Thursday, March 13, 2008

Ashley Dupre Can't Pay Her Rent

Don't know who Ashley Dupre is? That's okay. She goes by 20 other names, but she is best known as Kristen, the 22 year old prostitute who brought down one of the nation's most powerful governors. I like that last part. Actually sounds like a reporter. I guess reading about her in the NY Times rubbed off by osmosis for five words.

In the article, Ashley says she doesn't know how she is going to pay her rent since her boyfriend walked out on her. I gather her boyfriend lied to her about his familial situation and somehow he is the one who ended up walking out. Hmmm.

Let me take a big ole guess here about how Ashley is going to pay her rent. Anyone want to guess with me? Hmmmm. How about an adult magazine such as Playboy? If the NY Times found her, then I am sure Hugh Hefner can find her. I don't think she will end up in a different magazine that is more hard core because I am sure she is just not that kind of girl.

Then in about a month or two we will see her out and about in LA. Oh, it says in the NY Times article that she is going to move back home to NJ, but I think that when she pops up on the radar in LA, she will say something about how her acting and music career are taking off and how she needs to be close to all the contacts out here.

After we see her leaving hotel rooms with Scott Storch and JR Rotem she will do a reality show, that no one watches and will soon hopefully fade from our memory. Oh, she will be in the news for the rest of her life because of this scandal. There will never be another political scandal article written that doesn't include her name, and every article that is about Eliot Spitzer will mention her in the first sentence.

But for now, what Eliot Spitzer paid $80,000 to see, we will see for $5 or whatever it costs for a Playboy. If you want to listen to one of the worst songs ever recorded, you can click here and go to her MySpace page and listen to her song. Don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. if she is smart she will stick with the name she wants us all to remember. i see her future as a paid party girl in vegas and hustler more than playboy. i hope she had other famous clients because this girl will tell all.

  2. I actually feel sorry for her. She's 22, obviously damaged...

    The best thing for her (which won't happen) is if everyone just forgets her name so she can go on to have as much of a normal life as is possible at this point.

  3. I'm with Flora on this one - I understand people's interest in "Kristen," but I don't think it was necessary for the NY Times to out her. This is what she does for a living, and she had the misfortune to have Spitzer as a client.

    She obviously has issues if she had to go this route to earn a living, but she didn't ask for this (all the publicity), and you don't see her appearing on every TV show or in the magazines (so far). I think the press should be focusing on Spitzer and his misdeeds, and not trying to out this girl.

  4. what she does for a living is not legal. the reason she wasn't arrested is because she made a deal. she is an FBI informant. young women in NJ and NY(even with unfortunate backgrounds) do have choices. wanting things that are expensive doesn't justify the crime or the sleazy lifestyle.

  5. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I thought I heard she was selling her story to the highest bidder and current bidding was Extra with $100,000.

  6. What kills me about this girl is that all the news stations refer to her as a "high priced call girl". Call her what she really is - a whore. She had choices, I don't feel one iota of sympathy for her.

  7. @DNfromMN: I haven't heard that, but I don't doubt it in the least.

    She's the new Monica Lewinsky. Her obituary will read, "Kristen Whatever, who famously gave bareback sex to NY Governor and caused him to resign, died Tuesday at the age of 81."

  8. mandy - keep barebacking and it will be " Tuesday at the age of 31".

  9. Some of the comments made by her mother in The New York Times were inadvertently hilarious. The mother talked about how bright her daughter is (curious career choice for a "bright" individual), and how she would be able to "handle" someone like Spitzer (condom-free anal sex? Oh yes, that's handling the situation well), but then went on to say the bright Ashley probably had no idea who Spitzer was anyway. Good lord.

    I expected someone considerably better looking than Ashley is; her squinty little eyes are much too small for the rest of her face, and even an untrained eye can easily spot her various plastic surgeries. She must have made up in service what she lacks in beauty.

    Yes, she's damaged, she was abused, etc., and that is a common thread for people who end up in porn and prostitution, but for all of the raving about how bright she is her life away from home sounds like a long string of really stupid behavior and choices. Oprah will fawn over her and she'll get the reality show and be paid to show up at parties. Sickening.

