Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Audrina Patridge Is A Naughty Girl

So what happens when you are just out of high school, think you are hot, want to be in Playboy and have access to a great photographer? Why you take "test" shots of yourself to try and get into Playboy. What really happens is that the photographer who was a friend of yours stares at your pictures every night until one day you get famous. Then, he goes ahead and sells them and the rest of the world gets to stare at your naked body.

It's working because I really haven't stopped looking and I don't even like The Hills. Here is the statement that Audrina released about the photos. "I took these photos years ago when I was just out of high school and beginning to model. I was young and very trusting of others and I didn't know to protect myself. It is a lesson learned, for myself, and hopefully for the young girls who look up to me."

Let me give you a piece of advice. Never, ever, ever pose naked unless you are prepared for the entire world to see you naked. Don't trust anyone, or believe the stories they tell you about keeping them safe. The photos will get out. Same goes for videos you make or anything else that other people in the world will like. Don't do it.

To see all the photos in their NSFW glory, you can click here.


  1. Uummmmm...she wanted to be in Playboy. The whole world would have seen her naked if she had booke the job. WTF is she complaining about?

  2. Ugly shoes. What's up with ugly shoe pictures today? I just commented on Jake G's big white ugly shoes over on Jezebel.

    Just like crack, say no to big ugly shoes. PSA of the day.

  3. Audrina strikes me as the sort of girl who would get in a car with a serial killer if he offered her something shiny or candy.

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    I think I'm going to start referring to all these chicks as JAWs--Just Another Whore.

  5. Anonymous10:57 AM

    trix, I like that term. It's a keeper.

    Personally, I think Audrina's an ugly woman. Her nose is too small for her very round/oval face, she's got duck lips, and wears too much make-up. ... oh, wow.. sounds like Jenna Jameson.. maybe Audrina should've done more porn?

  6. "young girls who look up to me"???

    Who are those young girls and why aren't their mothers slapping sense into them?

  7. Does anyone else see Marie Osmand's face in this picture?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Seems like these actors and actress use the same lame excuse when they are caught naked.

    Have you read about Marie Osmand faking her fainting spell on that dance show she came on. I always wonder if that was real or not. She looks phoney to me. Also I couldn't believe that her son was in rehab and she still stayed in the dancing show like if he was not important. Also I found it strange that almost every week she was in some kind of family crises. I wonder if this is the reason her husbands never stayed with her in their marriage.

  10. You nailed it Gammagirl. Audrina clearly wasn't considering a career in electrical engineering, but it is sad to see that she was this stupid. Wasn't the Justin Bobby fling bad enough?

    I had the best laugh of the day (so far) at the story that the JAW (such a useful acronym, Trix!) who goes by Kristen/Ashley screwed herself out of $1 million by being a slut at 18. Joe Francis already has seven full-length tapes of her nude and having lesbian sex so why pay her now to keep her clothes on?

  11. if she's over 18, what's the big deal?

  12. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Thanks guys, it really simplifies it quite nicely, doesnt it? Nowadays when these stories come out, I roll my eyes and think "Great, just another whore." Now with this handy acronym, I can spend even LESS time thinking about them!!!! :D

  13. Simply brilliant, trix

    ...unlike Miss Partridge who, um, doesn't really seem to be the brightest bulb in the socket.....

  14. sorry i dont think i'd classify Aurdrina as a whore. this was bad judgement at a young age. uneducated judgement on the subject if you will.

    Kristen- uh cuz i don't think she's making a cent of of them whether she wanted them out there or not.

  15. Anonymous2:05 PM

    lol she set out to make a career with topless pics and somehow she's not a whore? lmao

  16. would you like to be judged about your decisions made at 18 of from 1992?

    sorry but getting your tits out does not equate to whore.
    did she get paid? no
    was she doing anything sexual aside from being topless and posing? no
    was she with a man in the pics? no
    a women? no
    has she done anything remotely similar since? not that we know of.

    ya she's a realllll whore.

    there is a difference between being topless and doing playboy and doing porn/whoring ya know.

  17. oops please omit 1992 from my post..had Kristin Davis on the brain i guess.

    you get the point.

  18. thanks for the advice!
    my friend wants to do a shoot; im not sure if she wants nudity or just "implied" nudity......
    i was almost thinking what the hell. lol

  19. These JAWs want to be famous but don't know how to do anything. They're trained at nothing and they're ALL OVER the place. Pay them no attention and they'll go away.

  20. Seeking attention as a sexual object is being a whore.

    I know one girl personally who is not a whore in any way. She would never be in a stupid predicament in which anyone could even suggest she is a whore.

    MILFs are whores too. How pathetic to be in a Sexy Moms Club. Moms should strive to be respectable, not sexy. If you happen to be sexy without trying to hard as a mom, then I would not label you as a whore. Because labels are for everything, and people are food in my culture.

  21. "Seeking attention as a sexual object is being a whore."

    Umh, no - seeking attention is just seeking attention.

    "I know one girl personally who is not a whore in any way"

    She sounds fun!

    "MILFs are whores too"

    Are you the guy who upset everyone a while ago writing under a new pseudonym? Anonymity really is your friend. Or are you from that nutty 'Jesus hates gays' family?

    Anyway - back to positivity. Thank you EL for a great blog, and thank you to Jax & everyone for being fun to read.

    I'm heading back to lurking with my dirty whorish mouth and a glass of rose now. Laters! x

  22. wow...
    so if you look good in a burlap sack w/o fixing your hair/makeup...then youre in the clear about being considered a whore!
    im a mom of 2, who has been called a "milf" quite a few times. guess i'm fucked. oh well.

  23. Crucible shoes. That is all.
