Monday, March 17, 2008

Child Actress = Meth Addiction

I think Fergie has lost her mind. In an interview with Marie Claire she tries to explain why she became a meth addict. I don't think she has decided if it was because she used to be on a television show for five minutes when she was a kid or if it is because she is a people pleaser. Why don't you read the quote, and you tell me.

"I was a child actor. I was this spaz kid diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), and I worked all the time. I got on a TV series, Kids Incorporated; I was like a little adult. And years later, because I would try to people-please, I would hold all these feelings in. Then all of a sudden, I just didn't feel creative. And crystal meth came into my life."

What the hell feelings was she holding in? The fact that she was a little adult? She would try and please people and keep what feelings in? I am really confused. Can you imagine what it must be like to live with her? All the meth has knocked some brain cells seriously out of whack. And this is when she is 32. As it is she already looks 45 because of the meth and has the senility of a 70 year old. What the hell do you think she is going to be like in fifteen years when she can't even remember the words to any of her songs and loses her job as a singer at various bowling alley lounges.

Look, she just should have said that she made a bad decision and got hooked. Don't blame it on anything but yourself. For what it is worth, she does come completely clean with this quote about what meth did to her.

"When I had that first hit, I knew I wanted to feel that way every day. I went on a downward spiral. I lost friends and family. Anyone who disagreed with my way of life, I cut them out."

She is being honest there so I don't know why she can't be honest about why she got hooked in the first place. Hey, we can handle it. We won't judge. OK, some of us including myself will judge, but we want to know.


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