I know most have you have seen the Lindsay Lohan/Marilyn Monroe photos already, but I want to know who the hell is responsible for this tragedy. I think New York Magazine should have said, "you know what. This was a good idea, but Lindsay Lohan doesn't look like, act like or even remind us of Marilyn Monroe so lets find someone else and try this again. " This is just awful. I feel like I am paying an extra $50 to the hooker in Vegas for her to dress as Marilyn. The photos don't even come close to capturing anything in the original session. Thanks to nymag.com for the photos. Good luck trying to click on their site today. Guess people don't want to take my word for it how hideous this all is. If you are desperate to see the photos, you can click here. Be warned they are NSFW.
i was praying you wouldn't post these.
ReplyDeleteI'm with ya ENT. The photos are HORRID! I cant believe the original photographer of the Marilyn photos agreed/and or wanted Lohan. She isnt even curvy like Marilyn.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Lohans' Mom agreed give the old phart photographer a Blo**** in exchange for picking Lohan, yes??
dang! her face looks to be the texture of my muddy old boots that sit outside in the sun for years.
ReplyDeletesistermary - you severely overestimate the value of Dina's skills
ReplyDeleteLindsay, honey, it ain't shocking or interesting anymore because we've seen it 100 times! I wish I could go two weeks without seeing Lindsay Lohan naked...I think this doesn't work because Lindsay's "appeal" isn't sensual, it's skanky.
ReplyDeleteSo is her chest real or fake?!?
ReplyDeleteI'm gonna repeat what a million people all over the internet have already said:
ReplyDelete1. Despite being 15 years younger than Marilyn Monroe, Lindsay looks older.
2. Lindsay Lohan <<<<<<<< Marilyn Monroe.
3. Doing a mockup of a famous shoot invites a comparison that Lindsay can never ever win.
4. The interview quotes about how "hollywood" is responsible for the deaths of Marilyn Monroe and Heath Ledger shows how far she is from dealing with her own addictions and emotional issues.
Those are "Marilyn Monroe photos"? I thought they were "pics of slut with crooked naval" photo's
I find it hard to believe that a young woman in her early twenties (with no children, no less) can have such creases under her eyes and such a haggard, beaten-down countenance. She must never sleep.
ReplyDeleteMandy, you've never seen a druggie? They all look like they're fifteen years older than they are. If you think she looks bad now, give it another six or seven years.
ReplyDeleteWTF decided Marilyn Monroe should be trashed like this? I mean, she screwed brothers but come on! At least they were Presidential level material. Who the hell has skanky ho done, other than every guy she can? And Ronson? I'm offended for a long dead American icon for this crap!
ReplyDeleteShe has no tits, no ass, no nada. She's a paedophile's wet dream compared to Marilyn. That and she's a skunt of parisite proportion.
She needs a stable father figure and a good moisturizer.
ReplyDeleteAnd also for someone to tell her that comparing herself to Marilyn Monroe is just a tad presumptious.
There is not a single redeeming factor in these pics. The "iconic" one where she's gettin' all cozy with the sheets, looks AWFUL.
ReplyDeleteThe woman looks like she has coke bloat even on her frickin' thighs. I never saw such a fat skinny person.
Harriet, yeah, that's as obscene as when everyone was calling her the new Liz Taylor. GAG ME!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Mandythegreat re: the creases under her eyes and go one further: it's hard to believe that a woman in her early twenties has such saggy boobs. they used to say that if you could tuck a pencil under them and it stayed there you needed a bra- well LL should wear one at all times.
ReplyDeleteA few months ago when Lindsay was actually looking decent, IMO she resembled Ann Margaret more than Marilyn. However, since the photographer remarked that Lindsay reminded him of the demons Marilyn had right before that photo shoot which is why he chose these poses is rather cryptic and sad for her. Not flattering in the least.
ReplyDeleteIf Lindsay really wanted to make a statement, why not blaze her own trail of iconic photos? Why copy something that was done 50 years ago?
ReplyDeleteGood lord these are awful! Lindsay does look ancient and haggard, and not just from the neck up; her whole body is a wreck. Never was a Marilyn fan, but even in her mid-30s the woman had gorgeous skin. The comment about Lindsay's face looking like mud- caked, sun-baked boots was spot-on.
ReplyDeletetrix - "fat skinny person" exactly! untoned and tired skin, she looks anything but fresh and sexy.
ReplyDeleteHow does she keep get hired?
