Monday, March 03, 2008

Airplane Video

I know many of you have probably seen this, but for those of you haven't, you need to look at this video.

The Lufthansa plane had 136 passengers on board and was hit with winds of 155mph. That is like landing in the middle of the strongest classification of hurricane. After this missed attempt, the pilot managed to get the plane back in the air, came back around and landed safely the next time. So, is that camera just there for ghoulish reasons, or does it serve some other type of purpose?


  1. Whew - glad I wasn't on that plane! Kudos to the pilot though.

    I imagine the camera belonged to a plane-spotter.

  2. OMG..can you imagine the audio in that plane..i'd be screaming my fool ass off. good on the pilot.

    i live about 3mins form an international airmport here and it is surrounded by farm fields and they all have security cameras trained on the runway..i think it is common for airports.

  3. Aren't these guys the ones who should be getting the million dollar bonuses?

  4. Lots of airports have parks or observation areas near the runways. Lots of people like to film planes landing. Lots of people who like to film planes landing also like to film planes landing in bad weather. Not that tough.

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Absolutely amazing recovery by that pilot and team. Bravo. Now, I need to get my breathing and heart rate back to normal...

  6. I'm still waiting to hear why the pilot tried to land there given the wind conditions. He should've been re-routed.

  7. in germany you have tourist gathering points, sometimes small hills built, so that you can watch. they are basically put up after major changes (buildings, new lanes) so that the people of the area can come and visit. its free, and its a really nice sight. its enough to see it once :-) but if you liv nearby its interesting. also they do a lot of marketing for the areas so the interest is big.

    and yes, Lufthansa pilots receive the best trainings. Never heard about a Lufthansa crash.

    and the camera, as you can hear people speaking, its a private one. you also can see that she is fast turned around. fixed cams dont turn like that and there would be a second one to take over. If fixed it would just be monitoring the lane.

  8. Wow! I can't imagine what it would have been like to be on that plane. That's a damn good pilot!

  9. dude earned his wage packet there.

  10. Man - my brother is a commercial airline pilot. He now trains pilots in flight simulators and says they don't make it out of training until they have practiced every possible disaster, like this one. And they must go back into training every year.

    These guys are pros - many come from the military, like my brother, a gulf war veteran.

    What most people don't know is that it's usually the guy still in training at the controls, with the sr pilot as backup. I think the sr guy probably took over at the last second here.

  11. Yeah i can see a runway from my window here and theres always pervy plane people filming or taking pics along the boundary fence, its a bit weird!

  12. Anonymous1:48 PM

    he shouldn't touch and go that late!

  13. This is why I prefer the train.

  14. German TV stations said it was a private individual who taped the video.

  15. I don't understand how the cameraman didn't blow away in 155 mph winds.

  16. 155mph winds ? I do believe that is WAY above the crosswind component allowed for ANY aircraft. If the pilot did attempt a landing under such extremely adverse conditions he is not a HERO he is a complete IDIOT and did in fact put the passengers in extreme danger. Saving a screwed up landing doesn't necessarily make him a hero, maybe he was lucky along with the passengers just along for the ride.