  10. I don't feel sorry for her at all. Damaged or not, she chose to be a prostitute. Feel sorry for her if she has to work 2 jobs cleaning toilets to pay her rent. Not becoming a hooker so she can have Jimmy Choos.

  11. I live in NY, & it is so horrible that my kids have to hear about her & Spitzer all day long, even to the point where the teachers have discussed it. I had to explain to my 14 year old, who thinks this was a victimless crime, why it was so wrong. How stupid was Spitzer that he didn't think anyone would find out!!!must keep voting.................

  12. i haven't seen one comment anywhere about the fact that the scumbag's daughter is only a few years younger than "kristen/ashley".

  13. You should double read the articles you copy ent. She got into being a whore because after the boyfriend left, she needed to make some quick cash. She's not afraid now she won't be able to -pay her rent.

    Also she refused to do the bareback. According to her. And anal was never mentioned.

  14. And she's hot. I'd pay $1000 for a piece of that.

  15. Her account appears to have been her music anywhere else?

  16. I have yet to meet a girl who doesnt expect money, in some form, for sex. She was smart enough to go to the wealthiest source.

  17. kristen - has links

  18. You know, I do have some sympathy for the girl. But let's get real. Not all 22 year old aspiring singers live in $3500 a month apartments in Manhattan and turn to hooking when they can't pay the rent. When I was a struggling musician in my 20s in NYC, I lived in whatever dump I could afford and worked as a day office temp. And yes, I knew girls who shook their titties in Times Square bars for far more. But most of them were so screwed up that they ended up spending all their money on blow or heroin.

    I had an abusive father and had to earn everything on my own too. But there is a line that most people, struggling or not, don't cross. Because once you do, your self-respect is out the window and it becomes hard to live with yourself.

    For some, the fancy lifestyle and nice stuff is more important, and that's why they end up the way they do.

    I do feel badly for the girl, but she has made her own choices. At least she does seem to have some friends defending her. I think it was her bad luck to get the governor as a client. I hope she gets her life together.

  19. no sympathy for whores who do it condom free with married men.
    i highly doubt a man paying $4500 for anal sex is gonna feel compelled to take off his wedding ring.
    he's a dirty scumbag.
    She's a whore.
    End of story.

  20. The Washington Post had a very good piece today on the wronged wife, Silda Wall Spitzer. She was impressive to me prior to my having read this article, but for Eliot to have treated a woman of her caliber so shoddily, especially with "bright" Ashley, makes me hope that her divorce lawyer leaves Eliot with his underwear and nothing else.

  21. Her family must be so proud.

    And why Spitzer's wife is staying with that dog is beyond me. What a self-centered, selfish moron.

  22. She can come out to L.A and stay with me rent free as long as she cooks and cleans and wears a cute french maid's outfit!

  23. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Ah, I love it when the hooker stories come out. Thats when everyone crawls out of their little hole to condemn a woman whom they dont know so they can bask in their moral superiority.

  24. I don't know why everyone is so hard on her. Yes she's a hooker. So what? there are tons of them all over the world. She's a 22 year-old (though she looks more like 32) who is making wrong choices. But what that asshole, male skank did is so much worse. He cheated on his wife, spent 100K of their money on a hooker, and had the balls to go after other people who were doing the same thing by bringing down prostitution rings.

    Being a lying, cheating, scumbag, hypocrite is so much worse than being a 22 year-old hooker.

  25. Finally found the damn thing (thanks cap)'s not bad. Very manufactured, but her voice is OK. At least much better than Heidi Montag's or Tyra Banks's!!

  26. She was a woman who made choices. I'm not saying I agree or disagree with her decisions. She has to live with them. BUT- if it wasn't her, it would have been another woman. HE wanted sex with someone besides his wife. HE paid alot of money to get that sex. HE was the one who was legislating against people just like him.

    Right or wrong, if people weren't able to make money selling sex, people wouldn't sell themselves. Supply and demand. HE demanded. She didn't seduce him, he called and ordered her.

    I'm not defending her, she's not asking for anyone to defend her. I am saying that instead of worrying about if she was right or wrong, if she was pretty or ugly, if she's less moral than myself- let's focus on the married man who spent his political career condemning, and prosecuting people for doing exactly what he was doing.

