Monday, March 17, 2008

Age Makes The Price Go Down

Can you imagine that Ashley Dupre used to get $20,000 a night? No, she did not get that much from Eliot Spitzer, because lets face it, she is kind of fug and after you have been using your body as much as she has, you get a little worn out. I personally think $1,000 an hour is way too much for her, but if the demand is there, then take it.

So, back in the day when she was "19" and I really have my doubts about the whole 19 thing, she apparently was used by Charlie Sheen on a regular basis. He would pay her up to $20,000 a night to dress like a cheerleader and act out his favorite porn lesbian scenes. You wonder how someone who can make $20,000 a night in just a few years can't even find rent money. Did she think guys would be willing to pay her forever? How old is she really? Was Charlie married to Denise when he was playing porn director with Ashley? Did Denise join in? Get a family discount? Get a professional discount?

She has made it seem like she only did the hooking thing on a part-time basis, but it is pretty obvious from the number of guys who are coming forward or being exposed that she basically has slept with just about everyone on the east coast.


  1. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Jeebus, that Charlie really has a problem. If she's 22 now, and this was 3 years ago. Wasn't he with Brooke then?

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    $20,000 goes fast when you have a drug problem.

    Also, the price would've been higher if it was a threesome situation.

    Most people in the sex industry don't start thinking about saving until their in their late twenties, when they realize that they're starting to make less as they get older. Look at all those 30-something strippers who take any shift they can. If they had saved when they were 18-24 they wouldn't have to be stripping at 2:00 on a Tuesday afternoon for crap tips.

    Also wanted to just say that I personally don't think she's fug, but to each their own.

  3. I don't think she's ugly either.

  4. she's plenty ugly on the inside.

  5. Maybe she's not totally fug, but when the story broke about Spitzer I guess I was expecting more.

    Her ex-pimp gushed about her beauty to Larry King and it was just too much, IMO.

  6. News of the world (british paper) ran a story about how lots of senior UK people were also part of the sex club.
    I would say its NSFW though.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    She may not be ugly, but for the price, I'd expect a whole helluva a lot prettier.

  8. my question is: how do people get into that? does stripping usually lead into being a call girl?

    or are you just like one day "I want to make a lot of money being a hooker but not on the streets" and then call an agency and tell them you want to work w/ them?

    that is so bizarre to me, but more power to you if you feel empowered doing it (third wave feminist over here)


  9. For that kind of money, I was expecting some drop dead sexy hot thing. She's not. I wouldn't call her ugly, but she's got a couple of really bad features.

  10. I personally sometimes am envious of girls who can choose to make their money this way. It would be so much easier if I were not so judgmental and didn't care.

    Maybe she gets paid so much because she gets really into it.

    She looks good with sunglasses but not in the picture throwing up a peace sign that really looks like a nose job.,

  11. awfulplasticsurgery has pictures of her pre-surgery. You can see her original nose.

  12. Wait - that's NOT her original nose??? She had plastic surgery on her nose????

    How the eff bad did it look???

    I'd ask for a refund. Stat!

  13. she is not that ugly. at all.

  14. Yeah I'm going to the plastic surgery site right now because with the schnozz this chick has NOW...sheesh!

    But I also think she'd kinda pretty, just not quite $1,000/hr pretty.

    Of course, "pretty" is not just what these gents are paying some comedian said: "I'm not paying them to be here, I'm paying them to LEAVE!"

  15. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Wow the old nose is hilarious--it almost justifies the life of crime it took to get the surgery in the first place.

  16. that comedian was Charlie Sheen.

  17. Anonymous2:17 PM

    I don't think the men are interested as much in the face or nose. They are interested in *#$%&*# a young girl.

  18. BWAHHAAHAAA! So it was, jax! Now I remember. Yeah, he's funny, all right...

    New nose is pretty good. I must've thought the old nose was the new nose from all the media pix.

  19. Good lord, every new thing I hear about this girl sounds worse and worse. She is really a hard case, isn't she?

    She is totally fug in my estimate. I could tell just by looking at her that she's had a nose job. Her eyes are seriously ugly. For the kind of money men were spending on her she must have been fantastic; who would want to look at her otherwise?

  20. awesome!

    Well I guess that answers my previous post about whether "Charlie Sheen would even go near that...".

    You know, there should be a gameshow kinda like "deal or no deal" called "Did Charlie Sheen Hit That?" Replace the models and contestants on DoND with hookers and put their total take in the briefcases. Now that's entertainment!!!



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