Friday, March 14, 2008

Blind Item Reveals - Kindness - With The Movie

March 6, 2008

#2 This good looking B list film actor who is making an awful mistake if the recent stories of his love life are true is the subject of this mini kindness. A teacher was walking through the lobby of a building when he spotted our actor waiting for the elevator. The teacher is a high school teacher and he recognized the actor immediately. He approached him and said, "Hi, I'm a big fan of yours and I show your movie (fill in the blank) to my high school Government classes." The actor shook his hand and thanked him and then asked why he would show his students that movie. And this is where the teacher could tell our actor was a decent human being. The elevator opened up, actor looked at it, looked back at the teacher and said, "There will be another one. Tell me about your class." The teacher explained what the movie brought to his students and they spent another ten minutes talking with our actor saying he might have enjoyed his Government classes when he was in school, if only he'd had such a teacher.

Aaron Eckhart
Thank You For Smoking


  1. I guess the teacher is showing "Thank You For Smoking"; I would imagine parents might get upset about the sex scenes with Katie Holmes. I went to private schools and there would have been a huge uproar at that kind of thing, but maybe not in public education.

    Fun movie; I bet the kids love it.

  2. Unless maybe they edited those scenes to show in school?

    I like this story.

  3. Yeah, most likely Thank You For Smoking, though he was also in Erin Brockovich, which might also be useful to a government class. But bet it was the former.

    I'm pleased he's so sweet. He's one of the ones you'd like to hope isn't a jackass.

  4. OMG I got one right! First time ever.

  5. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Makes him so much hotter. But it's probably Erin Brockovich.

  6. Glad it's him because he always struck me as someone who wasn't so hung up the usual hollywood BS. But in the real world, istill think this would be common courtesy not so much a kindness.

    Either way though it's a nice one!

  7. This just makes me want him more.

  8. Ent says the film is Thank You For Smoking. At the bottom.

  9. Reese - he's probably fast forwarding through scenes.

    I loved him before but after this - I REALLY love him.

  10. It makes me happy to hear this. Love him.

  11. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Did anyone picture him as a better fit for the lead in the Da Vinci Code? I always thought Hanks was miscast in that role and that Aaron was the perfect lead for it.

  12. He was here in Seattle this week filming that flick with Aniston and he did seem really nice. Nice to know it isn't an act.

  13. Cali Girl, I thought Hanks was miscast, too, but I never thought of A.E. for that role. The role I thought Eckhart would have been great for was the groom at my wedding.

  14. Anonymous4:14 PM

    LOL - twisted - TOTALLY agree. He has been at the top of my list for many years. Erin Brokovich was first introduction, but Possession sealed the deal. Fan forever.

  15. Cali Girl, if you haven't seen it yet, rent Conversations With Other Women. That's the movie that did it for me. If you're an Eckhart fan, you'll love it.

  16. cali girl - As soon as I
    heard they were making a film of the da vinci code, he was my first thought too! Thanks for validating my inner casting director lol!

  17. That gave me goosebumps. I wish there were more "kindness" stories, but I bet they are few and far between.

  18. That gave me goosebumps. I wish there were more "kindness" stories, but I bet they are few and far between.

  19. I have worked in high schools and if we do not have an edited copy, we do fast forward through questionable scenes.

    Again, it is very refreshing to read about a kind, decent person in the entertainment industry.

    My husband is in law enforcement and has had to work on many film/tv shoots in his city. More often than not, he encounters cranky celebrities, likewise he is always surprised when the actors/actresses ask him about his job or just stop by to chat.

  20. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Wow, I don't know Aaron Eckhart at all - will check out his films - sounds like he is a good actor AND a good guy. Worth the price of admission.

    Is the love life mistake the rumored interest in Aniston on set or something else?? Anyone got dish?

  21. Acetomato - I think EL's comment was about Aniston. You know how much EL LOVES

  22. i've never made it through that movie, although i've attempted a couple of times. seems i always just miss the start of it.
    but i do remember reading on several sites that tommy boy had katies love scenes cut from the movie.

    also, we're talking high school kids, who are out having sex themselves (some of them). i know when my kids were in HS the teacher would send home notes asking permission. if the parents didn't want the kids to see the movie (or have sex ed, or whatever) the kids went to study hall.
    geez, as a parent, what they saw on the movie screen was preferable to what they saw in real live around here, believe me!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I am an ass. I just thought I was all clever and the only one that guessed this correctly. Looks like others thought of him too. Oh well, I just wont toot my own horn quite so loudly next time!

  25. He indeed lovely. He is very friendly with Jason Patric. They both drink bud bottles, out of the bottle.
    I have this great memory of the two of them waving enthusiastically goodbye to someone. I looked behind me and then realized they were saying good night to me...yup I am dork.


  26. aaron was raised mormon.

  27. I think Aaron gave up the Mormon church a long time ago. There was some sort of dust up about it, in an interview for a Utah paper? Idaho? Don't remember but Aaron had to firmly tell the religious journalist that his spiritual life was his own business.

  28. I think ps was the first person to guess Eckhart correctly - so go ps!

    Bionic, there are love scenes, if you can call them that. If I recall correctly, the scenes are shot at a bit of a distance and I think the lighting may have been a little low. I haven't seen it in a while.

  29. Has Aaron Eckhart ever been in Full Frontal Friday? THAT'S one I'd REALLY like to see...!



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