ReplyDeleteoh my these are bad. i hate it when I get overwhelmed by feeling embarrassed for another person. Madonna, Anna Nicole Smith, there have been many, many celebrities looking to be compared to Marilyn Monroe, but Lohan is so far out of the running it is beyond comprehension how this happened.
ReplyDeleteI think Lohan has something, I genuinely do, but it isn't at all Monroe-esque. The Ann-Margret comparison was good - I can even see the Liz Taylor thing, but not Monroe - not curvy, bouncy, light as a feather, adorable, child like Monroe. Not by a long shot.
Tragic without any of the romance or soul of an artistic tragedy.
she obviously is desparate for cash--that is the only rean she did these horrid pictures.
ReplyDeletemy s stuck--reason
ReplyDeletewtf; I keep wondering the samr thing...when she went to rehab the last time, a lot of industry people were talking about her, saying things like "Oh, it's too bad, she is such a talented acress..." and the thing is...she's not. She is absolutely abysmal at what she does. Just look at her facial expression throughout any of her movies. She has this smirk on her face at all times, she will not let you forget that she is Lindsay Lohan. You can hear the thought in her head; "OMG. I'm totally acting".
ReplyDeleteShe has a spotty puffy body without a single feature that could be construed as sexy - unlike MM who was luscious and warm.
ReplyDeleteLL is a typical Long Island girl in Spandex who destroys her skin in the tanning bed. At 18, they all look like dried out call girls in their 50s with way too much cheap scent, product and processing.
Does anyone know if these were taken pre or post rehab?
ReplyDeleteSorry, all I have in my head at the moment is CONNECT THE DOTS, LA LA LA (in my Pee-Wee voice)
ReplyDeleteFrom the article:
ReplyDelete"Lohan described Monroe's suicide as "tragic" and said it, along with the Jan. 22 death of actor Heath Ledger from an accidental overdose of prescription drugs, "are both prime examples of what this industry can do to someone."
The actress, who has been in and out of rehab after two arrests last year on drunken driving and cocaine charges, said she didn't know why the industry wreaked such havoc on some stars, adding, "I sure as hell wouldn't let it happen to me."
How DELUSIONAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, at least her boobs are real. I won't trash Lindsay. Everyone else does such a good job of it. I especially can't stand those asshats who call her a 'skank' or 'slut'. It really is okay for a woman to explore her sexuality. We're no longer in the Victorian Era. Some people need to grow the fuck up and get beyond the Junior High School mentality in regards to sex. That being said, this girl had so much potential. That being said, it is sad that Marilyn, even with her tragic life and many demons, did not look as old at 36 as Lindsay does at 21.
ReplyDeleteCrap. I should always re-read after I edit.
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding right? You think the labels skank and slut have to do with exploration of her sexuality?
ReplyDeleteLMAO!!!!!!!!!! Oh, that's rich.
Or maybe you bang a lot of trashy guys and go out with your twat exposed for the world to see and think that's a-okay.
Ok - I am not a Lohan fan, but as far as her body goes, give her a break! She has definitely started to ruin her skin via overexposure to the sun and all the hard living; however, her breasts are NOT saggy. I know it's hard to believe after seeing all the rock hard, perfectly circular, bolted-on Posh Spice tits that have infiltrated Hollywood - but natural breasts have slope! Also, Lohan is NOT fat. She has a bit of a boyish body, as her torso goes straight up and down without much of a womanly curve...but she's NOT bloated and she IS fairly toned. Geeze.
ReplyDeleteHer boobs are NOT real! Look at the rest of her--she has a very low-to-no fat body type. Boobs don't just magically appear on someone who has a very low body fat percentage, naturally or otherwise. Witness the supermodels and VS trannies. She has a high waist to hip ratio, which is the classic, medically reliable indicator of masculinization (it means high testosterone, low estrogen).
ReplyDeleteMarilyn was actually quite thin at the time of the Bert Stern photo shoot. But even at her thinnest, she still had curves. Lindsay doesn't have any.
ReplyDeleteIt's not Lindsay's body that is so bad, in fact given how she's been abusing herself it doesn't look to bad. It's that there's nothing in her eyes. Look at how Marilyn connects with the camera. Lindsey's lost her soul.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Marilyn died from want of really connecting with someone. The camera was a safe way for her to do it. There doesn't seem to be anything left in Lindsey to connect with, and the camera shows it. That's what's so awful.