  27. Oh please - did we not post the other day that a young woman can make six figures waitressing in an upscale restaurant?

    She had other choices and she opted to go into a sleazy and ILLEGAL profession. The fact that people are slamming her has to do with her choices and we don't need to know her personally to do that.

    This is a gossip site, let's not pull out the moral superiority card about GOSSIP because it's not gonna play.

  28. Let's slam the married guy with 3 teen daughters who faought to stop exactly what he was caught doing. How can you go and preach and prosecute people because of prostitution, then pay over $80,000 to get some yourself?
    He knew he was doing wrong- he had a wife. He screwed this girl the night before Valentine's day. Do you think he got home, washed his johnson, and then gave the wife some good Valentine's day loving too? I won't defend her. She did what she did- she has to live with it. I don't really care though. I think that my anger is at the man who fought to strengthen laws against people doing just what he did.

  29. How amazing that all women expect some compensation for sex. I believe that they do, it's called an orgasm. If you can't pay up, go home and never come back.

  30. And Twisted, I know what you are saying- I give no sympathy to her. My only sympathies are to his daughters. Being a teen girl, hearing this about your father... I feel awful for them.

    But are we sure prostitution is any sleazier than politics?

  31. Parisss!!! ;-)

    I did slam him in my initial post saying I can't believe his wife is staying with him. He's a dog. He didn't do this once, he did it repeatedly and it just KILLS me that she was trying to convince him to stay on as Governor.

    I feel sorry for his daughters, too. They deserve better than him in a father. What a great role model.

    Sleazy is sleazy - I don't think we can measure these things.

  32. 13:01 and counting ... tictoctictoc

  33. Trix i don't need to know here.
    She got paid for bareback sex with a married man.
    Who knows what kind of diseases she could have transmitted to his wife. He's no innocent either..but at the end of the day she's the one getting paid to take it in the pooper by a well known married man.
    She knew damn well what she was doing...and THAT was immoral, not anyone here judging her for it.

  34. His daughters are the ONLY ones I feel sympathy for.
    Ashley chose this life -- money was more important to her than pride. There are PLENTY of damaged people in this world who do not choose to sell their bodies. Their are plenty of struggling musicians (though I think we should use that term loosely for her) who work hard and don't spend more money than they can make.
    Spitzer chose to cheat and engage in illegal activities. He's scum.
    Spitzer's wife has chosen to stay by his side. A stupid choice, IMHO, but that's her choice.
    But his poor girls have no say in any of this-- I can't even imagine how they must feel.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I am sure this girl is not stupid. She will figure out a way how to pay her rent. If she was working as a hooker they know their tricks. Also their is nothign to feel sorry about this girl. She knew what she was doing when she became a hooker. With all this publicity she will get book deals, movie deals and probably more madames wanting her in their stable.

    The person to feel sorry for is the wife and daughters. The embarrasement they have to go thru for what their horny father did. I hope the wife divorces him and screws him for what she can get him for.

  37. i feel sorry for the real tricks on the corner strung out and feeling like they have no choice because their pimp will beat their asses, not for this chicken head who was clearly doing it to keep her used up butt in a swank pad and nice clothes.
    and that is why i judge.

  38. those "real tricks" made the same decision as she did. if you're going to say prostitution is wrong, then why would you say it's ok because some people choose to charge less? there are plenty of poor woman who could become a "real trick", and choose to not. they are no different than this girl. she charged more. she got a safer set up, maybe.
    prostitution is illegal, but so is pot smoking, and i've read platny of people on this site bragging about being stoned.

    where does it say she did bareback anal? i read he requested something "unsafe", and she declined him. it also said the request was mundane. anal has never been mentioned in anything i've read.

  39. Ah, the politician and the playgirl. An old story that replays again and again throughout the generations.

    I recommend a movie on just this subject called "Scandal." It starred Joanne Whalley-Kilmer (as Christine Keeler)and Bridget Fonda. It's about the fall of British politician John Profumo, played by Ian McKellan.

    It came out in 1989 and is really good!

