Did Gayle And Oprah Break Up?
I have read in a few places today, with the first being the NY Post that Gayle King has moved into a a $7.1M New York penthouse that Oprah recently bought. Every blog that I have read says that Oprah did it because Gayle is her BFF or gay lover or whatever. If that were true, then why would Oprah send Gayle off to New York? If she is your BFF or gay lover or work wife or whatever the hell Gayle is, don't you think Oprah would want her close? Real close? Extra special close? Wake up in the morning together close?
Well, buying her a penthouse in New York kind of defeats that purpose. I have two theories, and they are just theories. Gayle and Oprah broke up and this was Gayle's going away gift. A place to live, but nothing more. Oprah owns it and if Gayle does something wrong, then bye bye penthouse. My other more whacked out Heather Mills type theory is that Gayle is going to run a domination boot camp and keep Rachael Ray's husband and Dr. Phil in line so they don't cause Oprah any additional problems. The penthouse is big enough for both of the men to scream and cry like babies, but is still right in Manhattan so they can keep their day jobs. If they act up, Gayle either beats them or forces them to watch Oprah introducing A list celebrities on a continuous loop.