VH is a solid rock group. I'm going Aerosmith (Walk this Way redeux with Run DMC) and guessing Steven Tyler...

  65. Brendalove, I agree, VH is a solid rock group. I'm going Aerosmith (Walk this Way redeux with Run DMC) and guessing Steven Tyler...

  66. Which other comedians had major network TV shows?

    Tim Allen, Bill Cosby,Roseanne,Leno,Letterman,Conan,Carson,Arsenio,Chappelle,Chevy Chase..I know I'm leaving a bunch out:(

  67. #1: Ent says he "has made his fortune from television." The "has made" sounds to me like the guy is still on TV. If he weren't, Ent could have just said "he made his fortune." Leno is a pretty good guess. He's so uncomfortable around gay stuff that it definitely would be odd to imagine him being gay. Maybe the dudes bonded over cars. (How about Tom Selleck for the other guy?!)

    #2: The A lister to whom the D lister was previously married isn't necessarily an actress. She could be a singer, for example.

  68. 2 implies that the male is her cover. For what he doesn't imply.

  69. motor - my first thought for #3 was Mark McGrath too. But then I thought there might be a mention of his latest career as a tv host instead of just the leader of a rock/rap group. So... that makes Durst a perfect guess.

  70. welcome, indigoblue and motor!

    heritage wise, i'm a mutt. i'll drink for anything. unfortunately, THIS st. paddy's day i'm off the booze & salt with my surgery looming, so save mine for adrian, now that she's past hers, 'kay?

    and i have NO guesses.
    #4-- is faith ford married?

    oh, and i thought helen hunt broke up w/ hank before they married. i always hated her a little for breaking up with him.

  71. After thinking about #3 for a while, do you think Ent could have meant a "rap OR rock group," or is it definitely a "rap AND rock group" a la Limp Biskit and Sugar Ray? I thought he was being intentionally ambiguous so it wouldn't be given away by being too narrow.


  72. b bunny - good luck with your surgery!you're a very sweet gal.

  73. Um, for number two, I immediately thought of Christina Applegate because she was on 'married with children' but I don't think she has any kids. I think the D list dude is Ryan Philippe because he was married to Reese Witherspoon and she is definitely A-list.

  74. OT: interesting new developments regarding copyright problems with pics of ashley. her lawyer already stating she is not/was not a public figure. her privacy has been violated? i may agree...thinking about it/sleeping on it.....

  75. not asleep yet, the problem should really be ownership of photos and checking signed release agreements. no? the photos in question are semi-nude(topless).

  76. Anonymous11:36 PM

    for #4 i wouldn't be surprised if it was courtney cox and i don't know why neither. lol

  77. #2 D-list actor:Jonathan Schaech? (Christina Appelgate's ex?)

    I don't know.

  78. 2-Ryan Phillipe gets my vote for d lister
    4 to me is SCREAMS Eva and Tony

    1-Could one half be Jerry Seinfield? I cant decide which because he fits both well.

    3-Fred Durst

  79. Does anyone else read #2s clue of "Married with child/children" to mean she has at least one child but is *pregnant* with child right now????

    Huge clue.


  80. bflogurl, when EL doesn't want to give the whole thing away, he'll write it child/children, which only means she either has one child or more than one child. He's sneaky that way. ;-)

    Trashtalker, I don't think Tom Selleck's face is much more well known than his name.

    Nissa, Ryan Phillipe isn't D list. I don't even think he's C list. He's a solid B lister.

    Alpine Summer, you might be right about that, since that's how he writes child/children. Maybe he means one or the other, not both when he writes rap/rock.

    Cap, don't you think that's ridiculous for her lawyer to say her privacy has been violated when SHE has approached Playboy to do a spread? Geeze, this looks like just another attempt for the hooker to make some money.

    Hey, Bionic, good luck with YOUR surgery. I hope Adrian reports in soon.

  81. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I like the Donny Osmond guess for #1. I'm still trying to figure out his partner. Probably a character actor.

  82. #3 - I immediately thought of Fred Durst, but Mark McGrath works, too.

    It's no one in VanHalen... first off, they aren't a rap/rock group. Eddie was never the lead (or even background) singer. And DLR is gay.

  83. #3 Definitely Fred Durst

    I think #2 would be Katie because there child/children clue, don't they have adapted children, but it does not say that the husband is also an actor. Hmmm. have to think again.

    #4 might really be Eva and Tony.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. What does being gay have to do with grabbing womens breasts? I don't think straight men have cornered the market on being asses when they're drunk.

  86. For #1, how about Ice-T and Matthew Broderick? Definitely would make an odd couple, and Ice-T made his name in the music industry. I'll bet he's made a lot more money on Law & Order: SVU, though.

  87. #1 Danny Devito/Matthew Broderick - how funny is that?

  88. #1- Will Smith?
    #2- SJP came immediately to mind. I like the Jonathan Schaech guess someone above thought of.
    #3- Mark McGrath.
    #4- Courtney Cox is from Alabama.

  89. #4: I immediately thought of Delta Burke, since she is a former beauty queen. She's married to Gerald McRaney. Boy, is he whipped - lol. But I don't know if he's currently in a project or not...

  90. Hi Twisted--thanks for your good thoughts-- I wasn't sure where to write you, because you voted on Brickfish as a guest, & I didn't have an acct, for you there. I am home resting--will go back to the surgeon on Friday, & need to wait 5-7 days for the biopsy report. I got over the dizziness & nausea--I am just sore & waiting for my scar to heal & the results back.
    Now it is time to hop our good wishes over to Bionic Bunnny!!
    Hi Buns!!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. ~OT Alert~

    Hi adrian....very, very, glad all went well.

    Scars are kewl. :) I have a few of them myself.

    Take care.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. so it goes, long time lurker.. first time poster...

    tom green is doing a talk show out of his living room called tom green's house... or something very similar. its kitschy. I've only seen it once.

  95. tom show is on live right now.

  96. tom green's show guest list is filled with D listers.

  97. #1 B List actor, very funny: Martin Short??

  98. For #4: The first couple that popped into my head was Rebecca Gayheart & Eric Dane. She's from Kentucky & I would definitely say known for looks (Noxema girl, anyone?) v. acting ability. And, obviously, his current job is on Grey's Anatomy.

    Only hitch, is that the blind says they've been married for quite sometime" & they were only married in 2004.



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