    Here's the thing: Spitzer's career is ruined but "Kristen" is young and no one will remember who she is. She'll be able to get on with her life no matter what.

    The Profumo scandal was HUGE is comparison to this.

  40. Since I'm the one who mentioned it was illegal and I don't smoke pot, what's the problem?

  41. We first heard the word anal from Heidi Fleiss, when she was interviewed and asked her thoughts on his request for something unsafe. She opined that it was probably for anal. But "Kirsten" didn't go for it. I think everyone is jumping the gun here.

    Honestly, if people are going to be angry with someone, it should be with Spitzer, not her. Yes, what she was doing was illegal (but like anon pointed out, lots of people here laugh about their pot-smoking, which is also illegal). He betrayed everyone in his world, immediate and not, and unfortunately, they have to deal with the fallout from his actions. His innocent kids have to go to school and show their faces - changing schools won't help, as everyone knows about this.

    I don't think we should waste any more of our energies on this; I know I won't.

    I'm done. Stepping off soapbox.

  42. Princess, I usually agree with you, but not on this one.

    First of all, people can have an issue with prostitution for reasons that go beyond the legality.

    Secondly, I criticize all things that are illegal, so what does what other people here do have to do with my statement that one of the problems I have with her is her illegal choice?

    Finally, who says we can't be disgusted (not angry - disgusted) with both people? There are posters here who act like if we call her a skank that it means we're not disgusted enough with Spitzer. I don't see it.

    Breaking the law is is breaking the law, to me. He did something immoral and unethical and illegal. She did something illegal. Her choices were for shit. I think I can say that and still be sufficiently disgusted with him.

    Are we forgetting here that she is NOT A VICTIM?????????????????

  43. thanks princess. i did read heidi fleiss' comments, but she was just guessing, and extending her 15.5 minutes, so i let it in one ear and out the other.

    maybe i'm being a devil's advocate, but what is wrong with adults wanting to pay or be paid for sex? if you are married, or committed, i understand. and i understand it's illegal. but what is wrong with a woman getting money to have sex with men who want to pay for it? why is it immoral? is only sex in a committed relationship moral?

  44. That's okay twisty - one of the things I love about you is how you always say "we can agree to disagree."

    Believe me, I'm not condoning what she did for one minute. Everyone has reasons for doing what they do, regardless of how others feel. Personally, I'd rather be celibate than hire a hooker [that would be a male hooker - I am female] - just to think of where they've been (and with how many) - I don't know if I could ever scrub myself clean enough.

    Also, twisty, I haven't always been an angel, so I certainly would not sit here and pass judgement on others. I guess what pisses me off about Spitzer is the hypocrisy of the whole thing, rather than the legality of it. And you're right - she's not a victim.

    Still luvs ya!

  45. I have no respect for a woman who uses her body to make money in that way. She could have done a lot of other things to make money or she could have lived more modestly. She didn't want that. Like others have said her choices were slutty.

  46. I agree Twisted, we are disgusted with both of them. I assumed that our disgust with him was a given so that is why we were talking about her.
    He cheated, lied, endangered the health of his family. She knowingly had sex with a married man. To me that is enough to be disgusted with her right there, hooking aside.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Twisted- I don't think she was a victim. She knew what she was doing. She should receive some penalty, but she will probably just testify against the escort service & Spitz, and get the fame she wanted. Since her singing is pretty rough, she'll probably get Playboy (another form of prostitution?). She is not a victim, and I don't feel bad for her. She knew what she was doing, and if her actions result in name calling by those who disagree with her actions, have a right to say what they think. I personally don't see a problem with adults paying for sex. It doesn't bother me. It's her body, and if she chooses to accept money to do what someone wants to do, that is on her- not me. But he was married. He also prosecuted people for prostitution. He also made it his campaign to fight corruption in government. That is where I have aproblem. He was a hypocrite. If his wife forgives him, that is up to her. But he needed to resign because of his hypocrosy. But I don't think this girl is a victim. She made a decision, and now she has to deal with name-calling and possible law problems. Those are the penalties for getting exposed as a prostitute.

  49. Hey, we're cool, Pea - I luv you, too.

    See, I'm one of those people who thinks that it's okay to be judgmental. This is how society kept itself in check back in the day. People would refrain from certain behavior so others wouldn't be judging them. Now, it's unPC to judge anyone and everything should be okay because it's none of our business. I call bullshit on that.

    I was no angel either, but I'd never stoop to selling my body for money. That's low and there was no reason for it. She didn't live in the ghetto with no man and six kids, she lived way beyond her means, it appears, and she could have made great money doing something else like waitressing while pursuing her singing career. She's fair game.

    Kim, yes, I agree with you. Taking money doesn't make it okay to screw a married man. And now she's going to play this up like nobody's business. What the world doesn't need - another Paris Hilton.

  50. A pox on both of them!!
    She lives in NY, & didn't know he was the governer?
    He's Harvard educated, & didn't realize the consequences? Including diseases!!
    When I graduated college, I worked for a small company where 1 of my bosses was 2 years older than me--his wife just had their 2nd kid, & he hit on everyone (incuding me--except I was married & naive, so I didn't realize it at the time!!)He had numerous affairs, and the women all knew he was married. I used to come to work and find obscene faxes waitinf for him--quite graphic in nature. After 6 years, when he started with the drugs & prostitutes, I ran for my life. Two years later, his wife was pregnant for the 4th time, with twins, & realized he was sleeping with the person who replaced me. She called me for help in the divorce, but I just had a baby, &played stupid so I would not get involved.
    I could never figure out why it took his wife soooooo long to see what was going on!!
    back to voting......
    thanks again everyone. I mean it!!!!!

  51. anon- i could give a shit if it were legal or not. we are not talking about smoking pot, keep it on the page.

    yes the tricks had a choiuce but i believe theirs was SURVIVAL, not fucking designer clothes and an apartment financially out of her reach.

    i think the guy is the biggest dirty scumbag on earth (next to Joe Francis) but the post is about HER.

    If EL posts about Daddy Barebacks then i'm sure you'd see the same responses from most.

    if you know so much about the case why don't you enlighten us all instead of disputing claims without valid info to back it up?

  52. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I just can't get over how many gallons of gas $80,000 would buy.

  53. When my neighbor's daughter was in college at the University of Arkansas, she was at a dance club and some suit approached her and said someone wanted to meet her. She was doing some modeling and acting at the time so she thought nothing of this, until she got to the darkened area where the OTHER suit was waiting and she saw it was the Governor himself. He told her she was beautiful and she said, "Governor Clinton, please! You're old enough to be my father AND you're married." See, that's how decent young women respond.

  54. I know all cats are grey in the dark, but this gal ain't all that pretty.

  55. Kim, I didn't want to be the one to say this, but my first thought was "For that kind of money, I expected her to look a lot better."

  56. Glad to see that I'm not the only one who thinks Ashley is a no-contender in the looks department. As I said this morning, for the kind of money she was making I would expect someone who could at least be described as pretty.

  57. I agree with everyone on the looks. She's cute, but not worth what she was charging. If I were a guy paying that much, I'd expect a supermodel.

  58. The amount she charged is why Heidi and others think she was playing Rear Admiral with Spitzer.

    I mean, she is not really refined in any way. And rating an 8 out of 10 in the looks department doesn't automatically qualify one for 2G/hour. I call tossed salad, dressed in plastic!

  59. Again, the anal thing was Heidi Fliess' words, not anything remotely having to do with what did (or did not) happen.
    And yeah, I thought she would be better looking, as well. Maybe some guys pay for youth. Who knows?


  60. I am very sorry that this has caused so much controversy. However, after spending the evening listening to Breast Cancer survivors, families whose children have autismm & others whose family members are so ravaged from Parkinson's Disease that they are wheel -chair bound with around the clock care, I really would like to win to support research & development of possible cures. This contest was not done for selfish reasons, & I am sorry that people may think so. I had a friend who had a radical masectomy the week before giving birth, & had to go through the whole chemo route instead of taking care & enjoying her infant & toddler. There are many heartbreaking stories out there that hopefully in the future won't exist. That is 1 of the reasons I was intent on winning.

  61. oops--being half asleep I just posted this on the wrong thread. Oh well--good night.

